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Artillery - Fear of Tomorrow (1985) Reviewed on 2/13/05

Vewy Good

Nation: Denmark

Album Genre: Thrash Metal

Pros: Artillery are one of those fabulous gems of a musical that just never caught a break in the industry. They came into their prime in the premiere teim period for thrash outfits, but for som reason or another, they were never able to catch on. Their demos caught fire on in the metal underground and they instantly became a hot trading item. With this first release, Fear of Tomorrow, Artillery released a very raw thrash album, yet of rare quality for thrash metal (esp. among their European counterparts). Artillery have always released quality material, be it on this first release or the followers. Artillery also dared to have a vocalist that sounded original, and unlike other European thrash acts, didn't have to produce growls to increase the harsh flavor of the music. "Show Your Hate" is probably the highlight of the album.

Cons: The production is quite bad which can add to some of the tunes, but alot of the music and vocals are drowned out by the pummeling double bass of some of the tunes because of the low quality production value.


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