Simon Baldwin's home page

Home page on for Simon Baldwin

Getting in touch

I'm currently living in Santa Cruz, California.

You can reach me by email at simon_baldwin AT yahoo DOT com. Sorry about the obfuscation; blame spammers. I'm sure you can work it out, though.

More biographical information

I have put a little bit of personal information about where I live here. Not much, though, yet.

Under development

There's a Java Applet typing tutor program I've been working on. If you try it out, please do drop me some email and let me know what you think. The source to this program is covered by the GNU GPL, so if you'd like a copy, you can use FTP to get the complete package as a zip file, or just its LSM file, from Sunsite.

An earlier version of this typing tutor is available as a C++/curses program for Unix/Linux. It too has an LSM file.

Some time ago I put together a Unix Morse code tutor program, and I have recently given it a total face-lift to version 2.2. Joop Stakenborg does a superb job of packaging it for the Debian Linux CDs. But if you don't have Debian, you can get source for the package from UnixCW 2.2, and its LSM file, from Sunsite. I have also put my home-rolled RPM packages for UnixCw 2.2 in the packages area of this web site.

I tinkered recently with a compiler for Forth (a stack-based computer language that almost became popular in the early 1980's), really as a vehicle for playing with Lex and Yacc. The result is a moderately interesting item, and if you are interested in such things, you can get the whole thing here, or just its LSM file. And as with UnixCW, I put RPM packages in the packages area of this web site. Look for VNPForth.

Another whim is fiddling about with text-based adventure games. One thing that surprised me was that, in the 20 or so years since Adventure, people have renamed the genre "Interactive Fiction" and continued to write these types of games. The result is some very playable, amusing, and challenging games (and a few truly dreadful ones, too). Modern IF games use a disparate, and dizzying, array of languages, data file formats, and virtual machines, so I've been experimenting with a way to use a "plugin" architecture to try to bring all the game types into a single game playing program. You can get this work at the IF Archive IFP area. In general, the IF Archive itself is a useful source of IF games, and related stuff.

Finally, a very long time ago indeed I wrote a TSR program for DOS, to allow a second PC to act as a Baycom modem for Linux's TNT packet radio terminal. If you want a copy, here it is.

If any of the above sites are unavailable for some reason, or if they haven't yet caught up to the latest release of a particular package, you can access an archive containing much of the above by going to my packages area.

My R�sum�

Ever on the lookout for new and exciting job opportunities, if you'd like to offer me a job, I'd love to hear about it. Read my r�sum� to see if my skills match your requirements.

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