Some biographical information

Simon Baldwin's biog

Where we live

Here's Gill and me trying to look all 'James Dean' outsitde our current rented house in Santa Cruz. Gill is the one dressed in green, in case you were wondering. The house is about eight blocks from the sea, and less than a block from downtown Santa Cruz. What you can see of the deck is all that we have as regards outdoor living space. At the back of the house there's a large hill. Large enough, in fact, to come down during the 1989 earthquake and demolish the house that previously stood on this site (at least, that's what we heard when we moved in; it seems this may be an urban legend). Judging by the angle of the sun, this photograph was taken late in the day; the front of the house, seen here, faces just about due south.

Click on the photograph to get a larger version.

Where we have lived before here

Here's a list of a few dates and places we've lived before moving to Santa Cruz. If you think you may know either of us from a previous life, this will help you decide for sure. If it turns out that you are indeed a long-lost friend or acquaintance, we'd love to hear from you -- please email.

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