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Signs of Beatles obsession
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Signs of Beatles Obsession
1 You own 2 or more Beatles movies
2 You own a whole lot of Beatles pins
3 You memorized at least 50 Beatles songs
4  You have all their CDs
5 You celebrate all their birthdays
6 You start dressing like them (1967-tunics, tight legged courdeory or 1964-blazers, dress shirts, drainies)
7 You start speaking in a British (Liddipulian) accent
8 You use words like fab, gear, grotty and git
9 You love Paul's pink suit from the hollyhock photoshoot
10 You love how the Beatles pretended to speak Italian in Sun King
11 You constantly replay the bathroom/hairdryer sceen from Help (ah, so great!)
12 You call your hair Arthur
13 You make it a public affair when a Beatles song comes on the radio-you spaz
14 You spaz when a Beatles refrence is on the telle
15 You own 3 or more Beatles books
16 Over half of the things you draw is the Beatles
17 You get your friends obsessed with the Beatles
18 You get your younger siblings obsessed with the Beatles
19 You own Beatles records-even if you don't have a record player
20 ALL of your teachers know you love the Beatles
21 You have long conversations about the Beatles with them
22 All the school knows you love the Beatles
23 You are known as the Peace-Loving-Girl/Boy/Kid
24 You do a Beatles-related report in an English class
25 You speak in a British/Liddipulian accent (ha..that was great!)
26 You room is covered with Beatles posters
27 You blather about the Beatles to anybody
28 You have a Beatles website/forum
29 You have over 300 pics of your favourite Beatle on your computer
30 You have Beatles action figures
31 The majority of your shirts are Beatle shirts
32 You make your own Beatle shirts
33 You make a Beatles pillow (stars drooling on Beatles....)
34 You attempt to start a Beatles club
35 Paul McCartney is your #1 friend on MySpace (even though I hate MySpace and never use it)
36 You start a 'religion' called Beatleism
37 You become a Hindu just because of George'
38 You have frequent Beatle dreams
39 SOMETHING on your computer has to do with the Beatles
40 You own a pair of Beatle Books
41 You have a pair of "John Lennon Glasses"
42 You start singing Beatles songs at random times of the day
43 You ALWAYS have some Beatles song stuck in your head
44 You buy anything Beatles related when you go shopping
45 When you cross the street, you do it Abbey Road know what I mean!
46 You form your own Beatle-band
47 You have a Beatle alter ego (for example, I'm Paul. I play the Bass!! I even have a violin shaped bass!!!)
48 You own a Beatle instrument
49 You say you're the reincarnation of John Lennon
50 You talk about the Beatles like you know them
51 Your family tells yeh to shut up and just watch the movie when you're watching Help!
52 You're scared of red paint
53 You think Blue Meanies are real
54 You're worried you're gonna get a sacred ring from an eastern bird in a fan letter (lol)
55 You pretend to be a Beatle
56 Even though you're a girl
57 You have a Beatle-related email address
58 When there is a tornado watch in your area, you gather up all of your Beatles items, and take them with you to your safe place (I just did that yesterday-June 30th...mum thought I was crazy)
59 You know their home addresses and write to them regularly
60 You accidently call your family members by the names of the Beatles(uhh..I just called my cousin Paul!)
61 You run around screaming "MACCA!!!!!" quite often
62 On vacation, on a 'two-way-radio' you talk like George, say you're George Harrison and wonder why no one is talking back to you (man, that was fun!)
63 You own the Ringo the Racoon TY Beanie baby thingy
64 You sometimes 'pretend' you're talking to John or George (You know you really are....)
65 You carry a picture of the Beatles (or A Beatle) around at all times
66 When someone says to you "I just heard the Beatles song (Insert song name here)...and I didn't like it, and your friends say "I wouldn't say that if I were you..she'll/he'll go Beatle-freak on you!"
67 You actually say that you live in a Yellow Submarine, in an Octopus' Garden on Penny Lane  in Strawberry Fields...forever.
68 You make a list of Signs of Beatles Obsession
69 You're reading this list right now!
70 Every word in your vocabulary has to do with the Beatles
71 You're thinking of holding a Peace Rally (non-violent, of course) because John would
72 You think that Paul's eyes are the most gorgeous things in the world *sighs*
73 You buy a gear black jacket to preted to be Ringo on Abbey Road
74 Pepperland, and Nowhereland are real, and you know it
75 People can only glance at you and tell that you're obsessed with the Beatles
76 You start to wonder if your family and friends are embarrased to be around you in public
You join my forum :)
78 Um *taps chin* You have a lot of Instant Karma!
79 You make up words like Johnny-rific :p
80 "Oh yea! You're that chick who likes the Beatles!" hear that...a lot.
81 Your teachers show fab Beatles videos cause they know you love them
82 People know your obsession before they know you
83 You're listening to the Beatles now, aren't you?
84 You're probably wearing a Beatles shirt, or are dressed like a Beatles too, aren't you?
85 You can easiliy quote MMT
86 You're inspired by the Beatles clothes in MMT
87 When you're at a restaruant, you expect to be served spaghetti with a shovel (by John Lennon! lol)
88 Who cares if the Beatles control every aspect of your little life?
89 Every yard sale you see you go to and try to find Beatles records (and it get on yer wick when yeh don't...)
90 You're MP3 is all, or mostly all Beatles/solo works
91 Anything that anyone says, you can get something Beatle-y out of it
92 You take all of those Beatles obsession quizzes
93 You have day long Beatles Movie Marathons!
94 WWJD means 'What would John do?', not Jesus
95 You become a hippy
96 You're starting a revolution of your own
97 You follow the ideas of John Lennon himself
98 You meditate to connect with George
99 You grow your hair for peace
100 You say your from Nutopia, 'cause it's really a place you know!
101 You understand John's idea of 'total communication'
If You have any ideas-do tell! Just drop me a line!
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SUBSECTION!- My Beatlemania!--Proof of People's Beatles Obsession, in picture form!
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