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Reporter: "What do you call that hairstyle you're wearing?"
George: "Arthur."
Reoprter: "Has success changed your life?"
George: "Yes."
Reporter:" Do you see your father often?"
Paul: "No actually, we're just good friends."
"I'd like to keep Britian tidy."
~Paul McCartney
Reporter: "What do you call that collar you're wearing"
Ringo: "Um, a collar"
"I love Beethoven, especially his poems. "
~ Ringo Starr
Reporter: "What did you think when your airliner`s engine began smoking as you landed today? "
Ringo: "Beatles, women and children first! "
Reporter: "What do you do when you`re cooped up in a hotel room between shows? "
George: "We ice skate. "
Reporter: "Do you plan to record any anti-war songs?"
John: "All our songs are anti-war. "
"When I feel my head start to swell, I look at Ringo and know perfectly well we`re not supermen. "
~John Lennon
Reporter: "Do you have any special advice for teenagers? "
John: "Don`t get pimples. "
What have you seen so far that you like about this country?
John: "You."
Are you going to have a leading lady for the film you're about to make?
George: "We're trying to get the Queen. She sells, you know."
Did you really use four-letter words on the tourists in the Bahamas?
John: "What we actually said was 'gosh.'"
Paul: "We may have said 'heavens!'"
John: "Couldn't have said that, Paul; More than four letters."
Do you like topless bathing suits?
Ringo: "We've been wearing them for years."
What is the biggest threat to your careers: the atom bomb or dandruff?
Ringo: "The atom bomb. We've already got dandruff."
Do you wear wigs?
John: "If we do, they must be the only ones with real dandruff."
Some people have been calling your work "Un-American." How do you respond to this?
John: "Well, that's very observant of them."
"Thanks for the purple hearts, Harold!"
~John Lennon
What kind of girl do you like, Paul?
Paul: "John's wife."
John: "Nobody likes a smart-aleck!"
Paul, how do you feel about the reports that say you're conceited?
Paul: "It's true!"

Hi, you're not married.
George: "No, I'm George."
"It's all in the mind."
George Harrison, Yellow Submarine
"Give us a kiss"
John Lennon, AHDN
"Those of you in the cheap seats, clap your hands. The rest of you just rattle your jewelry!"
--John Lennon
Top 5
John- "Gear costume!"
Man- "Swap?"
John- "Cheeky!"
"By hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book."
--John Lennon
�I want money just to be rich.�
-John Lennon
"When I was about twelve, I used to think I must be a genius, but nobody's noticed....If there is such a thing as a genius...I am one, and if there isn't, I don't care."
--John Lennon
Reporter: Paul, you look like my son.
Paul: You don't look a bit like my mother.
Reporter: Is it true that you all are writing books, and if so, what's the subject matter?
Paul: No, John's the only one who writes.
Ringo: We haven't learned how yet.

"And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make."
~The End, Abbey Road
"Time wounds all heals"
-John Lennon
"I could have sworn I was being followed by a yellow submarine..maybe it was one of those unidentified flying cupcakes..."
Ringo, Yellow Submarine
"What's the matter John, love? Blue meanies?"
Paul, Yellow Submarine
"I've got a hole in me pocket"
Ringo, Yellow Submarine
Talkative Magician: Where's the bus?!
Magician looking through telescope: It's coming...
Real John:I'm lead to believe that you're an extention of my personality
Sgt. Pepper John: Yes, then I am the alter-ego man.
Real John: Then I am the ego man goo goo gjoob
"We're senial delinquents!"
Paul, Yellow Submarine
Ringo: Hey, that's my car!
George: How would you know it's your car?
Ringo: Well I would know it anywhere.
George: Well, what colour is it?
Ringo: Red with yellow wheels..I mean..uh blue with orange whe---umm
George: It's all in the mind
"It's time...for time!"
John, Yellow Submarine
"I can't help it, I'm a born lever puller"
Ringo, Yellow Submarine

Ringo (talking about Paul): He's the most melodic bass player in the world
Larry King: What does that mean?
Ringo: Mean's he's melodic *laughs*

John (about the Butcher cover): My original idea for the cover was better-decapitate
Paul- but he wouldn't go along with it(ta Julia!)

Paul: Songwriting is a thing we can't stop-it's a habit almost.

Reporter: How did you find America?
John: Turned left at Greenland. (ta Julia!)

"Sixty-four years is 33,661,440 minutes and one minute is a long time........"
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