Double Update! - October 18, 2008


I'm back with a super special awesome double update! Like I said in my last post, I actually made another Random Top 5. It turned out really well too. I put a lot of effort into this one and even added some new little nuances to give it some spice. Not many people viewed it on, but everyone who has viewed it has loved it. Anyway, check it out here. Also, I forgot to add one thing in the last update! I documented on video what my Animal Crossing town was like since I quit playing it in anticipation of Animal Crossing City Folk. It is found in the Video Game section or you can just click here.

Here comes the ultra fun part of the update where I talk about stuff! The first thing that I want to mention is that I've figured out how to pay for a friggin kick ass electric guitar. My family and I went to Guitar Center today and I was able to settle on a beautiful Fender American Standard Stratocaster, sunburst in color. I was also considering some kind of Les Paul Gibson or another, but I think that the Strat will be a little more versatile and will allow a noobie like me to experiment with different styles until I find something I like. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it some time around my birthday, which is coming up :D.

I'm afraid Nintendo is still a group of hasbeens currently. Their "big announcement" at the Tokyo Game Show was just some remake of the old classic boxing game Punch-Out. It's a baby step in the right direction and it certainly isn't going to help them climb out of the hole that they put themselves in with Wii Music. This brings me back to my tired old rant of, "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T THEY TRY TO DEVELOP NEW FRANCHISES?" I've always felt that catering to nostalgia would only get them so far and while it can be a fun thing to revisit old franchises, the demographic that they are catering to is a ticking time bomb that is waiting to implode. The newer gamers, the kids, are not going to get the same kind of feel out of a game like Punch-Out as a guy who was a teenager in the 80s and 90s will. All they see is a bunch of nerdy adults getting worked up over something that they don't have the same appreciation for because THEY WEREN'T ALIVE IN THAT ERA! This is why it would have been a better course of action to create new games that appease both audiences- give the kids something fun to play while using the same outlandish, crazy, and fun formulate that the classic gamers grew up loving. But fuck, I guess that just makes too much sense to work.

So, what else is going on with me? Well, I've had a lot less writing time since school started, but I've already talked about that. I'm thinking that next summer and fall I'm going to try to get my book published. I'm currently sprucing up my detective story as well as writing a final chapter for Shiro book 2, just for the hell of it. I've also found myself writing a few anime reviews as well, which I might start posting on the site if I can keep it up. So, other than school, a little writing, my recent guitar fetish, and my angst over Nintendo's stupidity, there's not much going on for me right now. Like the song says, "Same old song n dance".

Epic win

Wow! I'm Back! - September 23, 2008


Hello there! After a magnanimous hiatus, I've returned with a not so little update. Man, a LOT has happened since I made my last, rather angry entry, and I didn't mean to not update for so long, but things have been happening beyond my control. I'll get into a little more of that in just a second. First, thanks to some new inspiration, which I'll also touch on in a second, I've made one more Random Top 5, which can be found here. I also have a few more in mind to make but it might take a while and I'll get to THAT in... aw fuck it, I'll get get right to it.

So, what has been going on with me that's caused me to be away for so long and not update? Well, it started with a little family vacation to the Dakotas the kept me away from the computer for a good while. We went to all kinds of places, had a good time, and when I got back I wasn't really thinking about updating sites and making videos, but rather spending some much needed alone time in front of my games and stories and trying to reclaim what I could of my summer as far as just chilling out and doing what I wanted to, rather than going to the OR or spending lots of time on the road. Then school started. Holy shit. I'm only a few weeks in and already I've been crippled by the amount of work I have. Needless to say, if I have time to write a story or make a video, I should probably be spending it writing an essay or studying for a test. I'm hoping that the work load will lighten up a little in the second semester, but I don't know.

So, you might be wondering how it is that I've made another Random Top 5 if I was so buried in work. Well, it was all motivation. I got some major motivation when I finally decided to post my Random Top 5: Stupidest Controllers on good old The community liked it so much that I got over 4,000 views from that site alone, was rated in the top blog posts of the day, and received almost 50 subscribers in about a 48 hour period. It was crazy. So, I made another Random Top 5 quite hastily and though it didn't receive even a 20th of the attention, I found that I didn't really care. As long as I have someone to preach my work to, I'm happy. So I'm going to keep trying to make these videos so long as I can find the time. I have so many hobbies though, that it's hard to make time. We'll see how it goes.

In more recent news, things have been looking better for me since the last time I posted. Though school is hard this year, I feel like I'm getting a lot more out of it than I ever have. I absolutely love my Italian teacher, and she's pushing me to do a good job like none before her have been able to do. I'm also finally starting driver's education, thank God. Also, my whole gaming scene is improving. Got my Xbox and I'm shreddin' on Guitar Hero III. I'm getting back into the whole retro thing as well. Kaya has been coming over a lot more lately, almost every weekend. I saw a movie that was actually REALLY good (The Dark Knight) with her last weekend.

Um... oh yeah, my computer got nailed with a bad virus recently and I had to reformat, but I tell ya, it's never worked better than it is right now. Amazing what cleaning all that shit off will do for you. OH YEAH, also Nintendo is holding a press conference on October 2nd and all of us fanboys are giving one last thread of hope that they will finally give us something to look forward to. Nintendo has released a Kirby game on the DS since my last post, but I'd rather have one on the Wii, so it was a little disappointing. So, yeah, things are looking up. We'll see how it all goes from here. I'll try not to let too much time pass before my next post. But until then, I'm out.

I'll still give you my Motivational Poster pick though :D

A Mildly Substantial Announcement - July 15, 2008


As of late I've come to realize that my drive to continue making videos has subsided. Part of this is because it's just too much work given the software that I have. Another part of it is that practically NO ONE is watching the damn things. I think I have one video that just barely topped 1,000 views. And finally, I've come to realize that I won't be able to keep it up anyway after the summer is over. I've amped up my writing a lot lately too, even started an account on FictionPress. I think my writing has a better future anyway. I'm good at it, and it's something that I like far more than making videos. So, the spark to make a video may come back, but for now, don't expect to see anything new. Oh yeah, I also got my WORKING Xbox back the other day and the documentation is now complete. Check it out here.

I'm fuckin pissed. Today was the second day of E3, which is a ginormous video game press convention in which the major video game companies come together and talk about what they are going to do next. I'm pissed because Nintendo revealed that their plans for the future involve trying to attract people of non-gaming demographics to buy their product by introducing sequels to games like Wii Sports and Wii Fitness, as well as implementing their stupidest idea to date, Wii Music. God shoot me.

I've always been ok with Nintendo trying to broaden their audience a little, after all that IS how video gaming ceases to be just a minor form of entertainment and flourishes into an art such as film making, but my problem comes with the fact that this "breaking of the barriers" has become Nintendo's NUMBER FUCKING ONE priority. They have been, and are continuing to, ignore their primary fan base by not releasing any new games from their primary genres or, God forbid, creating NEW genres that have appeal to those who liked franchises such as Mario, Zelda, Metroid, or Kirby. Need I remind you Nintendo that the money still comes from US?! I was really hoping to hear something... SOMETHING about the new Kid Icarus game that Factor 5 is supposedly developing. I was also REALLY hoping to hear something about Kirby. REMEMBER HIM? THE LITTLE PINK GUY THAT YOU HAVEN'T GIVEN ANY REAL FUCKING FLOOR TIME TO SINCE THE 1990's!! I mean Jesus Christ, even Shigeru Miyamoto, the man that everyone looks forward to seeing at E3, the father of Mario and Zelda, showed up just to promote Wii Music. Anyway, long story short, it was terrible. I honestly hoped that they DO have something in the works and just failed to announce it.

After watching the Nintendo Press Conference, I feel like being that guy....

Small Update - June 30, 2008


I decided to do what a lot of gamers who are affected by the Red Rings of Death do, and chronicle the time it takes to repair my Xbox, starting from the first signs of the ring, to the day that I'm able to play three solid days of Xbox without any problems. I'll be updating this log with each significant event's happening. You can find it here and it's being logged in the Video Games section.

Um... not really much going on today. I just felt I should make a post to share my little update. Still, I feel compelled to say something now that I've started this post, so I guess I'll just ramble. Uh, first of all I've found love in the Zelda franchise again. Losing the Xbox helped me get over my anger towards the series for showing me that I REALLY SUCK at Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link. I've once again picked up the Ocarina of Time and am playing it with a new found interest, although its been so long that I decided to start over.

OH YEAH. There was a clash of the internet titans this week. You might have guess that I'm a pretty big fan of ScrewAttack's The Angry Video Game Nerd, but I'm also a huge fan of his supposed rival That Guy With The Glasses, who started a friendly little feud with the Nerd concerning the rudeness of his fans... more for entertainment purposes than for hostile purposes. So, being a fan of these two I check their sites regularly. Yesterday at approximately 6:53PM PST, ThatGuy posted a video that he an the Nerd had ACTUALLY met in real life at a New Jersey Digital Press shop and had a... uh, slow motion brawl in the parking lot. It was great fun, but the most interesting part was that they actually met in person. It's amazing what the internet can to do people, eh. Take me for example, my current aspiration is to go to some event and meet Stuttering Craig, the Nerd, and the rest of the ScrewAttack crew, and if not for the internet, I'd never even have known they existed. Anyway, just thought I'd make that point. I'll shut up before this gets too long.

The plants in M. Night's shitty movie wanted to kills us off so that we wouldn't see this...

The Red Ring! - June 28, 2008


I've finally completed this little three part Random Top 5, finishing it off with Video Game Themes. It's really not me best work, I think doing a three parter like that was a bad idea because after the second one I just lost interest. When I lose interest I don't do nearly as good a job, so.. Anyway, feel free to check it out here.

Photobucket As if my summer could fucking suck anymore. Yeah, you new blood gamers oughta know what that is- the most unholy symbol in videogaming, the 666 of gamers... the Red Ring of Fuck... i mean Death. First I slam my finger in a door, then I have surgery, then I see the shittiest movie of all time, and now this. I've at least put the call in to Microsoft and they've already sent me a label so that I can ship the thing to them. All I can do is hope that nothing else fucks up while they try and get this thing fixed for me. Wish me luck....

I'm feeling mean today, so here's one of a stupid fat kid.

The Worst Movie Ever Made - June 26, 2008


Before I start ranting, let me inform you of a small update I made to the Video Games section. I often find myself using my little camera phone, which is always near by, to take pictures of whenever I get a high score in a game, or complete a game. Recently I've found that my collection of these pictures has really added up, so I thought I might as well archive them in one spot. Think of it as my own person hall of video gaming achievements or something. You can see it here.

I barely even want to think about this right now. Kaya and I went to see M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening today and it was... it was just fucking awful. No. It was worse than awful. Let me put it this way. It wasn't good, it wasn't ok, it wasn't bad, it wasn't terrible, it was the worst fucking movie I've watched from beginning to end in my long term memory. The acting was terrible, as usual M. Night hired a bunch of no-bodies, the way it was carried out just... sucked, and the plot, oh dear sweet God in heaven don't even get me started on the mother fucking plot. I'll say that M. Night has really inspired me by helping me to realize that if something like THAT can get on the big screen, then there is so much hope for my own written works. I'm also, seriously, considering starting a web comic that is dedicated to making fun of that movie... because... they just gave me so fucking much material! I could crack jokes about it all day, the concept was just ridiculous. I don't want to say too much about the actual plot 'cause I hate it when people ruin things like movies for me and I'd prefer that everyone give their own judgment. But I'd bet a lot of money that 90% of any given mass of people that go and see that movie will agree that it is one of the worst of all time. It's really sad because I loved M. Night's previous works, in fact he was one of my favorite directors. He was like The Twilight Zone of movies. But after seeing this, I hope that we never hear from him again.

Yay helmets!

Montage of Suck 2 - June 22, 2008


Hey, yeah, we actually made another Montage of Suck. This one turned out pretty good too. We kept the camera stationary, so it won't make you sick when you watch it. It's longer and has a better song to it too. Check it out here.

I'm feeling a little better, still can't do a lot of activity stuff, but I'm not in pain. I've been keeping up with Death Note, it's starting to get really good. I think it's all coming to a close. Umm, what else....? Oh yeah, Kaya and I talked today about some future shows, one of which she might actually be in. It will involve my retro game reviews that I'm trying to get back into. However, I want to dump the old, bland format and try something a little different. Hopefully we'll have something within the next few weeks. I'm also currently writing the script for my last Top 5 Themes video, that should be out soon.

Today's motivational poster is actually a series of them, but they are funny as hell.

Random Top 5: Anime Themes - June 17, 2008


I've made another video. :D This is the second installment of my Random Top 5 Themes, going with anime this time. It'll be video game themes to finish it out, and then I think I'm going to pick something that I can rant about, like a top 5 worst something. Oh yeah, the new video is here.

Well, life's a bitch... a mother bitch. This video took a lot longer than I wanted because I had to go in for surgery last Wednesday. Apparently my appendix just decided to stop it's all important task of being useless and get infected, so I had to get it taken out. As a result, I got to spend a night in the hospital, and I'm being forced out of track, karate, and going to the gym for a full month. I think I was at the peak of my talent in all three too. Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to just hear me bitch endlessly about it, life goes on. I'll at least have more time to myself to work on my videos, and I was also thinking about maybe starting a little anime talk show... kind of like how moviebob on YouTube does his Game Overthinker series, only for anime. I'll start working on the video game themes top 5 soon, till then, laters.

This motivational poster is a good one. Elephants....

Random Top 5: Movie Themes - June 1, 2008


After about a month of hiatus, the Random Top 5 has returned. This time I've decided to do 3, Movie Themes, Anime Themes, and Video Game Themes. I started with Movie Themes, which you can find here. The other two are in production and should be out in the near future.

School is almost fucking out. I have 3 official days left and then I'm done as hell! That means Kaya and I can see each other more, yay :D. After this I'll just have one more bullshit highschool year and then its off to college. Hoorah. Also I got promoted in my karate class again. It took almost breaking my right toe to do it, but its done. >.> Anyway, other than that, not a whole lot of news. I'm kind of just getting into chill mode finally. Playing some CoD4, Kid Icarus, and Brawl, and of course I'm still writing. Sall good.

Oh yeah, the motivational poster. Looks like this time we have Lobster Knife Fight..... who comes up with this shit?

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