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Letter 25
Letter 27
Letter from Shirley, #26      Peacock in the Park

June 29/30 � 2002   Nice Days to be a Girl

Sat, June 29th.  Going north and not stopping at the Woodburn Mall / Traffic Jam from Hell.  You can�t tell me there is a good deal there, anywhere. 

I just couldn�t sit around and wait for 2:00 PM to roll out of here.  I was to be at Brenda�s at 4:00 PM.  It only takes 1:45 MAX to get there from here.   I took off early, about noon 30.  I fought to get to the front of the line of traffic on the freeway every inch between Eugene and Salem. As I came over the hill at South Salem I heard the Stone Front Tavern Calling.  �Slow down Girl and take a brake�, so I did.  I hate Salem, (used to live and love there) but the Stone Front is a Favorite stopping point. Nice people, good food and COLD BEER. One BUD and I am back on the freeway. I am ready to fight my way to the front of the line again.  These people better move over or they will get passed on the right, and they were.  Must be Farmers, all of them.  If you drive a tractor, stay to the right, please.

So as normal I am early.  I proceed to Washington Square (a mall) and go to Meirer & Franks.  In other parts of the country you would see a Foleys or The May Company Store.  I am just looking at stuff, and don�t really want to buy anything.  I don�t like the big purse that I bought in Denver so I am thinking, SOMETHING SMALLER.  Around and around I go and LOOKING.  Here is a table that says $12.99, and they are about the right size.  I picked one and went to the sales lady.  Is this right???  $12.99??  With all the discounts it was down to $11.04, a great buy. Doony�s were on sale too, but at $230 I don�t want one right now.  Shirley needs one but can�t afford one at this time.

My phone is ringing.  It�s Brenda saying that the boys were gone and where was I ??
I�m back to the car and away I go.  The AC is working and I have a new purse and some eye cream.  NOW I have to unpack the car.  I take sooo much stuff.  A girl can change her mind about what to wear.  Shoes, are the items that I change the most.  I take a sack of shoes, like seven pair.

I get all the STUFF inside Brenda�s and start changing.  HOT, I need a fan on me all the time. Summer is TOOOO HOT.  I get most everything on and there is this little knock at the door.  Brenda says, � Is that my door�?  I say, �yes and run for the bathroom�.  It�s Brenda�s EX Misses to beeeee, and she wants to meet ME????????  I am NOT READY, but I say Hi and go on with my changing.  A little strange encounter.  

We were going to have dinner on the Willamette River.  There is a very exclusive place right down town.  There were only openings at 4:30 and 9:30.  We didn�t  want to go that early or wait that long to eat.  Brenda called the Chart House in Vancouver.  They are right on the Columbia River by the I5 bridges and they had an opening at 6:00.  We were early but they had room for us and we got to sit by the windows over looking the river.  Just like girls, we just walked in and took our table.  The food was great.  I had this King Crab, Halibut, Mussels, tomato base with a name that I couldn�t pronounce.  It was very good and I was very careful and didn�t get any on my dress, or boobs.  There were all kinds of people around but nobody seemed to notice the two ladies out for dinner.  In fact, there were two GG�s at a table to our right.  Nobody looked at them funny, so why should the look at us funny?

After dinner we motored back to Portland and parked in old town.  We went by Hobo�s so I could see Steve and then over to CC�s.  Pat and Tina were playing pool so we sat and watched them for a while.  Pat was playing with her camera and took my picture and the some of Brenda and me.  We met up with Bobbie and then went to the quiet bar to talk.  I was a very nice evening out.

So I told you all about Sat to wet your appetite.  SUNDAY was the big day.  We got up a little late and Brenda did biscuits and gravy. She is a very good cook.  She will make some man a good wife someday.

Sunday was Peacock in the Park.  This was the 16th annual gathering.  It was at Washington Park in the Amphitheater.  This is a very beautiful setting.  We drove to The Embers, Off-Broadway and parked and caught the shuttle bus to the park.

We got out of the bus and walked up the hill a little and we were there. So easy.  This show raises money for the Audria M. Edwards Youth Scholarship Fund.  They gave a bunch of money away to 8 or 9 people for schooling. It was soooo neat. 

There was food and soft drinks and water to buy.  The show was very good.  We couldn�t stay for all and left at about 6:00.  I do have a long drive home you know.  It was a fun day.  Both Brenda and I wore our long summer dresses.  I forgot my big hat and I wished that I hadn�t when the sun was on high.  Part of the fun was people watching.  There was more than one outrageous outfit walking around.  You could get an eye full every few minutes.  Me being so prim and proper, I was shocked a few times.  YA, like when the GG with the big boobs took her shirt off.  I wanted to go see if I could help her under a blanket or something. 

Next year we will know to get there earlier and to take a few drinks and to take Monday off so we can stay late.  It was a great weekend.  We had two great days, Saturday and Sunday being ourselves. The real US.  Woo Hoo I'm a happy girl.

Side note.  I told my daughter this last week, " I am about 98 % happy with my life right now".  Not too bad I am thinking.  I hope you can say the same.           SJ
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