Letter from Shirley
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Letter 27,  Portland in July
July 13/14 � 2002  And then there were THREE for DINNER.

Sat, July 13th.  Going north to Portland and a great time out.  You already know I get there fast and don�t let the farmers in the fast lane slow me down.  The new motor makes the car go sooooo much faster.  It is a wonder how getting 500 cc�s more,  helps.               Off to the Passing lane��

I went to Washington Square to get some powder but they were out. Brenda called while I was at TGIF Fridays eating Clam Chowder, the coast is clear, come on over.  As I was leaving, here came a bunch of Mary Kay ladies.  A PINK car pulled up next to me and I said to the lady,� I hope some one gave you that color of a car.� She said, �She had not bought a car for 20 years.�  She told me that here husband even drove it and didn�t care what color it was as long as it was free. I told her, �I would drive it but not dressed as I was right now.�  I think that part went over her pretty head.  They went in and I went on.

To Brenda�s I go. Unloading  the car, 1 large makeup bag. 1 shoe bag (8pair) with hair, shopping bag with misc stuff, 1 roller suite case and a hanging garment bag.  Not too much for a 30 hour stay.

I make a mad dash to change and get ready.  We are off to the Saturday meeting just about on time.  Fashionably late is our plan.  We have to stop at the little store to buy sodas because I am roasting.  The air conditioning is working in Brenda�s car but I am always HOT. I need something cold to drink. 

Into the meeting we go.  We chat with the girls and catch up on things happening.  Miss Tracy gives us the Coming Attractions and Miss Dixie helps out too.  If you have the time, Portland does have lots to do.  We confirm that Dixie is going to meet us for dinner.  We tried to talk another girl into going with us but she just couldn�t.  Too bad, we have so much fun.  We will meet at 8:00 on the dock or in the bar.  We are going to the NEWPORT BAY RESTAURANT. It is floating right on the Willamette River at the marina area.

But right now we have to go shopping.  We bolt for the door like a couple of racehorses getting out of the gate. We are off to Beaverton and the Nordstrom�s Rack.  We found it and march right in like we own more than we do.  Brenda is looking for a dress and I am just looking.  She found a long dress that she liked and went to try it on. It was too tight. I had found an XL long dress in Ruby with lighter rose colored flowers on it, $17.00.  I couldn�t pass it up. We leave and drive over to Mervyns.  Brenda does find a long dress here and we are both happy shoppers. 

It�s back to the apartment to change and re-powder our noses.  We are in the car by 7:35 and to parking by 7:50, right on time for a change.  The night is so warn and wonderful.  Not a cloud in the sky and even the breeze is warn. Oregon can be very nice in the summer. I felt so good too, well you know. Brenda was just sparkling in her new long dress.  We find Dixie in the bar and get our table in a few minutes.  

You will have to look at the Restaurant Review Page to see how dinner turns out. That page is next in line.  It will have reviews on all the Restaurants that we visit.


After dinner we slowly stroll up the walkway to land and then to the car park. It is a very lovely night.  The lights are on in the city and along the waterfront. What a great view to see.  Sorry, silly me, no pictures.  Maybe we can go for a second visit. I vote for that in a big way.

We will meet Dixie at CC�s for drinks.  It�s a short ride in the car and a 2-block walk from parking to CC�s.  The last 50 feet is past the front door of, Darcelle XV�s, SHOWTIME IN OLD TOWN.  This is a female impersonator club. People/Girls are standing out front waiting to get in for the next show.  The young girls always make you as you go by.  I have a tendency to stop and talk and ask how they are doing, and who is getting married?  Most of them don�t know how to take me and that is the plan.  I�m nice and always smile and say Hi to all.  I just have fun with them. 

Into CC�s we go.  Tina is playing pool but Pat is not here tonight.  She must be detained somewhere.  We watch for about an hour and I am off to meet new friends.  Not really, but it just worked out that way.  I went to get a drink and then walked over to the front window that looks onto the street. All of these GG�s (young) were going by and I am waving at them. Some wave back but some don�t. See what I mean. I mess with them a little. 

WELL, there were these two Brothers sitting at the table by the window.  We spoke and they asked me to stop for a while.  I reluctantly (HaHaHa) joined them. # 1 was from Portland and #2 was from Seattle, they are brothers�..  I am voting for Mr. Portland.  He is sooo cute. Hold on girls, it gets better.   So we talk for a while and I go back to Brenda and Dixie. 

We decide to get out of the loud noise of the dance area and go into the quiet bar area.  Mr. P & Mr. S are not at the window. I am a little heart broken, but a plan is coming along.  We settle down in a booth and get our drinks. I have to go potty. Well, on the way back I see the BROTHERS and invite them to meet my friends.  About 2 minutes later they are at out table. WOO HOO.   I like Mr. P, and he has a Corvette tooooo.  I have given him my web page and I hope he is reading this,  EMAIL ME NOW, HONEY�

The brothers went away and we talk for a while. It�s time to go home and there is a little commotion about some one being not so nice to two T girls.  We walked to the car with Dixie in tow and then drove her to her car.  We don�t need stupid people beating up our people.  We all want to be safe.  If not I will hit them with my spike heel�.

So Sat night we are in then apartment and deciding how to rate the restaurants. 4 Bras or 2.5 bras.  We have a method to out ways. 

Sunday�.   What do you do on Sunday???  Church? No. Races? YES. Car races.  The historic car races were on at PIR we didn�t get an early start but we were there before noon. That�s good for two girls. I seem to be the slow one.  OH, well, I look good when I am done with my make up.   We looked at the cars and the racers.  They had 8 to 12 CAN-AM cars there from the late 60�s to mid 70�s.  If you are any kind of a car person you would have loved the sound of these cars.  1400, 860, 640 HP.  Need I say more??  ZOOM, ZOOM. That Mazda kid does not know what ZOOM is.   0 to 100 to 0 in 4-5 seconds.  That is ZOOM, SCREEEEECH.  No Mazda is going to do that on that street.

Well that�s all for your speed lesson.  Some will say, � What was that�.  Others will say, �OH YAH, I understand�.  It is all about what is important to you , GIRL.

We were out and we had a ball.  I hope Mr. P emails me, but if he doesn�t,  I will survive.
But I would like to do it with him, SURVIVE
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