Letter from Shirley,  #24
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Letter 23
Letter 25
June 14/15, 2002
It�s Sunday night, almost too late to start this letter but we have to start sometime.  I went to Portland, DUH.  Well it was the start of the Pride Week.  Friday night was a dance at the Crystal Ball Room.  Last year there were a bunch of us that went and I had such a good time that I wanted to go again.  I had high hopes.  Surprise

I left the swampland and headed up the freeway at 4:30.  There were no accidents this night but all the dumb folks that sleep in the fast lane really Pixx me off. I use all lanes to get where I am going.  It got to be stop and go coming down the hill to the river in Portland, not a bad trip. I was at the hotel by 6:45. Ran up and started to get ready.

I was going to wear the GREEN outfit.  I brought a black dress too but I thought it was a little too nice for the crowd.  So I am ready by 9 and head out the door.  The music starts a 9:00. I like to be on time.  As I was walking I noticed that the front of the skirt slips down.  So I pull it up. There it goes again. This is NOT going to work. For some reason I didn�t get it together tonight. Back to the Hotel, I trot while holding the skirt up so it doesn�t go to the street.

One thing I have learned is to take cloths with you, lots of interchangeable outfits. I brought my blue skirt and two tops for it.  I made a quick change into the white top and blue skirt. Back out the door I go.  Things are staying in place.  It�s a three-block walk and it is a nice night. I just strolled by the restaurants and all the people looking at the lady go by.  I don�t care what they think; I�m a lady tonight�

$10 gets you in the door and your hand stamped.  Up I go in the elevator. To the BAR, and why not.  Vodka and Soda with two limes squeezed and thrown out.  Learned that from Miss N�s Hubby.  There may be pesticides on the skin of the lime, so toss it. 

I start looking for some one I know. Nobody is early like me.  I watch for a while and then decide that I could eat.  I hear Steve at HOBO�s calling, �Shirley, we have halibut tonight�. Down the elevator I go.  There is a cab right outside and he is empty. TOOO cool, no it�s Shirley�s luck.  Six dollars later I am at Hobo�s.  Steve and I read the menu. Yes, I want the fish, and it comes with fries. You know this already because you have read earlier pages. BUT, if you are dropping in late, I love fries.

A couple of Vodkas and dinner.  The owner was there and I greeted her and the boys at the table. Don came over to say HI.  The fish was good and the fries were great.  Silly me.

After dinner I caught another cab and went back to the Crystal Ball Room.  Tracy and another girl had arrived and were dancing.  I sat and watched the people.  A nice GG was with 2 boys and she wanted to know if the seat was taken next to me.  We did some small talk and I asked if she danced?  She said YES and up to our feet we went.  I get so hot ( perspiration ) when I get dancing. Two songs and I have to cool off. We sat and talked and a song came on that she liked, so up on the feet again.  A couple of songs and back to cool off.  She seemed like a nice GG and I hope to hear from her but probably won�t.

It is now getting to be 12:00. I am looking for my pumpkin to take me home. Oh ya, I walked to the place. I say my good bye�s and as I am walking out Don from HOBO�s and two of his friends that I see often stopped me and we talked for a while.  Don is always a gentleman. 

Down the elevator we go. WOO HOO it is cooler outside.  I am off down the hill toward the Hotel.  There is the Bar in my way. Jake�s Fish House, there are two Jake�s and this ones special is fish.  I stop in for vodka at the bar.  No hassle. Two old guys are talking at the corner of the bar so I slip in to their left.  I order and there were no LOOKS or anything.  So cool to at least almost pass to the blurry eyes late at night.  Quick slurp and off I go. Nobody to talk to in here.

The next corner has a bar named Scandals and it is right next to the hotel, so I better stop in.  I got a drink and finally ended up next to the window so I could see people walking and driving by. Don drove by in his Merc (that is short for Mercedes) with the top down. I didn�t play my cards right tonight. I could have been riding around in that convertible tonight, OH NO NO, I don�t do that kind of thing. I forget some times or I dream a little.  I had three boys join me at the window.  This tall guy and I did an introduction. Then he told me, You smell nice, and turned to his friends and said that I smelled nice. We had a little discussion about the White Diamonds that I was wearing.  It does stay on all night.  When I was ready to go the tall guy helped me down the two steps to the main floor, he didn�t want me to fall he said. He did cop a little feel.  Good for him.
Off to the hotel and up to bed alone.  Everything got hung up. That is some trick for me.

Saturday morning comes rolling in.  They have a light breakfast and I am starving. I get some cloths on and powder my nose and apply lipstick. I look a little rough but not too bad.  In the elevator and to food.  OJ is a must with me. As I am getting older (boohoo) I have to take some pills, the OJ makes them go down smoother.  I ate a little light, apple, half Danish and the OJ.  I was meeting Miss N for lunch and I didn�t want to be blowing out the front from a big breakfast.

I got ready and Miss N and I talked on telephone, she will come by at noon. I warned her that she might not know the person that she sees.  I am not the same person on the outside, or inside, as our last meeting.  She said no problem. I told her to look for a red top and blue skirt.  Ok, was the answer.

When she drove up and parked I couldn�t resist and I went out to meet her.  I should have sat calmly in the lobby and let her find me, but I was just excited inside and couldn�t be still. From about 20 feet away she yelled, Is that you?  We hugged and she looked me over pretty good.  She said that she would have never known that it was me. That�s cool I thought, I can go shopping with less fear. Down the block and around the corner to Jake�s Grill for lunch.  She asks how I walk in those high wedgies.  Practice and more practice, as I hit a hole in the street and almost turn my angle. One must watch where you are stepping when on the street.

Jake�s Grill is very nice. The young lady seated us with no staring.  The waiter was nice and even took our picture.  AS ALWAYS, I am a messy eater and dripped on my right boob just like the night at Touche�.  This time it was much smaller and not to well seen when it dried.  The red took the drip better than the green.  The lunch was great and Miss N is full of questions like, how long, when and where, shoes, make up etc etc. She says I look 40 not 50+. Now that made my day.  She is a very nice person.

After lunch we walked back to her car but we wanted to talk more. Scandals bar is right there so we went in and sat and talked for one drink.  Then we decide to go down to the Riverfront Park. It is Pride weekend and there were tent booths set up for the G&L community and others to tell about their corner of the world.  We ran into Dixie and I introduced Miss N to her.  Dixie and the Good Time Girls are going to be in Peacock in the Park.  Miss N and I are planning to go see them. It is getting close to 3:00 and we have to go. Back at the cars we say our good-bye�s and Drive in our own ways.         IT WAS GREAT FUN SEEING MISS N AND TALKING LIKE ANY OTHER TWO GIRL FRIENDS. 

The drive back was HOT and sweaty.  When the sweat runs into your eyes, you�re sweaty not just hot.   It was a great 24 hours in Portland.  It will help keep me from going crazy for a couple of weeks.  It only cost about $180.00 for 24 hours, not bad I think�.

That is it for right now about me and Portland nights, meetings and Lunch.  The next Letter is about Karen in Denver. See letter 25.
Lunch at Jake's Grill in Downtown Portland
                  Miss N and Shirley J
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