Letter from Shirley,  #23
            June  2002
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Letter 22
   Letter 24
This is the latest letter.  This is Dated, June 4/5/6-02. It takes a while to write these things because, I don�t type so good.  I am onto Italian wine and I do last a little longer into the night before crashing.  The Vodka is nice but too fast�.

So girls, How have you been??  I BEEN FINE.  Well most of the time anyway.  I bought 4 more pair of shoes and three outfits.  Visa and Newport News loves me so much. 

I will try to catch you up a little.  A 75-year young person emailed me the other week.  Don�t know where she was from but my advice at that age is,  GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.  Travel and leave the others to fend for themselves for the weekend.  Go and do it in a big city.  Call ahead, get info, ask others in the area.  HAVE FUN, DRESS GIRL.

Up date, I am getting my nails done every three weeks.  My hair is so long that I can put it into a SHORT ponytail.  My toes are painted all the time and I love me, MOST of the time.  Well, you can�t love everybody all the time.

Brenda and I are bonding quite well.  She takes care of me when I get a little out of control.  I think that Karen, Brenda and I should be going somewhere together.  Brenda wants to go to SFO.  I am up for that.        So about last weekend.  Do you what to know what went on.       It was just a ladies night out.

Saturday, June 1, I headed up the freeway.  I made a mistake and stopped at the FACTORY OUTLET stores in WOODBURN.  My advice, PASS it by.  Traffic was a joke.  No good buys.  Too much time and hassle.  Back on the freeway north.  I arrived about 1:30 and started to change after I ate my HOLD everything chick sandwich.

So I am a girl by 3:00 PM.  Took me a while because I couldn�t figure out which shoes to wear.  I brought 7 pair for the weekend.  That isn�t tooo many is it???  I also brought a white, and a burgundy outfit for Sat evening.  Shorts, short blue skirt, red top, white top, jeans in blue and a few other things. I do NOT pack light. Dixie taught me to take everything.  I love my cloths and want to show them off if possible.

I went for the WHITE outfit for the evening.  I love the shape and the cut.  Pictures may be below.  So off we go.  Brenda is being very conservative.  Long skirt and nice top with low heal shoes.  The food was good/bad.  The vodka was ordered up and came on the rocks.  The lettuce was wilted in a few places.  The FISH was GREAT.  I guess 1 out of 3 is not 100%,  Right????  It was halibut and it had mustard sauce,  REALLY GOOD.  So take the soup and no drinks.  I am just getting picky in my old age.  I might become a bitch if someone gave me half a chance.

After dinner we were going out on the TOWN so Brenda had to change.  We stopped by the apartment and she changed and I straightened a little.  Off we went to old town. 

Guess what?????    There was a parade that night and all the streets were blocked in every direction.  When Portland does it, get ready to walk.  We ended up going to the East Side and down one bridge and back to the West Side to get to our parking area.  It is worth it.

So now we are walking.  The night is beautiful and the air is warm.  So great to be a girl.
OOOPS, My feet are slipping in my shoes.  Brenda said, � wear those�.  I did and I am getting a blister on the ball of each foot.  How am I going to dance like this???? NOT..

We went to CC�s and Pat was playing pool.  She was beating these boys pretty badly.  She is sooo skinnnnny.  Did I tell you that before???  I found out that she RUNS 40 miles a week.  I walk to the REF to get more wine.  No wonder there is a big difference in our body shapes.  I just happen to be FLUFFIER.  Don�t you love that term???

We had a drink and I wanted to go see Steve at HOBO�s.  Do you  know that I have a thing for him.  IF and IF and IF, I would have him for mine.  He is so sweet to me. Always a gentleman, this Steve.

Then it was back to CC�s and some more Vodka.  One of them fell over.  I get to talking and don�t watch where the hands are going.  I need to set the drinks farther away from me for more than one reason.  Sloppy, ME, YES�. 

The noise got to be too much and we went into the new Quiet BAR for another drink.  Pat and ( THE dark haired girl that is too pretty ) came by and said that they were off to other places.  OH, that dark haired girl.  She is so pretty. You should see her.  Maybe she will let me take her picture.  I�ll let you know.

Brenda says it is time to go and we are out the door.  I stand on the street corner LOOKING at all that drives by�s and Brenda goes to get the car.  Good or Bad she gets back before I get someone to make a pass at me.  I might have gotten LUCKY, if she was a little slower with the car. 

SOMETIMES�..       You get READ��.     SOMETIMES YOU DON�T .        
We stopped at a Couv Store for more Red Wine, and me in a white outfit.  Well, I made Brenda stop. I had $5.00 and it was getting hot in my purse.    So I walked or ran into the store and headed for the wine rack.  There were two cute dark skinned girls there and we said HI.  There were a few more exchanges outside and I almost thought they were old friends before we left.  SO young and cute.  They didn�t look at us as anything but GIRLS.       COOL..

Sunday.  Well you know that I didn�t feel tooooo well�.  Brenda made breakfast and it was good.  I need lots of orange juice or I don�t feel right.  About 10 AM I was better.  NO, That�s when I got up. Long night I guess.  Not quite, go figure�

So we just talked and planned for her and watched the NASCAR races and I changed shoes and got ready and we planned some more.  I will be with her through all of her changes.  I have not told HER this, YOU are then first to know.  Keep it to yourself.  We don�t need to bother her with details.

So then we went to a late lunch at, APPLEBEE�S right off I 5 and 405.  My car was setting out in the sun ALL DAY.  It must have been 200 deg in that car.  I don�t have AC.  When I got going it almost started to cool a little. We were � way through lunch before I stopped dripping.  I mean DRIPPING. I don�t like that because it calls attention to you.

Anyway, we walked in like two girls and the lady young didn�t blink.  Went to the table and sat right down.  The food was good but I still didn�t feel tooo well.  It was not my best day.  But and that is a BUT,  It was a day OUT�.  So that is better than any day fishing, OR something you don�t like to do, like work!!!!

Last month

Side note,  Touche� Restaurant & Bar,  1425 NW Glisan,  Portland.  503-221-1150
Ask for Mathew.  This is not the place with the wilted salad or bad Vodka.  Please tell him that Shirley sent you.  This is a good place�

Last month Brenda and I went to Touche� for dinner.  It was sooooo good and Mathew was so nice to us.  It is in a great building and I and Brenda just loved it.  Brenda likes Mathew too.  ME, I just like the food, remember Steve?????

Well, that�s it for now girls.  Email if you need more details.  Some are open, some aren�t.

Shirley J
Three Pictures below..  They load very slow because I don't know how to make them load fast.  Have a drink and wait a little.
This is the night that Brenda and I went to Touche' for dinner.   You know in some of the better resturants you get some bread, oil and vinigar to eat while you are having your cocktails.  Well I should wear a bib when any food is around.  I dropped some oil on my right boob.  This picture was taken before we eat.  The oil did come out when I washed the outfit.  Don't you think I look good in this color?   Nice sandles too,
PAT and me goofin in between her pool shots.  This is my NEW White outfit. I think I am stunning in it.   See the shoes.  These is not much to them but they are sexxie...
This is before,  the night out to the bad Vodka and over the hill salid dinner. We had a good time but the dinner could have been a little better.  Now look at the shoes.  See how much there is not there. They are almost nothing. Brenda wanted me to wear them and they slide when you have nylons on. So it is no wonder that I asked her to go and get the car while I stood on the corner waved at all the MEN that went by.
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