This is letter 22, A lot about the Denver trip in December 2001

Letter from Shirley
                January  2002
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     Letter 23
    SOON as I figure out something to do...
Letters from Shirley

Letter 22       Monday Jan 14th                      

OK, OK, HERE WE GO.   THE DENVER TRIP��  Christmas 2001   WHAT a time.

It was time for my Christmas visit to Denver.  This year would be a little different from the other years.  In the past I have had a warm bed in which to sleep, in a nice house. Also I had a nice cat to talk to. Now I was going to be sleeping on a couch bed.  I won�t tell you where it was located.  At least I was not on the floor and it was warm.   Things have changed in the last year.  My friend is getting the D word after 22 years, what more can I tell you.       Bad news.

Base Note: We went to the mall on the Sunday prior to Christmas to buy a few things, JC Penny�s was one of the stores we were in.  We visited the cosmetic counter and I bought some new mascara.  The lady that helped me looked like a Gypsy fortune-teller. She was very nice and I was nice, so she wouldn�t put a hex or spell on me. 

SO, I am here to make happy.  We do some family stuff that is a little boring for Shirley and ,OH, SHE couldn�t go to the parties those days.  SO, as HE had nothing to do, HE did a little toooooo much VODKA and did not feel well for two days.  At least I am telling on myself for my boo boos�. Some never tell, but I seem to, please learn... 

I am well enough to go out to the mall after Christmas.  When have I not been that well???  I am ready. I want to go and see all that the other girls get to see.  OOPS, I started to tell what I had on but you have to remember that it is �THE MALL�.  What do you wear??  Not a short skirt and high heels�  Not skin tight pants�.  We are going in the late morning.  Jeans and a sweater, OH,  I had to have my 3 � heels on. Black, to fade in with the jeans.  The sweater is dark gray on the left and light gray on the other side. It is long and covers most of my butt. You still have to wiggle when you walk to make things look right. OH, AND to feel right. The feel right gets into the attitude of us GIRLS. It becomes very important.

We walk up and down the mall.  Karen got her ears pierced. I bought a new leather purse at a well know leather store, not to drop names.  Karen bought some skinny leather pants there before Christmas.  She also bought new high top boots.  As I say, We bent the VISA cards�  It was a good time and no one said anything nasty.  The woman in the shoe/boot shop wanted to help and also commented on my fingernails. I love them long.  I think the RUBY color helps toooo.  I think she likes Karen. WOO HOO.  So we were done for the day and went back to the car.  Then it was back to the base place.  We had lunch and a quiet evening.   

BUT,,,,  ALONG COMES FRIDAY.  WE ARE GOING OUT TONIGHT�.  Karen has a nail appointment at 1:00 PM Friday. I go with her and look casual, sit in the chair.  I ask only the few little questions.  Are those your real, NAILS??? GEEEEE how did you get them soooo long.  I go some oil and hand lotion.  Karen gets RED nails, REAL RED�

We went back to the place and waited.  Karen has a makeover at 5:00 PM at Studio Lights.  She leaves and I start to change and get pretty.  I�m ready by 6:30 and Karen gets back at 7:00.  She looks great. That�s not my buddy anymore�.

We jump into the car and are off to RACINES on Bannock Street for dinner.  This is a nice place and very friendly.  We got a table by the front window so we could watch the people come and go.  I had the soup and chicken fettuccine.  They gave me so much that I only eat about half.  We had two glasses of the house Merlot.  Our little guy took our picture, which you will see when my CD drive gets fixed.  The dinner was nice and slow.  A table next to us had four couples at it.  When they got up to leave one of the ladies put on the long pretty black leather coat.   I commented to her about how nice it was.  She said thank you and then spotted my 4� heel, alligator knee high boots.  She likes them and said that she wanted a pair.  I feel so proud that a GG likes my stuff..  With dinner over we are off to more adventures.

There is a benefit and floor show at the,  BJ�s Coral on south Broadway.  Karen had driven by earlier in the week so she knew where we were going.  You know me, I just walk in like I own the place and start saying HI to the girls and introducing myself. Karen just looks at me shakes her head. I say,� If you�re going to break the ICE, use a BIG HAMMER�, and I do�.. 

So we sit and get some drinks.  Other girls introduce themselves and we are having a good time.  The girls do their acts and two really sang.  Phyllis did a great number and wore a black number with the middle skin showing. We gave some dollars for the cause. I like getting up and doing that but I like to be escorted. Since I am not bashful I asked this nice man to take me up there, and he did.

They also had an auction and we bid on a basket of wines, cheeses and other things.  Karen tried to get that one.  The next item was a bottle of Champaign with two glasses all in its numbered box (I think).  I got up and started a challenge from the West Coast.  The bidding got pretty high and I stayed out until late. I got in with a big jump in price and WON.  The Champaign is still in Denver and I will not see it until April or May. Karen will bring it when she comes to visit and to play in Portland.

We had a great night out.  By the way, this was Karen�s first night out all so pretty, to dinner and to a floorshow.  She really enjoyed herself and I had a very good time.  The next Shirley and Karen outing will be this spring.  I can�t wait�

The next day was Saturday and I am flying.  Karen dropped me off 3 hours early at the Denver airport. I got through security with out taking my cloths off.  They don�t want to see this old body.  The little lady wanted to run the sniffer over my carry-on and, �I said feel free to do anything that you want�.  That was it. You see I don�t carry matches, I don�t smoke and I don�t put bombs in my shoes.  I like these 4� heels, why would I want to blow them UP????  Home safe Saturday night and into MY bed.

It was a different visit.  Karen and I had some long talks and I cheered her up some.  She will be happier once the D is over and past.  Time heals all, sometimes�.

That�s it for now.  Email if you can or want to.  Stay HAPPY, That�s an ORDER

    Shirley J
Just two ladies out for dinner and a little party at the SHOW.   The food and service  was great.  Isn't it nice to have a good friend......
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