This is letter 21, A bit about Nov & Dec 2001, at least
what I can remember that is.
Letter from Shirley
                January  2002
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Letter 20
Letter 22
now  OPEN
     Monday Jan 7th 2002

Where have you girls been???   I have been soooo many places and I have not heard from you.  What is it, cat got you email???? 

It is now Jan 2002.  What a joy� So in November I went to the meetings and out to the dance halls and also to Thanksgiving Dinner.  In December we went to the Christmas Party at the Hilton in Portland, and the GREAT BEAR GATHERING. see picture below

They closed down my favorite motel in Portland. The RED LOIN Coliseum was closed so I can�t stay in room 214 anymore.  I loved that OLD place.  Hope they build a new one right there on the waterfront.

I think that I want to tell about the Christmas Party.  It was at the DOWN TOWN HILTON, PORTLAND.  So nice.  I got a room and Brenda was to come and share with me.  I was there early as she had loving child duty that afternoon.  She is great with the kids.  I started getting ready at about 3:30 because it takes this old girl longer, and because I had the time.  Spray a little and let it set.  Apply a little and let it set.  Powder a little and let it smooth in.  Well I had to have a little vodka too.  So I am ready at about 5:00 and my cell rings. She is in a panic; there is NO parking at the Hotel.  So I direct her to a car park � block away. She is a happy girl.

The KNOCK on the DOOR.  WHO IS IT????   Brenda is the answer.  I am so happy to see her.  BUT WAIT, this is not Brenda.  IT�S  a MAN. Hurry, Hurry, Change your self.

WELL as the time goes on,,,,, Things change�  Brenda becomes her lovely self and we are ready to go the DINNER.  Brenda is about 6� taller than I am so I often let her break trail for little old me. Off to the elevators to intimidate the other hotel guests.  I, with my beauty, and Brenda with her size and beauty. We are striking, beautiful girls.

We had a lovely time at the dinner.  We saw many friends and some of the older ladies.  They have helped the club get A LONG in rough times.  It is so nice in Portland right now.  The food was great and the service too.  Awards were given out and we had a great time.

Then Debbie or Sandy or someone unknown said something about having a drink at Hobo�s. So we said yes and I said BUT I have to change shoes.  I was wearing my strappie sandals and I love them but they are only good for 3-hours max.    We went up to the room and I changed, then we were off and running.  We walked right out of the Hotel like we owned it.  Well I bought some of it for the night.  If they look, just smile.  Across the street and up the block,  a round the corner and up to the parking garage. Sandy has a new car after being hit by a lady real hard.  Nice ride to Hobo�s in the new car. 

We parked and walked the1/2 block to the club.  Everybody was there.  Soo much fun to see all the girls.  I just seem to get wet in the eye when I see so many happy people.

Too soon the night was to come to a close.  Well,  we started late so what do you want?????   This old girl can�t go on like a 20 year old, for more than a little while�..

Look for letter 22 soon��  THE DENVER TRIP.....
Here are 2 pictures of one of the 2 Bears that I bought for the Kids.  This little girl bear was so soft and chute, I hated to give her up, but I did.  Better a little girl to have her because I have MR. BEAR, and he drinks and this little girl doesn't.  I wouldn't want to corrupt a little girl or a BIG girl for that matter.
There were lots of cute, BIG and LITTLE bears.  If you want to help, we could find a way, just ask...
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