This is letter 20, another interesting Weekend in August

Letter from Shirley
                August  2001
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Letter 19
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    Now Aug 14th
LETTER    20

Its Monday morning at 5:42 AM, OH, too early.  I had to email a friend so I�m up. 

The monthly meeting was on Saturday the 11th.  So as usual, I went to Portland for the meeting and a night OUT.  I also did a little Sunday thing.

Saturday:  I had to go shopping.  Under the Burnside Bridge they have an open air Saturday/Sunday market.  There are many shops in the buildings but there are lots of temporary stalls.  I needed a long dress and hat to go to the croquet match on the 25th.  At the dress shop there was a clearance rack outside with dresses at $15.  Inside they were $28, $36, & $56. After looking at all the racks I went back to the $15 rack.  I found a nice dress in XL and I can be happy with it.  I asked this lady that was pawing through the rack too, How about this color on me?  She said if my wife had the same coloring as me it would be OK.  I said, NO, it�s for me, and just grinned, and mentioned the croquet match.  OH, forgot, I�m in boy cloths.  These people don�t know me and will never see me again.  Tell the truth.

So now I have to find a hat.  The �hippy dress lady� you know, tie die, has hats too.  I am standing there looking at all the hats and there are 3 ladies looking too.  So I say, OK ladies, I need some help. I showed then the dress and asked what color of hat would go with it.  We all pawed through the hats and finally decided on the wide brim straw.  Straw is always in style, one of the ladies says.  I�m done, I did good.

Got to go to work, more later.  Monday PM.

On the way back to the car I stopped and said Hi to the PHILLY Sandwich Guy.  He remembers me no matter how I am dressed.  Someday, when I have more time I will buy another sandwich from him. Now it is to the Motel and to change.  I got that done just fine.  Summer dress, I looked bright and pretty.

Off to the wig shop.  I need shampoo and conditioner. OH, you didn�t know that it�s not MY hair. I wish�  They don�t make this wig anymore so it was good that I bought two of them.  I will be set for about another year. Then it�s hair shopping for sure.

Now I go to the meeting.  Just on time. Dixie and the Good Time Girls are practicing their steps for next Saturday night.  They will perform at, Moulin Ruse in the Tonic Lounge.  I will probably drive up to see the show.  9:00 PM to 2:00 AM, I�ll need a nap.

The next stop is Sally�s Beauty Supply to get fingernails.  I love them long you know.

Back to the Motel for a cool two in the BAR. They don�t open until 4:00 PM.  So slow I say..  Now off to change.  I only brought 6 outfits.  I don�t know which one to wear.  I settle on a shirt and top.  Pictures later. There is some guy doing a concert across the street, he was in Fleetwood MAC, so cabs will be on demand later and I�m out the door at 6:00 not 8:00.  I didn�t have lunch so I am hungry anyway.  All the cab drivers are from some other place.  I mean far away.  Good thing I know where I�m going because he doesn�t know Portland at all�.
Off to HOBO�s for dinner.  Andy is Mr. Bar Man tonight.  Steve will be in later.  I had the chicken pasta with mushrooms. It is very good.  OH ya, I had some VODKA too.  Well a girl gets thirsty shopping and traveling in the hot car.  Donna came in just as I finished dinner and she and another girl were going to eat .  They had just missed me at the meeting.  So we all joined up.  Pat came in and joined us too.  Did I tell you how skinny she is?  Too shinny.  She makes me look like two people.  I love her,  BUT�.

Pat says, I brought the CADDY.  This is the second time that she has owned this car.  She bought it, sold it, the guy fixed stuff on the car and she bought it back.  It is beautiful.  1959, black bottom, white top, 2 door hard top.  This car is LONG, very LONG.  What a ride.  We didn�t go far but it was fun.  We got SEEN as we got out of the car at CC Slaughter�s.  Inside a guy asked, Was that you getting out of the CADDY.  Why yes honey, want a ride?????

I got to dance a little and talk to the girls and just have FUN.  The music got loud and the place started to get crowded so we went into the quiet corner bar.  I think it is getting late so I call for a cab and off to the Motel I go.  Another fun night.  I think we need to go to other places but we all like HOBO�s  and Slaughters, its hard to break away. 

OK, Sunday morning.  Oh I don�t want to get up.  I want to go back to the open market.  So, I�m UP. There are other places that I want to go shopping but they will have to wait until the money gets better.  There were about 50 people around when I went to check out of the Motel.  I just waited my turn like a lady.  Did my thing and wiggled out of the place.  Those old men look and look.  It�s too funny, and the wives.  They don�t know what to think or say.  Some just stand around going DUH.  Get a grip lady, I�m just having fun.

Got the car and over the bridge.  Found a parking spot on the street about 7 blocks from the market area.  I lock up and put on my new hat and off I go.  The wind is just blowing a little so I only lost the hat 3 times.  I must so something about that problem.  I got made by about 100 people, well 5 to 10, but I don�t care.  I�m OUT.  I look for the ring man but I can�t find him.  There is another hat place that has the hat that I like best but it is to small.  A wig will give you a big or bigger or biggest head.  I will need and XL to but all of this hair in. So I just looked around and said HI to the PHILLY Sandwich man.  His mother gives me such a look, GRIN..  Next time I will introduce myself to her to see what she will do.  Could be good, could be bad.  We will see, always testing I think I am.

Its getting hot and I have a blister on my foot.  I love these sandals but you have to wear nylons with them.  Back to the car and to the freeway.  No BIG RED today to race.  Quiet drive home. I only flipped off one VOLVO driver, not bad for me.  I was being a real lady today.  Well he was following too close and deserved it. 

That�s about it for the weekend.  Nothing earth shattering, didn�t go to jail again, didn�t get hit on, BOO HOO.  Got to dance a little and see the friends.  It doesn�t get too much better than this.  The next outing will be to Croquet in my new long dress and straw hat.

All for now.                Shirley J
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