This is letter 19, another interesting Weekend in June

Letter from Shirley,  June 2001
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Letter 18
  Letter 20
Aug 14 OK

Now it is a couple of weeks later but I can remember the weekends.

The weekend of  June 9th  I went to Portland and parked the rig at the Motel. I changed from him to me and called a taxi. Off to old town and HOBO�s for dinner.  Sandy and Donna came to join me.  I had a big day on Saturday so the night was a little short, BUT, I got out and had fun seeing the girls.

Fast forward to the weekend of June 23/24.  I had everything packed in the car on Friday morning and after work I only stopped at the bank for more money.  Off I go. Mr. Bear stayed home to guard the place, as if he would. Come on in, says Mr. Bear.

The drive was pretty easy but slow for the last 10 miles.  I stopped for Squirt( for you on the east coast, a lemon/lime drink) and some orange juice( for you in California, it was not from Florida)( for you in Florida, tooooo bad).

I stayed with my friends for the weekend and as soon as I got changed we were off to the west side, up Burnside, to the Crystal Ball Room. I was stunning in my new 80% silk/ 20% Spandex BLACK Dress. I had on my rhinestone necklace and earrings and we shined. The shoes were black sandals that I love but hurt my toes, BIG TIME.  I looked great and as we went up the street a ggril was on the cell and as I went by she went WOO HOO and touched my arm. I wanted to stop but the other girls were moving along. Later you pretty ggirl.

We found the door and paid the man. Up to the third floor in the elevator and we were at  one of only two left in America, dance floors that are on SPRINGS.  At first I thought, � I�m not going out there, the floor will fall in soon�.  Then this nice person explained about the floor and how it was built.  So away I go to find someone to dance with.

I want to dance with a man, even if he likes boys and not girls.  So I see this guy. He was just watching the crowd and kind of rocking back and forth.  I kind of BUMPED into him, and then asked, � Do you dance?�  He said,� YES, I do.�  HE asked me to dance�..
That was a subtle contact,  don�t you think so???  I am a happy girl. We danced about 3 or 4 fast tunes and I am ready for a brake.  So I say stop for now, more later. FUN time.  I rested and had a drink and we danced a couple more times later.

I saw this L girl dancing with her date. They were doing the swing.  That�s how I learned to dance.  So I made it obvious that I was watching her. She saw that I was around.  When they were done she passes by me and I touched her arm. She stopped and we talked about swing and she said she would talk to her date and come back.  When she came back we went dancing.  We talked a little about swing and she lead.  Then I said, �Let me show you�, and I led.  Then She led. Then I showed her another turn, and then she led.  She had good moves but I just needed a little FIRM control.  She was so cute with the long gray hair.  I had a ball dancing with her.  She says, On Friday nights there is a place in Portland that teaches swing and then has a dance.  I have to find it.

Now it was getting late and my feet were killing me.  Sandy said, � HOBO�s is open�, and away we went. Not to soon for my toes.  We had a couple of drinks and saw Steve and the rest of the boys.  It was 1:30 before we got to the house. OH, what a night. 
GIRLS, GIRLS, I just love being out��..

Saturday morning.  We are hungry but I look like hXXX. I pull together as much as possible in the 20 minutes that the girls give me and down the road we go.  The old house on the corner does breakfast and lunch.  We walk in and get a table.  Sandy and Debbie come here all the time and know all the girls.  I see a friend from a party in November. I would take her home any time.  OOPS.  The rest of the day was moving the trailer and getting ready for more friends to show up.

They arrive in the early afternoon and get settled in.  I am off to the shower and to do my makeup.  When I emerge I am wearing my white top and tan skirt with my white sandals. This is one of the outfits that I look best in. It isn�t too tight but shapes.  We are off to dinner, all 5 girls.  We went to Grandmas in SE Portland.  It�s a family, neighborhood restaurant.  The food was very good but take your time. Grandma is a little slow, or some one was.  This is not fast food, but good food.  I had a small bit of cow and it was good. 

Dinner is over and we are going.  WELL, almost.  There are cars outside.  CADILLACS..
There is a1956 El Dorado convertible (RED) and a 57 El Dorado hardtop (white). Sooo pretty. So I am looking at the cars and this OLD man comes over and wants to talk to me.  He is telling me about him and then asks, � Are you married� and looks at my left hand to see if I have rings on, which I do. I just said, � How much money do you have?�  He was OLD but could have cleaned up with a lot of work. But the girls are in the car and want to go. I have to jiggle across the street to catch the car. I hope I gave him a show.  I got hit on again��.  I love it so much�..

We are off to Old Town and Hobo�s again. Saturday night and lots of people are there. Dixie ( Seattle Trip) is there and in comes Pat. She is so skinny. I love and hate her.  We all talk and have some drinks. Steve is waiting tables and takes good care of me. I LOVE that man.  We all have fun and then its sooo late and away we go home.  They want to watch a movie. I want to go to bed. Debbie was first to crash and me second. Two nights in a row, out late. That�s a tall order for me. 

Sunday morning.  They went to breakfast and I stayed in bed.  Another dash for the shower and makeup.  This was the day for the Pink Parade.  Sandy was driving the pickup truck and we were to ride.  I didn�t feel tooo well.  Sandy left early to get lined up and we left later. 

The dress for today is blue top, jeans and white sandals.  I stopped at Kmart for some knee high�s or I would have blisters. So I was late.  I found a parking spot close to the water front park.  I got on MAX and rode a few blocks and saw that the parade had started.  So I found a spot in the shade and waited until the girls came by.  Then I went out and got on the tailgate and rode along. 

I waved like all the girls do. When we got into old town I saw my Friday night dance man. So I jumped off the truck and ran over and gave him a big hug.  I bounce when I try to run, well trot, well move fast. I hope they like it and much as I do.  We got to the end and unload the truck. I am starving and found a Pizza place. Rip off in price but I had to have something.  I walked around for a while.  I went by a group and a guy called out, �HI Shirley�. Wonder where I met him???? I said �Hi� back but still can�t place him. OH well, some other time.  By now it is 3:30 and  I have a long drive home. I walked to the Market under the bridge and saw the sandwich man and talked a minute, I think his MOM was there so I didn�t explain and didn�t stay long. I caught MAX and rode over to the car.  By 4:00 I was on the freeway home.

I had a great weekend in Portland doing all the things GIRLS do. I talked to anybody and everybody that I want to. They don�t seem to care if I�m a girl or boy, and I�m sure they figure it out.  We all had a good time.  I thank my friends very much for putting up with me, and putting me up too. 

Love ya all.  Shirley J
This is Steve, The MAN at Hobo's. He is always so good to me and makes sure I get my taxi, or food and drinks. He plays pool very good, too.
This is the ANIMAL at Hobo's. All bark, well maybe we should see how he bites.
Thats a picture of Jackie Gleason on the wall. I'll get you a better shot later.
Here is Steve and little me. What do you think, girls???  Isn't he cute????
This is Saturday afternoon, after shower and before being totaly ready to go out.
This is my house dress. Light and airie
as they say.
Ok, I'm ready to go. See why the OLD MAN hit on me a Grandmas. Stunning older lady, RIGHT....  You better say right or I will tell Mr. Bear on you.  I do love this outfit. I have a blue top that is the same cut and wear it with jeans.
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