This page goes back to the last weekend in October 2000.  It has taken me a long time to start writing again. I've been busy being myself and that takes alot of energy.               I've had fun!!! 
I�m in the mood; I�m in the mood to write.  Aren�t you lucky!!!!!! 

Let�s go back to October.  If you have read some of the earlier pages you know that I was looking for a CAR trailer.  Well I found one on the WEB. Surprise, not.   So this is a three-part story. Trailer and a night out in Sacramento and OH yes, a meeting with Kelli.

The trailer was in Las Vegas and the owner agreed to meet in California, near Sacramento so I could get it.  So off I go South.  No problem except the FORD wants a GAS tanker to run along side and pour fuel down the carb.  I was in Sac on Friday night and called Kelli. I knew she could not meet that night but I was interested in a fun place to go.  Friday night and I�m dressed. Kelli says, �Go to Faces�.        (read her pages at,)  She talks alot about the place.

So off I go in a CAB. This girl does not drive on Friday nights�.  I had a ball.  Met some nice GG�s and girl couples too. I got to dance some.  I love to dance.  I saw the stage and where the singing happens.  Not tooo much to drink and then back into the cab and to the motel.  Nice visit to Faces.  I want to go again.

Saturday in the early morning, I�m off in the FORD to get the trailer.  I 5 south, a cut off and 6 or 7 turns and there it is.  We make the exchange, money, title, and I�m going back north. Kelli is going to meet me for lunch in Sacramento.  I call on the cell when I am at the restaurant and she heads my way. 

We have a very nice lunch and talk girl talk.  She is very nice and is much deeper (in the mind) than I am about us GRILS.  I tend to be ME and don�t care why.  She has thought about it and has figured it out.  We had a very good visit.  She wanted me to take a couple of pictures before we left, OF HER, that is.       Nice visit,  Thanks Kelli�..

So now this is the problem. Get this thing home. The wind is blowing and the rain is coming down strong.  The FORD is just doing 60 MPH with my foot on the floor and the wind in our face.  If you know the very long bridge north of Sacramento on I 5, that is where I was at.  Then the wind blew through and the freeway turns right to go north and we are sailing.  I went straight through and was home at 12:30 AM Sunday. 

What a weekend.  Saw Kelli,  got the trailer and went to FACES. SOOO COOOL��..

Sorry, no pictures.  I have a camra with a roll in it and must take two more to end it. I know, I can take a picture of my new bed partner, BEAR.

More as time allows.  

Shirley  J
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