This is page 12, The SEATTLE WEEKEND
Its Saturday night and I just got paid,,,,OOOOPS, wrong song.  How about, It Friday and I�m off to Portland and Seattle.  Now that�s a tune.  The tgirls in the pickup truck.

Friday morning I packed and left this town. Dixie is going to meet three other girls and they are performing at Foxes on Saturday night.  We had to take the pickup truck because Dixie packs more stuff than I do.  We could not get it all into the foreign car this time. We made good time but Dixie played the same song over and over and over so she could learn it. I went blank on about the fifth time around. The tune was, We are Family. You know it so sing along.  I brought All my sisters with me. We are Family, and on and on. She had to get the moves down also.  That was fun to watch in this little truck.

We got to the Motel about 3:00.  I went across the street and got some squirt to mix with the vodka.  We got ice and started to become our better side.  We were to meet for practice at 6:00 in the Freemont area. There is no parking around there.  We did find a spot and got to the apartment on time.  The other girls showed up and the music was on.  They danced, they strutted, they practiced it all.  Then we got hungry. Off we went to find food. The Mexican restaurant was backed up about 45 minutes so we went around the corner to the Chinese place.  Four girls and two guys for dinner please. We ordered five items and that was plenty of food. We are out of there and back to the apartment for some planning and back to the motel.

Saturday we are up and I want to go shopping. We�re dressed and went down to the Warf and parked. I have to go pee before we get up to Pike Street.  The little bar has beer so we stop and have one and go potty.  Then it is up and up and up the stairs.  We stop at the next to top level and go inside.  There are so many cool little shops.  The India place has Beaded Shawls that are beautiful. I didn�t even ask how much. Across the hall was an OLDER CLOTHS SHOP.  Dixie found a necklace and I found a bracelet. The man wanted to know if we were part on the court. He knew, right.  Oh well, I looked good in my Saturday Jumper and white sandals.

We made our way up to the top floor, which put us at about the center of the market.  We went north just looking like another couple of girls out shopping.  FUN.  We looked at all kinds of things.  I did find a couple of pair of earrings. One pair is for me and the other pair for a Christmas present.  We were going to eat but the place that they did the BAR scene in Sleepless was so crowded that we went on.   We went back down the stairs and got the truck. We drove over to the Freemont area again and found a Thai place that Dixie had been to before.  Parking was a bitch. The �he� girl waited on us and the food was good. The other, very sexy little girl, talked to us and took our picture.  We were just GRILS out for lunch and a beer.  

Back to the motel and start changing.  The other girls checked in and it�s a mad rush to get ready to go.  We did the makeup and hair but stayed casual.  We would change later after the girls practiced again.  And Zoom we are off to dinner which is close to Foxes. I guess I should pay a little more attention to where I am or where I have been.  Now there are 5 Tgirls and a New girl for dinner.  The new girl has new boobs and I got to run a test feel later. I can�t tell you more than that.  After we eat its back to the car to get all of the costumes and down the street we go to the club. Honks and waves along the way.

We got a couple of tables and set up for the night.  The man wanted $5.00 from each of us to get in and they are performing, HA. I had a long talk with him and got it down to $2.50.  They had this band that they had to pay, that was on before the girls.  As soon as they came on we all put in earplugs.  Tooooooo much junk noise for us.  I am not to old to enjoy music, but that was just noise.  Thank you, they are done.

The girls are up.  First a single and then the group.  One of the Alaska girls did the lead for the first two and they took a break.  Here they come again and Dixie is doing lead.  A red hot dress that wiggles.  Too much and a bunch of fun.  She does get into it.  She didn�t even see the big guy giving her money.  RESPECT is the song.  Sing it if you remember.  AND now it�s time for FAMILY, ALL MY SISTERS WITH ME.  I even got up on the stage for this one.  I�ve got to get the record and play it over and over until I learn it. 

So the set is over and off we go into the night.  I can�t tell you how much fun we had.  Everybody was very excited. I was excited because the little garbage route guy wanted to take me home.  I bet he didn�t want me to meet MOM.  The other guy wanted to take TWO of us home.  I said, � Not until there is a new Mercedes in my driveway.�  Well, he didn�t have that in mind and we didn�t visit with him.

We got back to the motel and it�s about 3:00 AM, and we are still up and talking.  When my head hit the pillow I was out.  The night went very fast, what�s that bright light, SUN, it�s too early.

We got dressed and went to meet the Seattle girl and the Alaska girls went east for the day.  Seattle girl had a nail appointment so we went along.  We were on north 45th west of I5 freeway.  The nice girl was doing the nails and we were setting.  Well, I figured the door was open.  I could see the cars going by and I could walk outside and watch the traffic and be watched by the traffic people.  So this one time there were two guys in a Red Jeep.  I had wiggled outside and was looking at the sunshine.  The traffic stopped and there they were.  So, slowly I turned around and slowly wiggled back into the shop.  As I came inside Dixie was there and I asked, � Are they looking?�  She said, �OH YES.�  I am such a happy girl.  I can turn heads when I wiggle just right�..

When we are done with the nails we go up the street to find lunch.  We found this place that is so cool.  No I can�t remember the name but they do a lot of eggs.  It�s on the north side of the street.  Everybody was so nice and when we were leaving the cooks all said, �Good by Ladies� , OH I could have run back inside and kissed them all. 

Time is getting late and its time to head south.  Three hours later we pull into the driveway in Portland.  I am a little sad.  LITTLE SAD.  I�m almost crying.  I�ve got to change and drive home.  Shirley has to go back into the bag.  Back to the working world.

BUT I HAD SOOOOOO MUCH FUNNNNNNN.  I will remember this weekend for a long time.  You should have been there.  IT WAS, PARTY PARTY PARTY.           LOVE YA.    Shirley J
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