Here we are, LETTER 14, what a JOY...
                               Letters from Shirley

Letter 14  Here we go again�    I�m in the mood; I�m in the mood to write.

Let�s see page 13 was about October.  We can make this page Christmas Party Weekend.

I don�t think I went out in November. I think there was a money problem somewhere, like in my pocket.  So I knew the Christmas party was coming up.  I got into my red dress and it was sooo tight.  I have not been able to wear this dress out yet.  So with no money in November it was a good time to diet.  I lost 6 pounds before the party and got into the dress.  There were lots of tight things under the dress to HOLD me into it.  I had been to an antique show and bought a very nice  rhinestone necklace and earrings.  They are so pretty. 

So off to Portland I go. Saturday afternoon I check into the Motel.  This is the same Motel that the party is at.  Good planning don�t you think?  I went to the store and got a sandwich and snacks to hold me over until dinner.  Drinks were at 7:30 or so and I was on time and sooooo beautiful.  I got many comments about my dress and jewels.  It was a nice dinner and some of the girls sang after dinner.  Not me, Shirley is not allowed to singing, NO NO. 

Well dinner is over and I think, � I�m in PORTLAND and Hobo�s is here�.  So off I go into the night. Got a ride over the river and I�m there.  The good-looking bartender is working tonight.  Three or four other girls come in and we talk and then I think I should go dance at CC�s.  I didn�t see anybody at first and then everybody was there.  I danced and pranced. I got my picture taken. I had a ball�  Did you know that I love to dance?  I want to learn to SALSA with a man, but the doorman at the Latin place on the corner does not think it would be a good idea for me to go in there. BOO HOO

I think it got pretty late�.  I think I decided to go back to the motel, but I stopped for one more at Hobo�s.  Bill was there and wanted to buy me a drink, so I let him.  Bill wanted other things too, BUT he didn�t get it.  I�m not the type of girl you know.

Sunday morning I didn�t get up until 10:30.  I didn�t feel too good, know what I mean????  Oh well, by Tuesday I was fine.  As we get older it takes more time to get well.

I just love being myself, Shirley that is.  Are you trying to be yourself?????  Some times it feels so right.  You just know in your �knower� that you are on the right track.

This weekend the train was running just fine��..

Love    Shirley  J
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