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Mad Men 4


      Well it�s been awhile since I have done a madmen page but still we have all been up to our mad tricks as usual, Quite a while ago I had a party at my house but as usual some people where too Lazy to come down to my end (and yet they ask why they am not on my web site lol) but anyhoo�s ben brought his car down and we all when out in it. Then we was just about to come back into my street when the clutch went and we could not get the car in gear so we pushed it back to my house. Well it come to the case where ben had to get the car back to his house about 3 miles away so we though we may as well push it back .................. at 2am and ben had to get into work the next day so he got some sleep before hand and at 2am me and phil would get him up or so we though. Phil started to shake him but no good, so he carried on and after a while me started mumbling stuff ????? then he just said �I aint pulling that chair over here just to cut it down to size� ????? so in the end phil just hit and shaked him to get him up. 2:11 we start pushing car, Mainly down hill no worries. 2:20 get to walking distance Half way @ old hill by pass. 2: 35 had a fag and reached the end of old hill by pass. 3:00 Starting to go up hill (Bollocks) got 20 yards away. 3:30 reach hayden hill 10 yards away 3:45 2 metres moved and we are fucking knackerd. 3:40 Asain taxi driver pulls up and gives us a hand to top of hill. 3:50 sneak down this embankment ride down it at a 50o degree angle very fast  4:00 down other side of hill and half way up other side. 5:30 get near to top of hill (mountain I think) 5:35 got a 45o - 55o angle hill to push one ton of metal up hill 6:30 get to bens.               Total time taken 4 hours 22 mins (try it some time)


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