Here are stories, no, adventures from the past� years. From time to time I will also add writings of my thoughts about subjects that are haunting me to express. My closet life ended the summer of 1998. As my times out increase, you will see more and more.

First Support Group

A November Tau Remember

First Mall Adventure

My Makeover Adventure


Lost in Cary or the Legend of WWD

Spring Fling

First Support Group Meeting

This is how I felt before and after my first meeting with the Kappa Beta girls. They will always hold a fond place in my heart.

�� Five hours ago I left the greatest new friends anyone could hope for. A most incredible weekend is ended. Still on a tremendous high, I can't stop thinking of all the wonderful people I met and things I was able to do for the first time because they were there to help me. Before I describe what happened, let me tell you how I even managed to gather the courage to come out.

��� About two months ago (June 1998) I was overwhelmed by a desire to meet and talk with other heterosexual crossdressers. After exploring the internet I found the Kappa Beta web site and many personal web sites of crossdressers. I took a quick look at Kappa Beta then searched for crossdressers sites that lived near me. I found Beverly's Bungalow. She had a great story, sweet personality and lived reasonably close , so I sent her she-mail to tell her who I was and how thrilled I was about her site, in particular an outing she had. Bev was not the first CD I'd ever contacted, but Beverly was the first to ever engage in helpful correspondence with this mildly experienced closet CD. As we progressed through our conversations, Beverly mentioned Kappa Beta as a possibility in helping me and gave me the new web address. I revisited KB's site and pondered for about two weeks before I decided to contact Sherri by email. I got an immediate response, including information on how to contact her. Two days later, still with some apprehension, I called Sherri. She was so kind. We talked for nearly two hours. telling me about KB, herself and the information pack she would send. Now I started to rethink. Why was I doing this? Should I join a CD support organization? Questions, questions more questions, I new what I had to do, but was looking for a reason (and none were any good) to not satisfy one of my hearts desires, meet others like me. By this time I almost scared myself out of it. I again visited Beverly's site to get up some nerve and later emailed her to tell her I'd made contact with Sherri and was full of butterflies. Very soon thereafter, the Information pack came and took a couple of days to read every word. I was ready again, I would do it. Oops! Maybe I shouldn't. Now on to Amy's site and email to her. I didn't know Amy, but she had more butterflies than I could ever hope to hold. Amy replied with encouraging words. I was up and down for a day or two more, when I put my foot down. Listen self, you are going and you will do what ever it takes to have a good time. Besides, have you ever heard of a person dying from too much crossdressing and who are you going to show all those new clothes you just bought.. You're going!

��� The Friday I left was a good sign. It was bright and sunny, traffic was mild and I was excited. I arrived in drab (men's clothes) and checked in at the Best Western After a five and a half hour drive from Virginia Beach, I was tired so laid down while I waited for Sherri to come by. Near 4pm the phone rang. It was Sherri asking what room I had and that she'd would be right down. Enter a small nervous twinge, I heard a knock at the door. "Its Sherri, may I come in" I opened the door and there stood a woman. "Am I the first crossdresser you've ever met?" Yes, I said. From there we talked a bit and she helped me get my makeup started and I finished it myself. Soon I was ready except my wig, which Sherri styled for me. In a few minutes more I was fully dressed, when Sherri returned telling me some of the girls were waiting to meet me. Enter one more small butterfly. Down the hall I went to met my first room full of crossdressers. Oh My God! I walked through the wall of apprehension and entered a room of friendly happy smiling faces, one being my friend Beverly.

��� I was not afraid. We talked and talked. Some about crossdressing and allot about each other. Before I new it. we were ready to go to dinner at the Thai Restaurant. I was taking to this like a duck to water. I already loved these girls. I really prefer women's company anyway. We were accepted like old friends at the restaurant and engaged in a delicious meal and wonderful conversation. Here I got a new thrill, being catered to like a lady. Drew, a female to male crossdresser was opening doors, helping us get seated and lighting our cigarettes. I really loved that. After dinner we went to the bar at Valentino's Restaurant to socialize some more. Everybody new us there too. I couldn't have asked for a nicer first day out. I was invited to go to a boat outing the next morning, but decided to sleep in after a very long day for this 51 year old girl.

��� Saturday was even better. I must have taken a special pill, because today I'd do even more things I than I ever thought I could. After breakfast down stairs, I talked with the desk girl. She asked me if I had a good time last night, so I began to tell her everything. I asked her how she felt about crossdressing and she was fine with it. She also mentioned that her boss saw us at Valentino's Friday night. There's more! I was getting dressed to meet the girls after the boat trip and was ready except for my wig, when the maid knocked on the door to give me the towels and wash cloths she'd forgotten. I opened the door and told her to come in . "You look really cute in that outfit" she chimed. "And you even put on your lipstick better than me, You look good!" she added. Now I know I love to be complimented too. Where did I get the nerve to do that? I guess its just in the genes (the jeans I was wearing) You just need to go shopping and meet Juicy. She (a genetic girl) does makeovers and has some apparel and jewelry for sale. What a love. We all got a hug from Juicy and she raved over us for the first ten minutes. Another first for me; I witnessed a makeover of another new KB member. After shopping there for about an hour, we picked up a dress alteration for Sherri and headed back to the Hotel. That night we went to Valentino's for dinner and drinks. We had a room to ourselves. The food was great and the conversation incredible. We talked about everything except crossdressing at our table. I met about ten more of the girls and three significant others. After dinner we were given opportunity to share experiences that were new or special to us with the group. I came close to tears, when the other new member's significant other told how and why she came to accept his desire to crossdress. In brief, because it was important to him and she loved him so very much, he should be able to have whatever made him happy. Need I say any more?

�� That night I just could not sleep, thinking about the past two days. At one point I cried because I was so very, very happy. I had just experienced the greatest outpouring of love between people that I had in a long, long time. The next morning we meet as men and departed as very close friends. I'm still on a high. See you all next month!

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A November Tau Remember

A Sorta First Time Letter

By Bobbi Jean

� Hi girls, Bobbi Jean here. My cross dressing life was blessed once again when I came to my first Tau Gamma meeting in November '98. This is first time sorta, because my first time meeting with a support group was in Aug '98 with Kappa Beta; so I was over the first time jitters.

� Let me tell you what prompted me to come to this lovely group. In October I received my Tri-Ess welcome package, in which was the Tri-Ess member directory. For some time I've desired to have a local transgendered friend, so I looked for girls in Virginia. There I found Robyn. How delighted I was! Immediately, I sent her email, hoping to gain a new friend. After several email exchanges we made phone contact during which conversation she invited me to Tau Gamma. Robyn is such a sales person, like you didn't know. The plan was set, it was off to Burlington.

� Once there and checked in to my remotely located room, I decided to make my presence known, so I went to good old room #212. Not sure of my ground I went en homme. I entered 212 where Kath and Linda greeted me. Oops! Am I in the wrong place, these are real women, I thought. Then, from behind the curtain I heard a familiar voice. It was Robyn. We exchanged greetings and all of us spent time getting to know each other. Melissa arrived shortly thereafter. We hit it off right away. After some more conversation I went back to my room to become Bobbi (the blond version). When I returned Susan greeted me along with the others. I felt the love everyone had for each other as we chatted until it was time for dinner. The hotel restaurant was cozy, the staff friendly and attentive, and the companionship heartwarming. Ah, but the night was not over. Many of us adjourned to the bar for drinks and conversation. A perfect first day ended when a gentleman held the lobby door for me as I returned to my room. Saturday held even more rewards.

� After breakfast I attended the Expressions of Love session. As an observer, I learned much about the feelings of the spouses and SO's. Love is such a wonderful and mysterious thing. Later, Robyn took me to a wig shop and I discovered a new Bobbi.

� I fell in love with a dark auburn wig with light red highlights, which I wore that night. At dinner I met more of the girls, spending most of the time with Angela and Kerry, also Virginia girls. I received warm greetings from everyone and many compliments too. I love compliments! Night owls don't let the weather deter them, especially Susan, the pack leader. Through the rain and cold about 9 of us ventured to Warehouse 29. After waiting for what seemed an eternity in the rain and cold the club opened. The club was very friendly toward us and as I found out later, catered to quite a wide variety of transgendered and gay clientele. With the darkness on my side, I was complimented by the bartender when I bought my first drink, second drink . . darn, no date (just kidding). We left about midnight and went to the club room to review our wild night on the town. About 2am I was exhausted and retreated to my room for a most restful sleep. Sunday's departing breakfast capped a perfect weekend. As I said my goodbyes, I knew Tau Gamma was for me. The love you all have shown me and among each other has left me with an internal glow that I can not describe. I love you all very much.

� A Bobbi Update: Since our first meeting so many things have happened. Hope I can stay aboard this wild ride. Thank you all Tau Gamma friends, for having enough faith in me to select me as a board member.

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First Mall Adventure

� It was only my third meeting with the Kappa girls and I decided I needed to do something different. My friend Leilla said she wanted to find an epilator, so I chimed in and said let's go to a mall. We needed an escort. Drew accommodated and drove us to South park Mall. When we arrived I was slightly tentative but managed to get out of the vehicle and follow Drew and Leilla. The first half hour or so was relatively uneventful. Most people didn't even give us a second look. I had on a purple sweater an matching skirt and worn my white flats as not to be too tall and get noticed. In my blond mode I was pretty unaware anyway, so those that did stare weren't even noticed. We shopped several stores and found an epilator for Leilla, though she didn't buy that day.

� The nicest experience of the day was our tour of the Hecht's store. We visited the jewelry counters and were treated royally. The girls were very courteous and helpful. We even got addressed as ladies. What a thrill that is! However, in every life there is a little sunshine followed by a storm. After exiting Hecht's some dark clouds came along ( teenagers looking for some fun)

� In case you are not already aware, teenagers are the most gender sensitive beings on the planet. They can detect a crossdresser in a second. About six ( a few boys and a couple of girls) noticed us when we left Hecht's. We went into a drug store and were followed. We separated in the store and the gang spilt up to see what we would do. One confronted me with a "how ya doin". I didn't reply, rather I smiled, lifted my head and walked on, not to be bothered again for a few minutes. We were getting a little frightened, so we walked, a very long walk, toward the other end of the mall where we came in. Our pursuers kept up with us the whole way, making various comments and giggles along the way. Finally we reach the store where we came in and veered into the men's department, where we got a departing remark about ladies going into the men's department. The chase was over and we walked, very relieved, to our vehicle. It took a few minutes before my heart stopped racing, then we all laughed about it. I'll always remember teenagers razor sharp gender awareness.

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