Southern Comfort 1999


Theme for the ball was riverboat gambling in the old South

Tuesday - Arrival

I received a very warm welcome by all, from the hotel staff to the Southern Comfort staff. Beverly Ann was the first to ensure my comfort at registration. Shortly after I met Chris Wells, who presented me with my registration package. Before I departed back to my room I also met Stephanie and Heather Lynn. I had lunch the next day with Heather and Fran Martin. That night I decided to relax and stay in the hotel, where I had dinner with Donna Johnston, the treasurer for SCC. We had a long and rewarding conversation.

Wednesday - Agatha's with Sabrina Marcus

Few had arrived to this point, but ah, the evening would be a treat. About 80 of us went to Agatha's for dinner and first time acting attempts for many of us. That's right, we participated in a play. Before we could enter the theatre we were handed our parts and briefed on the way the theatre was run. Sabrina Marcus worked the actors a bit as she did her assigned part. A bit of an ad-libber to say the least, thus it is Agatha's with Sabrina Marcus. Love you Sabrina. One of the greatest things was that non-tg people were there too. They weren't sure at first, but they got to love us and a couple of women came over and talked with us. The night was another opportunity to meet many more of my transgendered family, learning very much during the process. One of the lovely ladies I met was Marilee (pic below- click to go to her website). We talked the night away.


Thursday - Makeover by Bijou - Hard Rock Cafe

What a day! The morning involved attending a seminar and browsing the vendors area. I really needed some big girl jewelry, so I spent some time finding some gorgeous pieces for the rest of the conference. Rita, whom I met at Agatha's helped select perfectly complimenting rings and a bracelet. While there I scheduled a make over with Bijou of the Jim Bridges company for that afternoon. Bijou was so sweet. She talked me through the whole make over. What an amazing job she did! I received many compliments that day and night. The night consisted of going to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. We had a great meal and lots of fun dancing to the music. After returning to the hotel I met 4 lovely girls from Cincinnati (Be All country). Beth did the introductions and Vicki  jammed on the piano with a variety of jazz and blues tunes. We were jammin honey. During the jam session I danced with a woman (gg) named Erna from the Netherlands. She was there with her crossdressing husband, Rene'. We had a delightful conversation where I learned that they come to many transgendered events in the United States. I met many more wonderful tg ladies that night. That of course was what I hoped to do and yes girl I sure did. The pics below were taken after my make over. Click on any of the pics to see a larger version.



Thank you dear unknown friend and Fran Martin for taking these pictures.


Friday - Talent show and dinner

Another perfect day started with a short browse through the vendors area. There was lots of jewelry, books, breast forms, shoes, makeup and makeup artists as well as wigs and nail services. Yes I did spend more on jewelry and makeup. Lunch was another rewarding time of  making friendships and inspiring messages from our guest speaker, Dallas Denny. I had the extreme pleasure of hearing Dallas speak at the Kappa Beta Magnolia Ball in May. Again Dallas was wonderful. The evening started with a fine dinner. The hotel did a fabulous job in preparation and serving all our meals. After dinner we were entertained by the best transgendered talent in the world. The original song by Princess and the stand up comedy of Jamie Ward were among the top notch performers, capped by the spicy hot Grae Phillips. Below are pics from the night. Again, click on them for a larger version. On the right, I'm with Joann Roberts. Two good looking 50 plus gals, don't ya think? She is so very nice. 


Thank you Leilla and Edy for taking these pictures. 


Goofin off with Edy

Bobbi and Leilla Inseparable

Saturday - Banquet and Ball

My friend, Stephanie Marie AKA Prom Queen, arrived today. She another sweetheart I'm so fortunate to know. I was lazy today and just hung out getting Edy, my roommate since Thursday, on the road home and welcoming Steph. Lunch again presented us with another inspiring speaker, Ricki Ann Wilkins. She is very dynamic and inspirational. Though many of us were not aware, prior to lunch one of our sisters passed away. Pardon me if my information is incorrect. Barbara Jane Richards passed away in her sleep sometime in the morning. Her wife Peggy remained in attendance and encouraged us to continue with the evening festivities, as Barbara would have wanted it that way. The entire evening was dedicated to Barbara. All our prayers are with Peggy and Barbara's family. I never had the great fortune of meeting Barbara, though she was a member of  Sigma Rho Delta, a sister group to Kappa Beta and Tau Gamma in North Carolina.

Below are pics from the banquet and ball.

Bobbi and Leilla - The Ladies in Blue

Leilla, Grae Phillips and Bobbi


The lovely me in a Delta Burke original (left) and the Belles of the Ball on the right


The center of attention (left) Stephanie Marie and Gabrielle Romani (right)


Lady Jane from Kappa Beta (left) and Jim Bridges (right)


Working in the background to make sure the music plays. After the party its Danielle.

I met so many wonderful people, such as, Miss Vickie Renee, Grae Phillips, Vickie Collins, Debbie Richards, JoAnn Roberts, Jennifer from San Francisco, Monica from Boston, Pati from Virginia, Tracie from North Carolina, Julie Peters and the list goes on and on. All were so lovely in there womanly appearance and mannerisms; proud tributes to our community. The efforts of all the SCC staff , SCC helpers and the hotel staff made everyone's stay just grand. Thank you all for your stupendous job and the love you have shown to us all. That's all for now. Next time I'll get more shutter action. Next year's dates are September 26 to October 1 . . . I think! Be there hon!

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