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Who am I?

Toantom [Toe-ann-toe-emm] (which is Enochian for "He who loves knowledge"), is an every-day, ordinary guy who happens to like men. Unlike some in the gay community, I don't flame, I don't like men who dress or act like women and I don't dress or act like a woman myself. If I wanted a woman, I would probably be straight.

Just when I thought it would never happen, it did! I am very happily the "other half" of a couple now! You can visit Chris's home page to learn more about him directly from the source.

What do I do for a living?

I'm a professional man (not that profession!) who works at home and sets his own hours. Most of my work involves computers and telecommunications, and I spend most of my time on my new company VP Developing, doing custom database, voicemail and WWW programming. It's not all bad, and can actually be fun sometimes. Check out some really cool pictures from my last trip to Hawaii. The pictures are somewhat large (22K-42K each), but well worth it in my opinion.

Until this month (March) I had been a Community Leader for westhollywood. Since early September 1996 I spent hour upon hour answering email, helping out my neighbors here in WeHo, working on help pages, and trying to keep it all organized. Finally, I just had to give it up because I was spending more time doing this stuff, and not enough time concentrating on important things, like Chris and my company.

Don't get me wrong, I still love westhollywood and I'll still be around - after all, Chris is still a CL and I'll be helping him when and where it is needed. For now, however, I am going to concentrate on my company, my new website at (hint hint) and paying the bills.

How do I have fun?

Most of my time is spent on the computer, watching TV or movies, reading books and doing stuff with the O.T.O. More and more of my time is spent now with Chris doing stuff, the way it should be :) and working on the QueerZone

I am also starting to do more volunteer work in the local gay community, taking on the duties of webmaster and host for a local project of our Lesbian and Gay Men's Community Center called the Community Challenge Ride, as well as volunteering as the Information Systems Crew Leader for that group. Pride time is coming closer, too, so I'm sure we'll be getting involved in that before too much longer.

Where do I live?

I'm located in El Cajon, CA, which is just (about 15 miles) east of San Diego. Chris and I live with my 20 or so stuffed animals in a nice two story, 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath town house, which usually needs lots of cleaning. My spare bedroom is my office and it's much messier than the rest of the house, but it's also where I tend to spend most of my time. One of these days I'll get the camera out and take a picture of my setup here (once I've cleaned it up, that is).

What do we look like?

Toantom Chris
Well, there I am! Until we get the real camera out, that's about as good as it gets. And here is my Sweetie, Chris. Isn't he adorable?

For those that care about this sort of of thing, here's the specs:

  • Age: 29
  • Height: 6' even
  • Weight: 'bout 170
  • Hair: Brown (what's left)
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Age: 30
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 'bout 150
  • Hair: Sandy Brown
  • Eyes: Green

My Sordid Past

Continue on for more details on my sordid past, and other messy details. This page contains several graphics, so may take a little while to load, but don't let that deter you!

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