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Gay/Lesbian Related Movies worth Seeing

Movies that I have seen and had time to review are rated on a scale of 1 flag to 5 flags, based purely on my personal opinion. If you don't like my review, then give me some feedback or chalk it up to experience :)

The Adventures of Priscella - Queen of the Desert 5 Flags
The epitomy of gay movies! Flashy, entertaining and thought provoking. If you haven't seen it yet, you should be shot! (Australian)
Boys on the Side
I never miss a movie with Whoopi Goldberg, and this was worth the money. A romantiic tearjerker & comedy about 3 women travelling cross country, a black lesbian, a straight HIV+ white women, and a teenage slut (my opinion). Their friendship grows as they get to know each other, even through trials and tribulations. (American)
Home for the Holidays 3 Flags
A rather quirky movie, but humorous at times. Although not the main subject of the movie, it deals well with the lead character's gay brother (played by bad boy Robert Downey, Jr.), and their father's acceptance of his lover. (American)
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls In Love 3 Flags
This one is pretty good, and it explores a troubling theme - what are two high school girls going to do when they fall in love, and everyone, including one girl's lesbian parents, are against their getting together. Production reminded me of an Afterschool Special (which it may have been), but still a decent movie. (American)
It's My Party 5 Flags+1 more!
No, you aren't imagining things, there really are 6 flags there! If you haven't seen this one yet, go rent it now and make sure you have LOTS of tissue handy. Eric Roberts, Olympia Dukakis, Gregory Harrison, Marly Matlin and others give award winning performances in this independent film about a gay man with AIDS (Roberts) who decides to end it all himself, rather than wait and become a vegetable from brain lesions. He decides to throw himself a "Going Away" party, to which he invites all his friends and family for one last goodbye. The reactions of his friends and family, and his reconciliation with his estranged lover (Harrison) are guaranteed to keep you in tears for most of the movie. Includes a cameo appearance by Greg Louganis. (American)
Jeffrey 5 Flags
Patrick Stewart is amazing in this one! He does the flaming queen so well, it makes you wonder. This adorable comedy highlights the life of Jeffrey (Steven Weber of Wings) after he decides to give up sex in these days of AIDS. Of course, just as he decides to give it up, he meets the love of his life, who just happens to be HIV+. Another Don't Miss. (American)
Longtime Companion 5 Flags
I had almost forgotten about this one, until I ran across it on the Bravo network this weekend. A very well made and poignant story of a group of people dealing with the effects of AIDS in the first decade of this horrible disease. I don't remember for sure, but wasn't this one nominated for an Academy Award(R) in 1991? If it wasn't, it should have been. Keep the tissues handy, you'll need 'em. (American)
The Lost Language of the Cranes 2 Flags
An interesting movie, intellectually speaking, about a gay man who learns that his father is also gay, and the effects that it has on the lives of the family members. (English/BBC)
Love and Human Remains 4 Flags
From the same director as Jesus of Montreal, this somewhat bizzare movie takes a good look at friendship, love and committment. Notable performances by Thomas Gibson and Cameron Bancroft (from 90210 & The Cape), including a nice shot of dear, shy Cameron in boxer briefs. Nice body! :) (Canadian)
Mad Max 1 Flag for the movie, 4 Flags for Mel Gibson
The dubbing sucks, the action is ok, the movie itself is pure gratuitous violence. And it's a classic. You can't tell me, with multiple shots of Mel Gibson in tight leather pants and all the men in leather, that this movie was not made by a bunch of queens. Oh yeah, the scene with Mel in the towel wasn't bad either :) Hence, the double rating - the movie itself was so-so, but well worth the money for the nice shots of Mel.
Making Love 4 Flags
A very well made, but old, movie about a married man (Michael Ontkean) who leaves his wife (Kate Jackson, Charlie's Angels) for another man (Harry Hamlin, LA Law). Very romantic, and a serious tear jerker, but well worth the cost of the tissues. (American)
My Beautiful Laundrette 3 Flags
The movie Daniel Day Lewis probably wishes was never made :) Hard to follow at times, but worth the effort. Follows the adventures of a Pakistani immigrant in the South side of London as he deals with less than scrupulous family members while trying to renovate a laundrette. Some interesting love scenes between the star and Daniel Day Lewis (nice body, unique hair). (English)
Philidelphia 5 Flags
Tom Hanks at his best! Anyone that hasn't seen this movie by now, they must be living in a convent or something. Make sure you have plenty of tissues ready, because you are definitely going to need them. (American)
The Sum of Us 3 Flags
A somewhat humorous story of a young gay man who lives with his father, and his father's attempts to set him up on dates with other young men. There are some tearjerker sections, after the father has a stroke, but it is far more funny than anything else. Well worth seeing. (Australian)
Total Eclipse 3 Flags
The now legendary movie that gives us several glimpses of the nude body of Leonardo DiCaprio. Nudity aside, this is a very good movie, although a bit chaotic at times. The cinematography is is just this side of amazing, and although I don't know much about French poets, the portrayal of the characters was realistic to me. (American)
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar 3 Flags
A poor imitation of Priscella, but still an entertaining movie, and worth the bucks to see Patrick Swayze in drag. He makes a beautiful woman! (American)
The Wedding Banquet 5 flags
A definite winner! Well made, humorous and thoughtful, this movie explores the lengths to which a gay Taiwanese man will go to keep his parents from discovering his preferences. Check out the Awards) this movie got. (American & Taiwanese)(English and Chinese, with English subtitles)
We Were One Man 2 Flags
I imagine it would be much better if you speak French, because the subtitles are less than adequate. Rather strange story about a peasant with a few loose marbles that nurses a wounded German soldier back to health after he is shot, during the last days of World War II. Contains some rather casual nude shots of the men (I love the scene where they are both too drunk to go outside, so they end up peeing in glasses - too funny), and a rather depressing ending, but still worth seeing. (French with English subtitles)

For many other gay related movies, check out the Award Films International page at GayWeb

Other Favorites

  • Star Wars
  • Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • ET
  • The Breakfast Club
  • St Elmo's Fire (theme - 17K)
  • Fire with Fire
  • Pretty in Pink
  • Mannequin 1 and 2
  • Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters
  • The Highlander 1, 2 and 3
  • Enemy Mine
  • Patriot Games
  • The Hunt for Red October
  • Clear and Present Danger
  • Crimson Tide (my old boat!)
  • Mr. Holland's Opus 5 Flags (not gay related, but an excellent movie!)
  • The Brothers McMullen
  • Ala Mode (French)
  • Muriel's Wedding
  • The Lion King
  • Aladdin
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Ok, anything Disney :)
  • Less than Zero
  • Air America (or anything else with Mel Gibson)
  • An American President
  • Dave
  • An Affair to Remember (the Cary Grant version)
  • Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
  • Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
  • Anything else with Keannu Reeves
  • The Falcon and the Snowman
  • The Neverending Story 1 and 2
  • Top Gun (theme - 21K)
  • and much, much more

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