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Books and Authors

One of my more passionate interests is books. I would tell you who my favorite author is, except there are so many great ones, I can't narrow it down to a single favorite. The majority of my reading is on the lines of Science Fiction and Fantasy, but just like everything else in my life, my taste in books is very eclectic. Here are some of my favorites.

Gay Related Books

Breaking the Surface

Breaking the Surface Cover

by Greg Louganis with Eric Marcus
Random House, 1995

One of the most touching and heart wrenching books I've ever read, by one of the most interesting men I've ever met. From his less-than-happy upbringing here in good old El Cajon, CA, to his still unsurpassed Olympic victories, Greg Louganis is a hero for everyone. If you haven't read this yet, go get it. Watch for the movie version of this book starring Mario Lopez (Saved by the Bell) coming this March on the USA Network.

From the Introduction: "Breaking the Surface is the story of a lonely boy who struggled with dyslexia and discrimination yet discovered he had a great gift for acrobatics and diving. It's about a shy kid who battled low self-esteem, bouts of depression, and conflicts over his sexuality yet still went on to become one of the most accomplished divers of all time. It's about a man who had a world of opportunities yet lost his way when those opportunities ended. And it's the story of a man who is learning to live with HIV."

Straight From the Heart - A Love Story

Straight From the Heart Cover

by Rod and Bob Jackson-paris
Warner Books, 1994

I'm a sucker for a good love story, and even more so for a gay love story. This incredible book tells the story of two guys who just happened meet one day and fall in love. The troubles and tribulations these two go through make a good read, their love for one another is an inspiration, and their courage helped to pave the way for others. Another must read.

From the back cover:

"We were like teenagers in love for the first time, but because we were gay, we never had that experience when we were that age. Here we were in our early to mid-twenties, courting each other, infatuated with each other, and in love. It was definitely Aladdin's magic carpet ride." - Rod Jackon paris

"We went camping and hiking almost every weekend those first few months after we got together. The most incredible of the trips was a day trip to Joshua Tree. . . . That hike was part of the inspiration for the poem I wrote three years later for our wedding: 'We were walking through the desert, moonlight bright, nightshadows dance, holding hands, whisper secrets. God's wondrous gift this sweet romance.'" - Bob Jackon-paris

house and home

house and home cover

by Steve Gunderson and Rob Morris with Bruce Bawer
Dutton Publishing, a division of Penguin, USA, 1996

Another incredibly romantic book, but also a great education in the everyday workings of Congress and the people in today's headlines. Although the cover says written by Steve Gunderson and Rob Morris, there are only a few caviats by Rob and the rest is all Steve. Having taken a lot of heat for being a gay Republican, Steve does a good job of explaining his philosophy on politics. Very interesting, and at times quite humorous, I highly recommend this book.

"House and Home provides the clearest evidence of how people from widely varied backgrounds and ideological perspectives are able to work together to produce historic results. Readers will find an insightful examination of the difficult line all true leaders must tread - balancing the sometimes conflicting responsibilities of our private and public lives." - Newt Gingrich

The President's Son

The President's Sun Cover

by Krandall Kraus
Alyson Publications, 1986

Although a little dated at times, this fictional book could have come out of the headlines of this year's election. Just how far will political advisers of the President go to get their boss reelected, and keep his son's homosexuality from becoming common knowledge? This book is a roller coaster ride of political intrigue and suspense that keeps you guessing up to the last paragraph. If you like a good thriller, you'll love this one.

From the back cover: "D.J. Marshall is the handsome - and gay - sone of an American president. But as his father's reelection campaign begins, D.J. finds himself cut off from the president by ambitious advisers who will go to whatever lengths they deem necessary - including blackmail, international espionage, even murder - to prevent any scandal from threatening their power. Soon D.J. realizes he has no one to trust - no one, that is, except parker, the beefy Secret Service agent who is taking an unusual interest in D.J.'s personal life. But can parker really be trusted?"

Science Fiction and Fantasy - By Author

Anne McCaffrey

All the Weyrs of Pern Cover

One of my all time favorites, and one of the best story tellers in the world today. She has that magic touch of making worlds come alive, along with the characters in them. I started reading Anne McCaffrey back in the 7th grade with The White Dragon, and was instantly sucked into the world of Pern. I haven't stopped reading her books yet. In fact, I pride myself on having one of the most complete collections of Anne McCaffrey books around, including some of her romance novels. Even if you aren't a sci-fi lover, you will still love her books. Check out all the details at her home page DragonHold, including info on the newest Pern Book Dragonseye (yeah!). Various publishers.

Robert Jordan

Wheel of Time Cover

This New York Times bestselling author rocked the world of fantasy in 1990 with The Eye of the World, and has been doing so with every subsequent novel in the epic fantasy series The Wheel of Time. Reminiscent of the style of J.R.R. Tolkein, this series follows the travels of a group of youngsters from a small town in the middle of nowhere as they become entangled in the history, and future, of their world. A must read for all epic fantasy lovers. From TOR Fantasy.

David Feintuch

Voices of Hope Cover

The cover of each book claims "In the triumphant tradition of Starship Troopers and Ender's Game", and they are absolutely correct. When I got the first book, Midshipman's Hope, it was because I couldn't find anything else in the bookstore, and the cover looked interesting. Once I started reading it, I literally did not stop until I had finished the book. The characters and story are completely believable and the action is incredible. If you like a good "space opera" type of book, then you really have to get this series. From Warner books.

Tom Deitz

Another really good fantasy writer, Tom Deitz brings an interesting mix of Irish and South Eastern Native American mythologies together in several series focusing on young teens in modern day Georgia. His books are easy reading, always upbeat, with an understanding of the teenage thought processes that makes you want to be 17 again. His books include Windmaster's Bane, Fireshaper's Doom, Sunshaker's War, Stoneskin's Revenge, Above the Lower Sky, Soulsmith, Wordwright and much more.

Robert A. Heinlein

I first read Stranger in a Strange Land when I was about 14 or so, and my life hasn't been the same since then. It was Heinlein's thoughts on the world and personal responsibility that eventually led to my discovering Thelema (in fact, he mentions The Book of the Law in Stranger). Incredibly thoughtful, often humorous and very good reading, his books are more than just fiction - they are a continous commentary on our society and the way we've managed to screw up our world. Somehow, though, they always manage to give you hope that there is a better future for man, if we just try. Watch out for the movie version of Starship Troopers coming to a theater near you next summer.

Piers Anthony

Often ridiculed and seldom appreciated, Piers Anthony is one hell of a storyteller. From the whimsical Xanth books, to the amazing Incarnations of Immortality series, his books are enjoyable to read and always entertaining. Not always for the lighthearted, some of his older books such as Mute, Macroscope and the Tarot Trilogy are intensive studies into the depths of man's mind and soul. Despite the poor reviews by the critics (who he takes liberal punches at quite frequently), he's one of the biggest selling authors in the world of fantasy, and has made it to the top of the New York Times Bestsellers list more than once. Look for his Author's Notes, too. They give an interesting perspective on his life, and the stories behind the books.

Katherine Kurtz

Whether it's modern day magical mysteries with The Adept series, or medieval magick in the world of the Deryni, you'll never get enough of Katherine Kurtz once you start reading her books. I first read Deryni Rising back in the 7th grade, about the same time I discovered Anne McCaffrey, and I've been hooked on Deryni ever since. As a Ceremonial Magician in real life (or so I've heard, and the books certainly lead you to believe that), Katherine blends fact with fiction in truly believable stories that you never want to end.

Other Authors Worth Mentioning

I'll expand these to include my personal reviews later, when I have more time. If I kept giving a review of each one of my favorite authors like the ones above, this page would never make it up on the server. :=)

  • Terry Brooks
  • Alan Dean Foster
  • David Eddings
  • J.R.R. Tolkein
  • Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman
  • Melanie Rawn
  • David Gerrold
  • Larry Niven
  • Steven Brust
  • Andre Norton
  • John Varley
  • Christopher Stasheff
  • Dianne Duane
  • Robert Asprin
  • Jack L. Chalker
  • Raymond E. Feist
  • Gordon R. Dickson
  • Madeleine L'Engle
  • Nancy Springer
  • Any Star Trek book
  • Any Star Wars book
  • Any Quantum Leap book
  • Any Alien Nation book
  • Tom Clancy
  • Shirley MacClaine

OK, so the last two aren't Sci-Fi/Fantasy, but the books are good anyway.

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