I am CornHollio...


I need T.P. for my bunghole!

Why am 'I' here?

Laks' answer to why his page is in existence and why it's so important to view it!

Go here.

This page is here because when I was starting to come out as a gay male in the gay world (unfortunatley full of sex sex sex) it was very difficult to get to know who "I" was and what I was out to do --be gay but w/o having to have sex to do it. I was living in a str8 world in which people thought that gays were bad. I wanted to tell them that as their friend I was not "bad" or so they though. I was good enough to be their friend so I guess I was good enough to be gay AND their friend, but I was not sure if they would see it that way. This page is a dedication to those who are not sexually active or who are but are not letting it run their life. They know that there is more to the gay world than just sex and they want to make that impression on the rest of the world and their community whatever and wherever that may be. When I was starting out on the internet as a closeted gay male, I wanted someone to tell me how it was, to guide me and coach me, to tell me what to do, who to talk to, how to come out of the closet if I was ready and how to get ready if I did in fact want to. I wanted a friend. Not someone who was going to sleep with you, not someone who was going to try to sleep with you and pose as your friend. I wanted someone who I could cry on his shoulder and not have to worry that somehow he was going to try and whisk me into bed. To me it seemed like sex was the #1 tool to come out of the closet in my own way, or to acknowledge that I was in fact a gay male living in a str8 world struggling to find his identity whatever that may be and to see who he was inside and out! I was struggling and could not tell anyone, my family knew but I could not talk to them, it was like "whew" they knew but that was the extent of it. No "mom/dad" chit chat talks, like "i have a problem, can we talk?" They wouldn't want to talk to me, and I wouldn't know what to say to them or well you know what I mean. This page is for you, it's a resource guide for those who need help in finding things, I'm not a counselor so that's why it's called Unoffical Gay Help but it's gay help from a gay male. I am doing this for no economic value or status or whatever, it's out of the kindness of my heart. I care about people, i'm a sensative soul and feel that someone is not

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