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Has the web changed you?


What do you want more of on the www?

What do you want more of on the web:

What is there too much of on the www?

What do you want more of on the web:

What is there too much of in the world?

What do you want more of on the web:

What do you like to do?

What do you want more of on the web:

What do you hate to do?

What do you hate to do on the web:

What do you want to be doing but know you'll never be able to do it?

If you could do one thing what would it be?

What would you never do? Why?

Who do you love?

Who do you hate?

What's your favorite thing or something you love dearly?

How often do you fill out these surveys?
Never Sometimes Always Other

Do you like surveys?
Yes No

Do you want me to stop?
Yes No

If you did why are you continuing? :)

Hey do I bug you?
Yes No

What do you think of my page?

Do you think people are out for themselves in life? If so, who do you think they are, and why do you think they think that way?

Do you hate people?
Yes No

Do you think that they suck?
Yes No

Do you think mean people suck? If so do you think that nice people swallow? ;)
Yes No

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