All links have been checked on 1/20/98 @ 10AM EST and are 'linkable' :)

Soon to be categorized for easy access and search!
Like Coming Out, Teens, Support, etc.

Yahoo index of TONS of gay links, some are listed below.
Great resources for gays! and lesbians and str8 and parents!
Queer Planet HomePage In/Out of the "closet" or sorta in there or question your sexuality? Your parents don't know or you haven't told them you? Want help telling them? Et. El.
good general help page
"G=Spot Web-zine, "A web magazine for out and coming about gay teens and young adults."
Human Rights Watch
good gay help stuff and other things!
cool, great resouces gay www page! neat stuff
identifiying bias
coming out story responses! hear kids talk about being gay and what their parents said/did
rainbow flag (and it's meaning)
safe schools anti-violence document
gay's in the military article
infoqueer (gay resources, good!)
Canadian G, L, and B resource dir.
Gay, lesbian and bisexual youth --G-Spot e-zine.
A thoughtful and extremely complete guide about homosexuality, including the nature vs nurture debate, defining the gay lifestyle ad religious issues.
The St Louis Q keeps you in the loop on what's queer in the show-me state.
NetKid's meeting place for gay teens.
A proud mother's tribute to her gay son.
Homosexuality: Common Questions & Statements Addressed
Youth.Org --Gay GOOD STUFF
Coming out what to do and NOT do, and other resources! Very good! I think, it looked good!
Human Rights Campaign's Gay Sites, Resources, On-Line Publications, State and Local Organization and Resources, Univ./College Gay Sites, AIDS informtion, Allies, Political Sites, Et el.
Vancouver, Canada Gay Links
Great resource for TONS of gay links! it's not been fully tested but some are good, and some are crap!
The Dating HandBook (A gay Dating HandBook)
Flirting "101" A guide to flirt. Yup, it's an "art."

My Child is GAY! Now What Do I Do?
Resources for the parents of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youth...

For support of pre-college GBLT youth

Human Rights Campaign Working for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights


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