About Songdog

Songdog on couch, September 2002
Self-portrait, March 2002

Songdog's real name is Charlie (at least one of his real names is). He's 43, kind of tall and kind of big, with long brown hair and a shaggy brown and gray beard, living in the not-so-wilds of metro Detroit, Michigan. By day he works in a cubicle farm, but he's also a professional musician with a dream of escaping the rat race someday. Songdog likes (in no particular order) music, especially acoustic music, photography, the outdoors, road trips, living history reenacting, books, writing, hanging out in coffee shops, The Red Green Show, coin collecting, certain comic books and indie comics, magazines, radio, and making computers do creative things like desktop publishing, database management, and web design. He tends to not date outside his gender, and has a preference for scruffy, sturdy men "of a certain age." He has an unrequited thing for motorcycles. He also figures you probably stopped reading after the first line, if you're here at all, because he's seen the site statistics and you probably came to the Web Lair for pictures, anyway.

Posted Dec. 21, 2002; updated March 8, 2005