Selected Articles ~ International

~ Titles, Publishers, and Dates ~

Roger has had numerous articles published in leading professional journals in many foreign countries throughout the world. These articles have appeared in countries on all contintents. Selected articles are highlighted below:

"Cities and their Parts: Is America on the Road to Ruin?"
Local Government Manager
(Local Government Managers Australia, Melbrourne, Victoria, Australia, Decvember 2008/January 2009)

"America's Infrastructure: How to Avoid the Road to Ruin"
Journal of Public Works & Infrastructure
(Henry Stuart Publications, London, England, December, 2008)

"Urban Infrastructure: Is America on the Road to Ruin?"
Municipal World
(Municipal World Inc., St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, November, 2008)

"The Infrastructure of America's Cities
Contemporary Review
(Contemporary Review Company Ltd, Oxford, England, Autumn, 2008)

"Vulnerability Assessments for Public and Private Facilities"
Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning
(Henry Stuart Publications, London, England, May, 2007)

"Assessing the Vulnerability of Buildings"
Disaster Prevention & Management Journal
(Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, England, April 2007)

"Homeland Security: Commonsense Measures to Safeguard Your Community"
Local Government Manager
(Local Government Managers Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, April/May, 2006)

"Homeland Security: Suggestions from The Best Practices in America"
Contemporary Review
(Contemporary Review Company Ltd, Oxford, England, May, 2004)

"Challenging Trends in the USA - What About Our Own Backyard?"
Local Government Manager
(Local Government Managers Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, February/March, 2002)

"Cities in the 21st Century: The Forces of Change"
Local Governance
(ILGS, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, Spring, 2001)

"Cities in the 21st Century: The Forces of Change"
Municipal World
(Municipal World, Inc., St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, February 2001)

"Cities in the 21st Century: The Forces of Change"
Journal of the Korean Urban Management Association
(KUMA, Seoul, South Korea, December, 2000)

~ Other Articles ~

"Cities in the Year 2000: A New Planning Model"
The International Law Review
(IIL, Geneve, Suisse)

"Future Vision Project: Clifton Prepares for the 1990's"
(B-H Ltd., Oxford, England)

"The Need for Strategic Planning in the Public & Nonprofit Sector"
The Chinese Journal of Administration
(NCU, Taipei, Taiwan)

"Economic Development: A Public and Private Partnership"
Greenhill Journal of Administration
(GIMPA, Achimota, Ghana)

"Local Government and the Future"
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Treasourier
(IMT, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa)

"Economic Development: Raising Revenues Without Increasing Taxes"
The Economic Studies Journal
(ES&JPC, Calcutta, India)

"The Council-Manager Form of Government in the United States"
Local Government Management
(AIMM, Melbourne, Australia)

"Desarrollo Economico Municipal: La Experiencia Norte-americana"
Revista Interamericana de Plantificacion
(SIP, Mexico City, Mexico)

"More of Police Productivity: Beyond Cutback to Creativity"
Journal of The Forensic Science Society
(TFSS, NY, England)

"City Futures: Preparing for Tomorrow"
(BS Ltd., Surrey, England)

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