Mom's Links Page

(Updated 10/27/99)

Hi! My name is Janice and I'm Mom to Abby, Cody, and Heidi. They agreed to give me a little space on their website so that I can show you all my favorite places to visit on the Internet. While my focus is on Dachshund sites, I've also included sites that should appeal to anyone who owns a pet.

As a result of a great deal of research, I've learned that the cornerstone to a dog's health and happiness is a wholesome, natural diet. In the Canine Nutrition section, I've included many sites that contain articles on how to evaluate the food that your dog is currently eating. Hopefully, these articles will convince you that feeding your pets a homemade diet is the best thing you can do them.

The Bones and Raw Food (B.A.R.F) section is new as of September, 1999. B.A.R.F. is a diet that provides dogs, cats, and even birds with the food that their systems were designed to metabolize. The links that are included in this section will explain why B.A.R.F. is so beneficial to your pets.

The Doggie Recipes section includes "The Recipe" that I've been feeding my three dogs for almost two years. Through the miracle of the Internet, "The Recipe" has been passed on to the owners of hundreds of happy dogs all over the world. This section also includes links to sites that contain virtually thousands of food and treat recipes for your little ones.

Pet Rescue is another passion - one of my greatest dreams is that all pets could have warm, loving homes.

So, stay a while and look around. Check back often because I'll be adding sites all the time.

Dachshund Sites

Dachshund Circus!
Dachshund Facts
Winston's Ultimate Dachshund Links
Dachshunds On The WorldWide Web
Dachshunds Links2Go
The Dachshund Network
About Dachchunds
Pet Zone - Dachshund Facts
Jordemm Kennels
Links to Dachshund WWW Pages
The Mailing List - Dachshund-L

Personal Pet Pages

Peanut's Page
Andre's Dachshund Gallery
The Dachshund Page
Colin's Pages
The Sausage Link
Tia's Page
BoBo's Homepage
Mokomakin's Dachsionary
Bo Bo's Homepage
Clover, The Wiener Wonder
Teckelwood Farms

Disc Disease and Disc Disease Related Sites

Dachshund Back Related Websites
Dachshund Back Articles
The Backpocket of Niilo the Gorgeous One
Penny's Page
Vitamin C and Ester-C Studies in the Prevention of Disc Disease

Dog Training Sites

Perfect Paws Pet Training

General Pet Sites

Acme Pet
Articles on Health, Life, and Experiences
Dogpatch Doghouse
Dog Owners Pet Guide
Dog Fancy Online
Dogs - The Mining Co.
Canine Connections

Pet Health

Care for Pets
Alphabetical Index of Dog Information
AltVetMed - Alternative Veterinary Medicine
Working Dog Web
Homearts Petcare
Natural Holistic Pet Care
Shirley's Wellness Cafe - Holistic Care for People and Animals
Household Medications for Pets
Pet First Aid

Canine Nutrition

Optimum Pet Nutrition
What's Really in Pet Food?
Jordemm's Articles on Dog Nutrition
Food Pets Die For (WARNING: These articles are graphic!)
How to Feed Your Golden Retriever or Any Other Dog
Dog Food Comparison Chart
Missing Link Nutritional Foods
Vitamin C and Ester-C Studies in the Prevention of Disc Disease

Bones and Raw Food (B.A.R.F)

B.A.R.F. Information and Resources
B.A.R.F. Frequently Asked Questions
Enzymes: The Difference Between Raw and Cooked Food
America's Best Frisbee Dog's Diet Page
Dr. Tom Lonsdale's Raw Meaty Bones
B.A.R.F. Discussion Forum
Raw Feeding Links and Mailing Lists
B.A.R.F. E-mail List

Doggie Recipes

Mom's Dog Food Recipe
Dachshund Circus!! Recipes
CB's Kitchen
Favorite Dog Treat Recipes
Ann Shaw's Recipes for Dog Treats
Dog Food and Treat Recipes
More Dog Food and Treat Recipes
Kalgoorie & Districts Dog Recipes
Fuzzy Faces Dog Treat Recipes
Kritter Kitchen

Pet Rescue

"The Starfish" - A Story
"Why Should I Rescue an Abused Dog?" - A Poem
The Dachshund Rescue of North America, Inc.
The Dachshund Rescue Web Page
The Dachshund Underground Railroad
Senior Canine Rescue Society
The Senior Dogs Project
Hearts United for Animals
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
K9 Haven
R.E.S.C.U.E (Arizona)

Pet Memorial Pages

The Dachshund Memorial
The Pet Loss Grief Support Website and Candle Ceremony
In Memory of Niilo
Portrait of an Angel
In Tribute to Jessie
In Memory of Gabbie
I'm Still Here
The Candle Burns
Pet Memorials
Pet Loss/Grief
Rainbow Bridge Message Board
A Glimpse of Rainbow Bridge
A Request From Rainbow Bridge

Poems, Pet Stories, and Other Bits of Interest

A Dog's Plea
Mr. Minnihan
Just For Fun
10 Reasons to Breed Your Dachshund
He is Just My Dog
How Old Is Your Dog in Human Years?
Not In My Backyard Comic Strip

Abby's Page

Cody's Page

Heidi's Page

Our Friends Page

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