Heidi's Page

photo of Heidi

Hi! My name is Heidi...though I have many other names. Like "Hi-diddle-diddle", "Little-girl" and "Punkin Baby". There's also "HEIDI-GET-OFF-THAT-WINDOW-SEAT-IMMEDIATELY" and "HEIDI-STOP-EATING-MY-SHOE", and "Hi-DEEEE-STOP-DIGGING-THAT-HOLE".
But I'm my Mom's baby, so I've learned that if Mom catches me doing something she doesn't like, all I have to do is run over to her, flop on my back, kick my little paws, and look at her adoringly, and she'll start laughing and will rub my belly!
It works every time!!

I was born on June 12, 1997 and am a longhaired, miniature dachshund. My coat is red and black and people say I'm adorable!
That's because I'm so pretty AND I have an absolutely wonderful personality. I'll bark ferociously when I first see you, but once you're in the house, I'm the most affectionate little hostess. I give lots of kisses and love to cuddle and will always try to make people rub my tummy!
My Mom says that if a burglar came into the house, I'd lead him to the jewelry. But Mom's not telling the truth. In fact, I'd only lead him to the jewelry if he rubbed my tummy first!!

I came to live with Mom, Abby, and Cody in September, 1997. I loved my new brother and sister immediately, but they weren't so sure that they liked me. I had to give them lots and lots of kisses to let them know that I liked them. On the other hand, I also had to let Cody know that he could NOT eat my pig's ears, or play with my toys, and I had to let Abby know that I would ALWAYS wake her up every morning with lots of kisses whether she likes it or not. It took a while, but they finally understand how things should work around here! Abby usually just tolerates me now, but Cody is my true buddy.

"Cody's my best pal."

My favorite things are eating, playing with Abby's toys, barking at the big dog across the street, digging big, big holes, eating, swimming in the lake, sleeping, chewing Mom's shoes, and, by the way, did I mention eating?

"There's GOT to be something good to eat around here!"

Now that we're all getting older, Mom tries to give us chores to do around the house. Our favorite one, and truthfully, the only one we'll do, is pre-rinsing the bowls before they go in the dishwasher. We're all pretty good at this, but I must admit that I do the best job!

"No one is as good at washing bowls as I am!"

Finally, Mom has been able to get some good pictures of me. Aren't I beautiful?

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