Romani (Gypsy) culture and social issues.

Roma Related Links

The following links represent political, social and cultural web sites from around the world. Patrin supports the role of Roma organisations in furthering the political, legal and civil rights of all Roma. Patrin also supports efforts to improve employment, education, and health care availability. 

Today Roma are using the Internet to display pride in culture, language and solidarity with other Roma worldwide. The affordability and immediacy of the Internet provides a voice for the Roma, a voice that attempts to educate the public about a misunderstood and much maligned culture. 

In order to keep Patrin as current as possible our list of links has been shortened to sites we believe are the best on the web.  However, please visit the Open Directory Project for more links to other sites relating to Roma.

Romnichal family, about 1920, England
Romanichal family, about 1920, England

Lawyers Committee for Roma Rights and Recognition - USA
European Committee on Romani Emancipation - Belgium
Federación de Asociaciones Romaníes Andaluzas - Spain
Romany and Traveller Family History Society - England
Asociación de Gitanos de Navarra "La Majarí" - Spain
Association of Gypsies/Romani International - USA
JIRY: Plan Integral del Colectivo Gitano - Spain
Roma Community and Advocacy Center - Canada
Western Canadian Romani Alliance - Canada
Situation of Roma from Kosovo - Macedonia
European Roma Rights Center - Hungary
Association Romano Centro - Austria
RomNews Network Online - Germany
Roma National Congress - Germany
Stories from the Drom - Australia
Romani Union Australia
Dom Research Center - Cyprus
Exchange House - Ireland
Romani World - Belgium
Amaro Drom - Hungary
American Gypsy - USA
Union Romani - Spain
Pavee Point - Ireland
RomaPage - Hungary
ProRoma- Austria USA
O Vurdón - Italy
Balval- France 
More Roma-Related Links at
The Open Directory Project

Roma Flag

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