Guerra Civil - 1981
Fim do Mundo - 1983
Piolho - 1985
Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco!
Gloomland - 1994
Farawayers - 1996
Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco (relançamento) - 2000
Technolorgy - 2002
Pega Varetas (Meu Pau de Sebo) - 2003
Não Pode Ser Vendido Separadamente - 2007
Brazilian Indie Rock Band - The Pre History

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The New Aça - The Progressive Trip
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Acidente at Rio Art Rock Festival 2000
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The Zeca Files

Acidente playing  at the  Robin Hood Pub

The Zeca-Files

The Famous Zeca Files

Zeca Pereira, the drummer who recorded the first 3 albums with Old Aça, is also an emerit archivist in potential. Through the years he played in Acidente, he prepared a complete dossie by gathering a large number of press news about the band. Here goes his work, including his annotations on dates and names, besides exclusive photos rescued from the trunk of history. Click on the image to see it bigger.

The second slideshow is of an 1985 Acidente gig, when the band played at the Robin Hood Pub, in Rio de Janeiro, with Zeca on drums, Scubi on Guitar, Malária on keyboard and Paulo Lucic on bass.

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