Guerra Civil - 1981
Fim do Mundo - 1983
Piolho - 1985
Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco!
Gloomland - 1994
Farawayers - 1996
Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco (relançamento) - 2000
Technolorgy - 2002
Pega Varetas (Meu Pau de Sebo) - 2003
Não Pode Ser Vendido Separadamente - 2007
Brazilian Indie Rock Band - The Pre History

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New Aça - the progressive trip

As OLD AÇA was fading, keyboardist and producer Paulo Malária thought of quitting music at all. But when the group finally ceased to exist, he was alrteady playing with Nilopolis-based band THE LIRIOS and soon after with Jad Maroja's ESTADO INTERESSANTE. In these bands he met a lot of great musicians, among whose guitarist Zunga Ezzaet, bassist Jarbas Loop and drummers Bruno Mega and Mario Costa. So, in 1989, there was the quartet Jarbas-Bruno-Zunga-Mala, still nameless after many rehearsals, creating an instrumental, 70's prog-driven repertory. Without opposition of Old Aça's members, the group was called ACIDENTE once more (from now on, NEW AÇA).

They recorded the LP 'EM CASO DE ACIDENTE... QUEBRE ESTE DISCO', released  December 1989 (dated 1990). Two years later, Bruno left the band, being replaced by Mario Costa, and ACIDENTE recorded its first CD, 'GLOOMLAND', released early 1994. Another line-up switch followed: Jarbas turned gospel and Ary Menezes took the bass. It was the time of 'FARAWAYERS', the band's 1996 album. All these records had been released on Stolen Records, Mala's label. In 1999 Rock Symphony label's owner Leo Nahoum shown interest in releasing 'QUEBRE ESTE DISCO' on CD, and this happened the next year, the album enhanced by specially created bonus tracks (Expo Rock 2000 Supplement). Zunga had departed by then. Good results brought a brand new production, this time labeled by a powerful partnership Rock Symphony - Musea Records (France), featuring new guitarist Renato Borges. In the lunch time, Renato-Ary-Mario-Malaria plus founder co-member Scubi Jenné called themselves PEGA VARETAS and recorded a nice CD ('MEU PAU DE SEBO', 2003), bringing back the rocking spirit of ACIDENTE's early days.  As Renato decided to leave, the band is presently composing and rehearsing as a trio (Mario-Ary-Mala), attempting to release this new disc still in 2005.

Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco!
Gloomland - 1994
Farawayers - 1996
Em Caso de Acidente... Quebre Este Disco (relançamento) - 2000
Technolorgy - 2002
Pega Varetas (Meu Pau de Sebo) - 2003
Não Pode Ser Vendido Separadamente - 2007

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Aimberê Cesar e Helio 'Scubi' Jenné
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