Scleroderma Society of Canada

Links to other sites

Canadian sites

Scleroderma Association of BC

The Scleroderma Association of B.C. exists to promote patient outreach, support and education; to create public awareness and understanding of scleroderma; and to encourage and support research.

Sclérodermie Québec

Ce site a pour objectif de vous faire conna�tre ce qu'est la Soci�t� de Scl�rose Syst�mique (Scl�rodermie) du Qu�bec inc. et, ce qui se fait pour venir en aide aux personnes qui en sont atteintes.

The Saskatchewan Scleroderma Self Help Group

The Saskatchewan Scleroderma Self Help Group tries to provide support, information and friendship. "We try to help patients and families cope with Scleroderma and work to promote awareness of Scleroderma to the public and medical communities."

Scleroderma Society of Ontario

The Scleroderma Society of Ontario is committed to promoting increased public awareness, advancing patient wellness and supporting research in scleroderma. Good information and links to support groups.

Arthritis West Island Self Help Association

The mission of Arthritis West Island Self Help Association is to encourage self-help through a process of education, information, support, and awareness. This site is bilingual

Arthritis Society

The mission of The Arthritis Society is to search for the underlying causes and subsequent cures for arthritis, and to promote the best possible care and treatment for people with arthritis.

Lily of Hope

The Lily of Hope Foundation was created in 2002, as a tribute to the memory of those who are no longer with us, as well as, to honor and support those individuals who continue to live with these painful, and often life-threatening diseases.

Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders

"Through an educational and informational support network , CORD is committed to the enhancement of the lives of all persons affected by rare disorders."

Sites based outside of Canada

The Road Back Foundation is a non-profit corporation founded by a group of patients with rheumatoid diseases, which offers educational support and information about these diseases and their treatments. But, this group is different from many groups....

The information at this site is provided by physicians experienced in the treatment of inflamatory rheumatic diseases with low dose antibiotics according to the protocol developed by the late Dr. Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D. and by many of the thousands of patients who have benefited from this treatment.

Scleroderma Research Foundation

The online resource for the scleroderma community and homepage for the national Scleroderma Research Foundation. 'Until it is found, the Scleroderma Research Foundation will lead the way: �Searching for a Cure.� '

Scleroderma Foundation of USA

The national group of the United States with up to date information and links to dozens of support groups and other resources. Scleroderma Foundation publishes Scleroderma V.O.I.C.E magazine.

SD World

SD World is a list dedicated to providing a place where those who suffer from Scleroderma and other autoimmune problems may gather in a warm, friendly forum...

Scleroderma Webmaster's Association

The SWA pages provide many links to other scleroderma related sites

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�Scleroderma Society of Canada, Links, 2000-2004.
Last Update: rdg - Feb 08/ 2004 - Email: [email protected]