Judgement League Avengers #18 
"Man of the Hour"
A Time to Kill part 3 of 3
Tie-In with 1999 - 2099: The Hundred Years War #1
Written by Tombraider


I am called Wavelord. It is one of my duties to monitor the timestream. The current absence of the Judgment League Avengers from there time period, as well as the events which have surrounded this fact, have brought my attention. I have with me Heimron, the Asgodian time-spanner. He has brought with him a sentient being known as Timeman.

"Timeman is my successor. He comes from Earth during the 853rd Century. He is an android with the capability to command time, and I have intrusted with him the Scythlogog. I assume you know of it..." Heimron says, as the cloaked android comes closer to me.

"Yes, the 3 dimensional map of time and space. When not in use it takes the form of a scythe." I respond.

"Correct, Matthew. Due to the rebuilding of Asgard and the tremendous strain put upon me by Odin, I had to find a replacement. For I cannot come running every time there is a chronocrisis."

"Very well, Heimron. Timeman, it’s time for you to test the waters." I say as I lead Timeman down a hall
way. Heimron boom tubes away.

The Dark Knight, aka Sir Logan, clawed and thrashed his way through countless ranks of Lord Kang’s soldiers.

Transfer interrupted!

bed one of the royal guard in the arm, rendering him useless.

"Well done Dark Knight! Thunderbringer, Huntress, get over here!" Archer, Conner of Hawk, barked out orders. Dark Knight continued his mad quest to the throne room. He stabbed one royal captain who fell down. He was delirious.

"Dark-Knight....akk-koff...claws.....Dark-Knnn..Drrrk..claws..." The soldier passed out.

"My God." All of the sudden Dark Knight remembered who he was: Darkclaw. He grabbed "Archer" and yelled at him. "Conner...you are Hawkeye. An Avenger. Kang trapped us here!"

"It is obvious that you have become enchanted, Dark Knight! Stand aside or I shall have to bring an end to you." Archer notched his bow. Somehow Darkclaw got the feeling this wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought.

Super Soldier kept fighting. Most of the platoon around him was gone. He struggled onwards. He looked to the right to see Captain Marvel, then to the left to see Guardian Angel. They were still alive. An explosion knocked Soldier down. A huge tank rolled out of the smoke. It was no ordinary tank. Suddenly, a cry was heard.

"Imperious Rex!" Mariner, bruised, bloody, and broken, hurled himself at the tank. He had no effect on it’s thick hull. The last Super Soldier saw of Mariner was when reinforcements for the Kangtroopers arrived. They flooded in and swarmed over him. They tore him off the tank. They were shooting, and kicking and clawing and punching and stabbing him.

"Namor is down!" Marvel yelled. They continued to fight. Suddenly, the tank fired another blue electric bolt. That was how Super Soldier remembered. They would beat this thing.

Silicon Man, Magneto, Vengeance, and Miss Miracle fought along with a band of rebels against the future army of Kang. An explosion sent Silicon Man hurdling into Magneto, who pushed him off on the ground and continued his assault.

"Fall back!" A rebel yelled to Wally. "We have to run!"

"Never!" Wally said, returning fire with his blaster.
"RUN! We’re gonna have to run like demons to escape!" Another rebel said.
"Yeah...like a Speed Demon." Wally smirked. He remembered.

Suddenly all the time warps merged into one black, zero gravity warp. Darkclaw, Super Soldier, Zauriel, and Vengeance were the only Avengers that remembered their lives. Futuristic soldiers fought against World War 2 tanks, who fended off rocks and wooden arrows from the medieval army. None of this matter to the Avengers still under the influence. They didn’t even notice. Suddenly, above the chaos, Timeman appeared wielding his

"Avengers, it’s time to go home. Super Soldier, I think it’s time to use your phrase..."

"Took the words right out of my mouth, friend! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!"

Magneto, Silicon Man, and Mariner looked up. They joined the awaiting five. With a gesture, Timeman made the armies of the past, present, and future disappear. They were all alone with the other Avengers, still wrapped up in there fantasy.

"HO!" Thunderbringer said, referring to the Avengers that had remembered. "'Tis treachery!"

"Let’s show these traitors how we do it!" Captain Marvel yelled.

Super Soldier threw Captain Marvel down. He tried to explain what had happened, but Captain Marvel uppercutted him, sending him upwards. Captain Marvel chased after him. "Thunderbringer" and Magneto met in
midair. Magneto tried to use his electromagnetism in order to pry her mystic mace from her, but it wouldn’t budge.

"Your mace is rooted in magic, not metal.... your armor, however, is not!" He sent Thunderbringer hurdling down onto Huntress. Huntress rose and aimed her crossbow at the snakelike form of Silicon Man. The crossbow was knocked from her hand by a wooden arrow. Conner Hawk, the Hawkeye, had come to his senses. Huntress
charged and drop kicked Hawkeye, but he spun and grabbed her and held her as they floated in the air.

"You are a Judgment League Avenger! Not a medieval warrior! How many knights of the round table you know of that were women?" Conner told her.

"Oh....Conner....I...I... you’re right." Conner let her go. Captain Marvel tried to attack Super Soldier as Silicon Man tried to wrap himself around Marvel's limbs. After he had been pinned, Mariner made him remember.

One by one the remaining Avengers came to there senses.

"I believe you are done..." Timeman said to Super Soldier. "Time for you to return to your own time."
"What’s your name?" Super Soldier asked, extending his hand and smiling.
"Timeman." The android answered, ignoring Super Soldier's extended hand.
"Weren’t you an old hero?" Conner asked.
"There was a Timeman that came before me. In some ways I connect to that man, but I am not him or his descendant entirely." Timeman said to Hawkeye, Super Soldier opened his mouth to speak, but Timeman was faster:
"You can forget about asking me to join the JLAvengers. My duties are too large in scope. Just know this: whenever there is a chronocrisis, I’ll be there.... whether I’m fighting with you, or against you." Suddenly, the familiar "SHROOM" of time travel began.

"So what are you saying?" Thunder Woman asked as she stopped twirling her mace.

"Someone, or something is about to--!"
Zauriel and Thunder Woman disappeared in the stormy New York skyline.
Zauriel and Thunder Woman suddenly reappeared in the stormy New York skyline, somewhat wiser for the seconds that had elapsed.

"Wow. He even put us bak in our exact locations." Zauriel commented in quiet admiration.

"Attention to detail... those time travelers are funny that way...."

"What happened? The time warps merged into one!" Professor Kang screamed.

"I don’t know. At first I thought it was the Timeman, but this indicates something more powerful even than him!" T.O. Day responded, studying a SHIRO (Super Holographic Information Read Out).

"It was something powerful. What you saw was a merging of time. The different warps collapsed on one another. This will happen to everything when the timestream is destroyed." Kang the Time Conqueror appeared, descending the black void of limbo. "You see, I am dying....and when I am destroyed, the time stream will be
destroyed with me!"


For those of you interested in the collapse of the timestream, check out the next edition of Mercury, in which Pietro, T.O. Day and Timeman all race against time in order to save it.

NEXT ISSUE, in JLA 19: The Night Spectre makes a call on the JLA Mansion with one thing on his mind: Vengeance!



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