Judgment League Avengers #17


"It's Easy to Forget"

A Time to Kill part 2 of 3

Tie-In with 1999 - 2099: The Hundred Years War #1

Written by Tombraider


ALSO: If you are confused, there is a recap section at the end of the story which should explain what you don’t understand.
"We have successfully rid 1999 of the JLA. Our conquest of the world is going along smoothly." T.O. Day remarked.
"Yes, but do not count the JLAvengers out for long. They are resourceful." Kang responded.
"That is why I have taken an extra step to make sure the JLAvengers never escape the time periods which I have scattered them in."
"What do you mean?" T.O. Day asked, fooling with a computer.
"I trapped them in time periods where they will slowly forget that they come from the year 1999." Kang smiled, T.O. Day took notes.
"Halt, who goes there?" A guard dressed in chainmail peered from the watchtower into the early morning fog.
"Just a humble knight, looking for refuge." Huntress appeared on the edge of the moat, bowing modestly.
"You don’t look like a knight of Lord Kang," The guard said staring at her sackcloth robe, "You look more like a beggar!" He laughed along with his fellow two guards.
"Oh yeah? Well, you ain’t no Helen of Troy either!" In one movement, Huntress raised her crossbow and fired with deadly accuracy. The guard fell from the window of the tower and into the moat. The two other guards tried to react before Darkclaw, dressed in his black armor, jumped in and took down one guard. The other unsheathed his sword, only to be struck down by Conner, in the giant oak next to the window, with his wooden bow. Darkclaw hit the lever that sent the drawbridge down and opened the gates. With the drawbridge down, Conner lead the band of renegades into the castle. Almost immediately, a horde of Kang’s knights attacked with ferocity.
"Don’t you just love this?" Thunder Woman screamed.
"Yeah, but I’ll sure be glad when we get back to our time period." Conner smiled briefly, the battle had begun.
WARP 2: World War 2
Super Soldier, Captain Marvel, Mariner, and Zauriel flew strait downwards towards the enemy, Kang’s army. Super Soldier, now shorn of his electromagnetism, was trying to adjust. Zauriel, in an entirely different body, was enjoying being completely human. He pulled the cord on his parachute and readied his shield. This was going to be fun. Screams erupted from enemy lines:
"THE ALLIES!" Kang’s Axis forces screamed. They poured ammunition into the sky, hoping to destroy the dreaded heroes.
"By the Barnacles on Posiden’s beard, watch out!" Mariner exclaimed. He tore loose of his parachute, preferring to drop into the what appeared to be the English Channel, without anything cumbersome. Once he dove in, a school of guppies told him this was, in fact, the English Channel. Then the underwater heat-seeking missile told him that he was dealing with more than U-boats. The fight had begun.
Miss Miracle, Vengeance, Silicon Man, and Magneto had been spotted. They took cover behind a huge "Kang: KING OF TIME! " sign.
"Apparently Kang is in control of the Earth and more in this era." Miss Miracle stated.
"What was your first clue?" Eel asked mockingly as a laser streaked by.
"Eel! This is serious!" Wally said. "In a minute we’re going to have an army of futuristically armed soldiers baring down on us. Now, I’ve lost my powers, and I would imagine that you guys are operating on half of your normal power since you inhabit your older bodies. We are going to die and you are kidding around!" Wally West said.
"Welcome to the Avengers, West. He is right though, I can’t feel all of my power. Age has taken it’s effect on my future self." Magneto said.
"I can’t even teleport us out of here..." Miss Miracle replied grimly. The army appeared.
"Put your hands in the air and hope that Kang will grant you mercy!" Suddenly, the skies erupted in laser fire from above. The army scurried for cover.
"Must be some sort of freedom fighters!" Wally gazed at the ragged army fighting Kang’s. Wally picked up a gun from a fallen Kangsoldier, "Come on, we gotta help them!" The fight had begun.
Chronos-Tut watched the three groups of Avengers battle through out the time periods he now controlled. Surely they saw the uselessness in fighting, yet they kept on. Clinging onto the hope that they would win. Which was just as Chronos, or Kang, had expected. They will play right into his hands, and then he will live up to his title: the time conqueror. They will immerse themselves into the battles which
they are fighting and forget that they are from a different time. The reality that surrounded each of the groups would begin to assimilate them, warping their minds until they actually started to believe they lived during that time. The more they fought for their freedom, the more the would loose it. Brilliant.
"I can’t wait until Lord Kang tastes of my sword!" Huntress struck down an axe-
wielding warrior.
"Aye, and Thunderbringer hast a blow that will surely be delivered unto Kang before this day draws nigh!" Thunderbringer, or Thunder Woman, summoned lighting from the skies.
"Something's not right." Darkclaw studied the two heroes in the heat of battle.
"What’s wrong with yee, Dark Knight?" Huntress asked.
"Shut up. This is not real. I don’t belong here. I don’t belong here!" Dark Claw kept repeated. He slashed out at a knight.
"Archer, how does thou fare with thine arrows?" Asked a woodlander.
"Good! Soon I’ll be able to ram them down Lord Kang’s throat. Wait, I’m not Archer, I was...was...something else." Conner tried to remember something he couldn't put his finger on. He did not have time to think about that now. "Dark Knight, see what you can do about those archers on the tower."
"Aye, Archer. I’ll have that puny regime begging for mercy!" Dark Knight replied. Something wasn't right. This wasn’t supposed to be happening. The battle raged on, further erasing memories of the JLA’s past lives.
"Guardian Angel, rally those troops to flank from the left!" Super Soldier screamed. "Marvel, watch your back!" Super Soldier and the remains of the 61st platoon charged the enemy line. Fierce fighting erupted. Suddenly, Guardian Angel and his troops rammed Furher Kang’s army from the left side.
"Wait..." Super Soldier thought. "His name’s not really Gaurdian Angel... It’s Zauriel!" In all this fighting Super Soldier was beginning to forget his name...
"Prince Namor!" Captain Marvel yelled out. Sure enough, Namor made his way to the scene.
"That’s Mariner, I haven’t gone by Prince Namor since.... AHEM<. The U-Boats have been taken care of!" Prince Namor jumped into the oncoming forces. "IMPERIUS REX!" He shouted. Odd. He hadn’t used that in phrase in ages. It flew from his lips like it was...natural.
"Zag! What the shock are all these ‘Forcers doing around here, they stay out of the Neutral Zone!" Eel was surprised that he knew where he was, he was also surprised by the way he spoke. Apparently he had picked up the futuristic vocabulary. He strangled a shock-trooper, or ‘Forcer as he had called them.
"I know what you mean! I can barely hold them off! Smoke you, Kang!" Wally had all but forgotten the lack of his super-speed. It now felt like he had been without it for a long while.
"Just keep fighting! Once we destroy these Enforcers, we’ll figure out how to...how to...." Miss Miracle was at loss for words.
"Get home!" Magneto reminded her as he pounded a metal beam against a soldier.
"Oh yeah! How to get....how to...to..." Miss Miracle stammered, but this time even Magneto had forgotten what it was they were trying to figure out. "Odd, I would almost bet that there was something we
needed to do after we fought these troops."
"Yeah, weird!" Silicon Man responded, they had all but forgotten.
Next Issue: The conclusion of the "Time To Kill" crisis. Also next issue, the introduction of a shocking new character!
I bet some of you are left in the dark about this issue. So for a little help I’m writing down what basically
took place:
Kang the Time Conqueror trapped JLA members in different time periods. He put one group in
medieval times, one group in World War 2, and one group in the future. All of these time periods are now
controlled by Kang. By putting the JLAvengers in time periods where they are fighting Kang, and due to
the stress caused by space-time disruption, they are all going to eventually forget that they come from
1999. They will get so wrapped up in fighting Kang that they will become a part of that particular time
period. So, for example, Darkclaw will forget that he ever was Darkclaw. He will absorb his Dark Knight
Get it now? If you do, then try reading the issue over again and see if it helps. If you still don’t get it, then e-mail me and I’ll try to answer your questions.



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