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Laurel Matheson
[email protected]
    Bio: For those of you who ever wondered where a nick came from, JilaCosa is a merging of our names: Ji-La-Co-Sa.

    I am a 40-year-old, stay-at-home mom. During the time that I'm not chasing after the kids, I like to do needlework (on plastic canvas mostly, but I do counted cross-stitch also) and read.

    My favorites are:
    Movies: the Alien series, Bram Stokers: Dracula, Dragonheart, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and any movie with really great FX.
    Books: Anne McCaffrey's Pern, Marian Zimmer Bradley's Darkover, Piers Anthony's Xanth and Anne Rice.
    TV Shows: Farscape (of course) and Now & Again
    Favorite Escape: Besides getting into a really good book and staying there, I love roaming the halls of the BB's and spending an evening in the FS chatroom. People like you can even make an introvert like me feel like she has a great many friends.

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