Spina Bifida Association
Greater Pennsylvania

(formerly SBA of Lancaster County)
215 East State St., Suite D  
Quarryville, PA 17566
Updated 3/24/07
While you are here, we want you to explore...learn....have fun....and when you are through, realize that spina bifida is a multi-faceted disability.....but the people affected by it are equally multi-faceted, with much to contribute to our world. So continue through these pages, and meet our members...learn about our chapter, and have some fun while you are here!
These pages are provided solely for informational purposes. They are not intended to be medical advice on  the management and care of persons with spina bifida. Knowledge about spina bifida is changing rapidly, and the information contained on these pages is subject to change without notice. Inclusion of products/services on this web site does not imply endorsement by SBA of Greater Pennsylvania.

This site was developed by Sue Chynoweth
Any comments can be sent to
SBA of Greater Pennsylvania
Spina Bifida-       Our Association       SpineLine Online
What Is It?                                                Updated 3/24/07

Calendar                  Links                Folic Acid & Prevention
Spina Bifida Wristbands Sweep the Nation!!
Please visit United Way of Capital Region
2007 Membership Form
Site Map
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