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The Islamic Dominion Aura Revisited

The Islamic Dominion aura, as it was presented in Blood and Sand, page 51, represents a milder version than that originally envisaged. The more radical version is as follows:

The Islamic Dominion aura is generated in the same way as other Dominion auras, and Muslim characters may have True Faith, and may pray for miracles (see ArM4, pages 243-4). Muslims may also use relics containing Faith Points (ArM4, page 244). Islamic Dominion auras are compatible with Christian and Jewish Dominion auras, and Muslims may benefit from Christian and Jewish auras, and vice-versa. If more than one Dominion aura is present in any given place, the strongest predominates. The Islamic aura has its own Temper (see Pax Dei, pages 16-27), which has a radically different effect on magic from that of the Christian Dominion aura. If magic is used for the benefit of believers (here defined as pious Muslims or dhimmis), the aura works in the same way as a Magical aura, acting as a bonus to magical activities. However if magical activities are being carried out for evil purposes, double the score of the aura is subtracted from the character's totals. This applies equally to short-term activities, such as spell-casting, and long-term activities, such as lab work. The storyguide is the final arbiter of what counts as a good or evil activity, but if the precise purpose of an action is unclear, the character's totals should remain unmodified.

Copyright © Niall Christie 2003.

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