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Koresh filius Darius, Follower of Flambeau

By Angus Macdonald

This character is specifically designed to be an Extremely Complex Character - each season from his childhood forward will be detailed to see how he turns out. He is created specifically using the characters and resources of the covenant of Semita Errabunda, as these are available and checkable; as Darius is the eldest magus of that covenant, he has been chosen as the most likely parens for the character. Any skills Koresh learns will be calculated according to the basic rules, following the season-by-season criteria.

Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Str +1, Sta +1, Pre +1, Com 0, Dex 0, Qik +1
Size: -1
Age: 22 (22)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Magus; Greater Immunity (Fire), Mythic Blood (Burst of the Sweeping Flames [Speak only] as special power, Minor Magical Focus with bonfires, Reckless Personality Flaw); Affinity with Ignem, Improved Characteristics, Mastered Spells, Puissant Ignem, Self-Confident; Ambitious (Major), Blatant Gift; Incompatible Arts (ReAq and ReAu), Magical Animal Companion, Oversensitive (Comments about his height), Small Frame
Personality Traits: Anti-social +3, Reckless +3, Studious +2
Reputations: None

Weapon/Attack Init Atk Dfn Dam
Fist +1/0* +2 +3 +1
Kick 0/-1* +1 +2 +3
Mace and Round Shield 0 +4 +4 +9
*The initiative scores after the slash for Fist and Kick are calculated for those times when he carries the mace and shield.

Soak: +1 (Stamina)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-4), -3 (2-8), -5 (9-12), Incapacitated (13-16), Dead (17+)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (3) (Grammar), Bavaria Lore 1 (1) (Towns), Brawl 2 (4) (Fist), Code of Hermes 2 (0) (Rights of Apprentices), German 5 (0) (Farming Terms), Guile 2 (10) (Quick Excuses), Latin 4 (0) (Magical Terms), Magic Theory 4 (22) (Ignem), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (1) (House Flambeau), Parma Magica 1 (3) (Aquam), Penetration 1 (5) (Mentem), Profession: Farmer 2 (0) (Rye), Single Weapon 1 (4) (Mace and Round Shield), Stealth 2 (4) (Countryside)
Arts: Cr 6 (0), In 6 (0), Mu 3 (2), Pe 8 (2), Re 5 (4), An 0 (0), Aq 0 (0), Au 0 (0), Co 7 (0), He 0 (0), Ig 6+3 (0), Im 0 (0), Me 3 (2), Te 0 (0), Vi 7 (1)
Twilight Scars: None
Equipment: Usually just Robes and a Walking Stick, but sometimes carries a Mace and Round Shield
Encumbrance: 0 (0) [4 (1) with Mace and Shield]
Spells Known:

Season-by-Season Breakdown for Advancements:

Barring the character's childhood, all training will take place using the Semita Errabunda covenant statistics available at Atlas Games site. All of the sample characters are assumed to be part of this same covenant, or at least attached to it in some way.

Age 0-5, Childhood: This is set by the standard rules (see Ars Magica pages 31 and 33). The character who will become the magus Koresh was born as Steffan der Kurzschluss (Steven the Short), a child from Bavaria. As such he knows (Living Language) German 5. Bowing to the inevitable, I have given him one of the Sample Childhoods, as everything else in this process will be fraught with decisions. As such he will start as a Mischievous Child, which makes sense given his hot-headed attitude and his Blatant Gift. Thus he also gains Brawl 2, Guile 2, and Stealth 2. Obviously young Steffan was quite the handful as a youngster.

Age 6, Spring: For no particular reason, I have decided that Steffan comes from a family of farmers. Due to the area, no one has spotted our young apprentice-to-be yet, so the family will attempt to mold him into being a farmer, despite the fact he gives everyone the willies and bothers the animals immensely. This season he will have Practice with Profession (Farmer). The Source Quality for this would be 4 (see ArM5, page 164, Practice). In one season, then, Steffan gains 3 points, thus qualifying for Profession (Farmer) 0 (4).

Age 6, Summer: Only two seasons in any year are free for studying, so this will be one of the Exposure seasons for Steffan. Exposure only grants a Source Quality of 2 (see ArM5, page 163, Exposure). He will pick up Area Lore (Bavaria) 0 (2).

Age 6, Autumn: Continuing his "studies," Steffan gains more Exposure in Area Lore. He is now up to Area Lore (Bavaria) 0 (4).

Age 6, Winter: Steffan gets into mischief. He has been pulling small pranks, hiding things, and causing other minor horrors, but he decides to lie his way out of the consequences. This would count as Practice with Guile, with a Quality of 4. Now he has Guile 2 (4).

Age 7, Spring: Again, Steffan is learning about farming. This would be 4 more points, so now he has Profession (Farmer) 1 (3).

Age 7, Summer: Steffan now gets to help with the harvest. His older brother tries to show him tricks of the trade, thus qualifying as Training. Let us assume that his older brother has a score of 4 in Profession (Farmer). This would mean the Source Quality is 7 (see ArM5, page 164, Training). Steffan receives 7 points, so he now has Profession (Farmer) 2 (0). Not bad for such a young fellow!

Age 7, Autumn: Once again, Steffan goes a-wandering. Once again he gains Exposure, so now he has Area Lore (Bavaria) 1 (1).

Age 7, Winter: Steffan gains more Exposure time with his Guile. He now has Guile 2 (6).

Age 8, Spring: Darius has been looking around for a potential apprentice. Suddenly he spots little Steffan and realizes this is just the sort of child he needs. Working through intermediaries, the parents are ecstatic to be foisting their little hellion off on a man who will train him as a scholar; anything to stop him bothering the cow and the chickens! According to the rules (ArM5, page 106, Training Your Apprentice), a magus only fully lays claim to an apprentice from the beginning of the season in which the apprentice first has his Arts opened. This, however, is a process of Teaching. Teaching (see ArM5, page 164, Teaching) requires a common language. Luckily the two do have a common language, German. As such, in this first season of training, Steffan has all of his 15 Arts opened to 0. This, however, counts as the season of training that Darius owes Steffan for the year.

Age 8, Summer: Steffan desperately needs to learn Latin. Without this he will never be able to read books or learn spells! Luckily there is Jerome the Scribe to help him along. Taking one season out to Teach young Steffan, Jerome grants a Source Quality of 12 (see ArM5, page 164, Teaching, with an understanding that Steffan is the lone student). In one season, then, Steffan gains 12 points, granting him a score of Latin 1 (7). However, much of Jerome's time is taken up with transcriptions, so this will be a rare event.

Age 8, Autumn: Being bored, alone, and of little use in the lab yet, Steffan is left to his own devices. He is also unable to read yet, so going to the library is of little use. As such, he practices Brawling with some of the grogs, who find his antics rather amusing. This grants a Source Quality of 4, bringing him to Brawl 2 (4).

Age 8, Winter: With the coming of colder weather, Steffan finds himself indoors. Not wanting his apprentice to be unprepared, Darius convinces Jerome to give the lad some more one-on-one time. Groaning slightly, Jerome agrees. Again, the Source Quality is 12, so now Steffan's score is Latin 2 (9). With a little bit more work, Steffan might actually get the hang of this language! Here ends Apprenticeship Year 1.

Age 9, Spring: Darius is annoyed that the child does not yet know how to read and write! Surely every child knows how? Apparently not, however. Darius takes Steffan aside and teaches him his letters. This will count as Teaching with a Source Quality of 8. As such, Steffan now knows Artes Liberales 1 (3). Now the tyke will be somewhat useful! Sadly, his Latin is still not up to snuff...

Age 9, Summer: Bribing Jerome with promises of new manuscripts and a trip to München, Darius makes the poor ex-monk once again take up his rebellious student and attempt to teach him the glories of St. Augustine and Honorius. Again the Source Quality is 12, so little Steffan now has a score of Latin 3 (3), a vast improvement!

Age 9, Autumn: Steffan has been informed in no uncertain terms that Jerome does not wish to see him again for quite some time. Left utterly to his own devices, he practices cadging extra helpings from the cook. This counts as Practice Source Quality 4 with Guile, thus bringing his score up to Guile 2 (10). If it wasn't for his Blatant Gift...

Age 9, Winter: Our young apprentice is still left on his own to discover the truths of covenant life in Semita Errabunda. Since his time is still pretty much his own, he practices walking around the various twists and turns of the buildings without being noticed. Again, this would count as Source Quality 4, so now he has Stealth 2 (4). Some of the other covenfolk are beginning to complain about this lying little ghost. Here ends Apprenticeship Year 2.

Age 10, Spring: Darius takes matters into hand and brings his young ward in for a bit of one-on-one time. Deciding it is high time that the lad earn his bread in the lab, Darius teaches him Magic Theory. As before, this is a Source Quality of 8, so Steffan now has Magic Theory 1 (3). He is annoyed that he will have little free time now...

Age 10, Summer: Darius is spending time working on new spells in the lab. He brings in Steffan to help him out a bit. Steffan gains Exposure to Magic Theory, so now he has a score of Magic Theory 1 (5). While the boy is not so happy about being forced to help out, at least he is learning something about magic.

Age 10, Autumn: Once again Jerome is called in to teach Steffan his Latin. With a heavy sigh he agrees to do so. Once again, the Source Quality is 12, thus granting Steffan a total of Latin 3 (15); good, but not quite good enough to read books on his own yet. Something switches in Steffan - Latin, he feels, is now the key to truly becoming a mage, and he wants to be able to read!

Age 10, Winter: The laboratory beckons again! Steffan finds himself weighing ingredients, measuring bits of wood, and drawing complex symbols while Darius grunts at him. With a Source Quality of 2, he now has Magic Theory 1 (7). This is slow going, and the master is obviously holding him back! Here ends Apprenticeship Year 3.

Age 11, Spring: With heavy reluctance and stern look from Darius, Jerome agrees to one last session with Steffan. The Source Quality of 12 remains steady, thus granting Steffan Latin 4 (0) (this is as good as Jerome's score, so it assumed that the spare points are lost). Now Steffan can read on his own!

Age 11, Summer: It is time for Steffan to receive his first true lessons in magic! Darius brings him into the lab not as an assistant but as one about to learn. "Ignem," his master says, "is the heart of the Flambeau tradition. You must learn this well!" Darius receives quite the surprise when he discovers that Steffan takes to Ignem rather better than expected! The Source Quality is 8, but due to Affinity with Ignem, this actually counts as 12. In a single season, Steffan jumps from Ignem 0 to Ignem 4 (2). On top of this the score functions as if it were 7, due to Steffan's Puissant Ignem Virtue. Darius has a prodigy on his hands.

Age 11, Autumn: Darius is back in the lab and wants his assistant. Steffan once again gains 2 Exposure points, thus bringing him to Magic Theory 1 (9). He begins to feel like he is understanding this.

Age 11, Winter: Darius kindly allows Steffan a free season in the covenant library. He is unable to learn any spells yet, so he decides to read from the summa on Creo. The Creo summa is Quality 21, Level 6, so Steffan gains 21 points, enough to raise him to Creo 6 (0) in a single season. He can learn nothing further from this book, but apparently he doesn't really need to. This kid is now actively playing with fire... Here ends Apprenticeship Year 4.

Age 12, Spring: Steffan is becoming dangerous. Darius takes him in hand for some more direct training, hoping to settle this budding pyromaniac. After a little bit of experimentation the master determines that his student will have certain problems with Aquam, Auram, and Rego, at least in combination. This is annoying, to say the least. Hoping to grant the child some discipline and understanding, Darius decides to train Steffan in Intellego magics. Once again the Source Quality is 8, this time with no modifiers, so Steffan now has a score of Intellego 3 (2), a decent start. Steffan feels frustrated by this lack of progress and far less interesting material.

Age 12, Summer: Once again, Steffan is back in the laboratory with Darius. The master feels more lab time will not only aid him but will also instill some discipline into the child. Again, this grants 2 Exposure points, bringing Steffan's total to Magic Theory 2 (1). Some of the lessons are now sinking in.

Age 12, Autumn: Darius is involved in a long-term project, so he keeps Steffan in the lab. Two more Exposure points bring him to Magic Theory 2 (3).

Age 12, Winter: Sensing that the lad needs some broadening in his abilities, Darius sends Steffan to the library again, but this time with a specific task in mind. "Read this!" the master intones. Vim? What is this? The covenant summa on Vim is Level 6, Quality 21, just like the Creo summa, so again Steffan moves from 0 to Vim 6 (0). He is certainly getting a wider view of the topic now. Here ends Apprenticeship Year 5.

Age 13, Spring: Steffan has come to two conclusions. First, he is really, really good at magic. Second, his master is holding him back, forcing him to work in the lab too often, and not allowing him access to enough books! The books are obviously the key, as young Steffan learns more from them than from his master. Darius beckons the lad in for more lessons, however. "You must have a better grasp of theory," comes the voice. Frustrated, Steffan simmers while Darius teaches. Once again the Source Quality is 8, so now Steffan has Magic Theory 2 (11). He begins to understand some of the points his master is making.

Age 13, Summer: The lab? AGAIN? Oh well, 2 more Exposure points, bringing him to Magic Theory 2 (13). This is very slow going.

Age 13, Autumn: Steffan finally gets more time in the library and is handed the Ignem summa! Finally! Now he will learn all of the secrets of fire! With its Level of 6 and Quality of 21, however, Steffan finds that the book teaches him Ignem 6 (0) and no more, though his score counts as 9 due to Puissant Ignem. This is immensely frustrating! Obviously his master is stifling his abilities and ambitions!

Age 14, Winter: Steffan is handed the library summa on Magic Theory. Darius seems to be in a particular hurry to bring Steffan up to standard in this area. The summa is Level 6, Quality 15, so he gains 15 points, bringing Steffan to Magic Theory 3 (11). Now he is becoming more interested in the ideas. Perhaps there is more to magic than meets the eye. Here ends Apprenticeship Year 6.

Age 14, Spring: Darius decides to expands Steffan's magical horizons a bit further by teaching him of Perdo, a subject near and dear to Darius' heart. Once again the Source Quality is 8, so Steffan now has Perdo 3 (2). For once, the student is ashamed; his master is obviously much more powerful than he is in this area.

Age 14, Summer: Oh joy...back to the lab. Two more exposure points, so Steffan now possesses Magic Theory 3 (13).

Age 14, Autumn: And more time in the lab... Two more exposure points, so Steffan now possesses Magic Theory 3 (15). This is getting repetitive.

Age 14, Winter: Steffan once again receives time in the library. He picks up the volume on Intellego magics, attempting to understand them further. It is also Level 6, Quality 21, which brings Steffan almost immediately to Intellego 6 (0). He has to talk to his master about getting better books for this covenant! Here ends Apprenticeship Year 7.

Age 15, Spring: Darius calls to his charge, who comes in bursting with frustration. When will he learn magic? Why are the books so inadequate? Why is everything going so slowly? Darius listens patiently, then teaches the boy in Rego, in which the library is particularly deficient. Again, the Source Quality is 8, so Steffan now has Rego 3 (2). At least this is something.

Age 15, Summer: More lab work. Again Steffan receives two Exposure points, so he has Magic Theory 3 (18). With a bit more practice, he will raise this score again.

Age 15, Autumn: Darius calls Steffan back to the lab, again, and Steffan gains two Exposure points, again. Now he has a score of Magic Theory 4 (0). He slowly begins to see certain pleasures inherent in the lab.

Age 15, Winter: And into the library goes Steffan. He finds a tractatus on Rego in the stacks and sets to studying it. The Source Quality is 10, which is decent if not all that could be hoped for. As such Steffan now has a score of Rego 5 (4). Here ends Apprenticeship Year 8.

Age 16, Spring: Darius seeks out Steffan. It is time to learn about Corpus magics. Again, the Source Quality is 8, so Steffan now knows Corpus 3 (2), which at least broadens his horizons.

Age 16, Summer: Predictably, Steffan spends more time in the lab. Another 2 Exposure points bring him to Magic Theory 4 (2).

Age 16, Autumn: Steffan is no longer certain whether he is an experiment, a lab partner, or one of the staff. In any case he spends more time in the lab. Two more Exposure points bring him to Magic Theory 4 (4).

Age 16, Winter: The pattern continues, which is a small blessing. Steffan finds himself in the library again. He picks up the summa on Corpus magic, as his master had been so keen on it this last Spring. The Level is a singularly amazing 16, with a Quality of 15. This brings him to Corpus 5 (5), but unlike other areas this is one where he could actually expand his knowledge. Here ends Apprenticeship Year 9.

Age 17, Spring: Steffan appears at Darius' teaching area before his master even calls; the master gives grudging acknowledgment that the boy seems more prepared nowadays. Darius decides that the lad needs to fill out his Techniques, so he teaches him Muto. With a Source Quality of 8, Steffan has Muto 3 (2).

Age 17, Summer: The weather grows warmer and Steffan arrives at the lab, fully prepared. Two more Exposure points bring him to Magic Theory 4 (6).

Age 17, Autumn: Darius is called away! Young Steffan is left to fend for himself around the covenant. Sounds like time to head to the library again; certainly his master will be impressed with his diligence! He reaches for the summa on Perdo. With a Level of 16 and a Quality of 15, he races ahead. Now his score is Perdo 6 (2), which is not as good as that of his master, but certainly quite acceptable.

Age 17, Winter: Darius is still away. He knows that there are actual spells written up in the library; now is the time to learn a spell! There are very few spells that he is able to handle, but...Loss of But a Moment's Memory! His Lab Total for Perdo Mentem is Perdo 6, Mentem 0, Intelligence 3, Magic Theory 4, and Aura 5, a total of 18, which is greater than the spell's level of 15. Finally, Steffan knows an actual magical spell! He spends some time refining his knowledge and soon teaches himself the trick of casting the spell without gestures; in this way we spend five of the experience points gained from the Mastered Spells Virtue. Steffan now has Mastery 1 (Still Casting) with this spell. Here ends Apprenticeship Year 10.

Age 18, Spring: Darius returns and Steffan appears for his lessons. Indeed, Darius is impressed with his young charge. Still, the lad needs a further grounding. Let us now turn to Mentem, as the lad shows an interest. With a Source Quality of 8, Steffan gains Mentem 3 (2).

Age 18, Summer: Back into the lab the pair goes, as is expected. Two more Exposure points raise Steffan to Magic Theory 4 (8).

Age 18, Autumn: And again Darius asks for help in the lab. And again Steffan gains two Exposure points for a total of Magic Theory 4 (10).

Age 18, Winter: Steffan is once again sent to the library to learn, but he is specifically told to concentrate on bringing up his Arts, rather than looking for another spell. Well, at least Perdo will have some applications. So once again he brings down the heavy Perdo summa, with its Level of 16 and its Quality of 15. This brings him up to Perdo 8 (2). Feeling rebellious, Steffan continues to experiment with his new spell in secret, and as we spend ten more of his Mastery experience points he teaches himself to cast his spell quietly; he now has Mastery 2 (Quiet Casting, Still Casting) with his spell. Here ends Apprenticeship Year 11.

Age 19, Spring: Steffan comes before his master with a request - might he learn a few more spells? Ah, not quite yet, lad, not quite yet. Next year. This is time for more knowledge of the Arts! It is important to know of Corpus! So once again, with a Source Quality of 8, Steffan rises to Corpus 7 (0). Rebelliously, he continues to refine his one spell in secret, and we spend another fifteen Mastery experience points as he learns to cast it silently. He now has Mastery 3 (Silent Casting, Still Casting), and quickly learns that the spell will help him get away with supplementing his diet from the covenant kitchen...

Age 19, Summer: Back to the lab, yet again. Steffan drags himself in, wondering if he will ever learn more spells. Two more Exposure points bring him up to Magic Theory 4 (12). Darius eyes his charge critically; "Have you put on weight, lad?" Steffan does his best to look innocent...

Age 19, Autumn: **sigh** More time in the lab. Two more Exposure points bring Steffan up to Magic Theory 4 (14).

Age 19, Winter: In a fit of rebelliousness, Steffan refuses to go to the library. Instead he spends his time hanging out with the grogs and covenfolk. He joins in weapons practice with the grogs; Gerard is willing to work with the apprentice in exchange for the promise of knowledge of his sigil. This counts as Training in Single Weapon, with a Source Quality of 9 (Gerard's score of 6+3). This means that Steffan gains Single Weapon 1 (4). Here ends Apprenticeship Year 12.

Age 20, Spring: Seeing that the lad will balk if he is not taught something soon, Darius agrees to teach him a spell or two. Perdo Corpus seems to be a good area to concentrate in. This means that Darius is able to teach Steffan up to 46 levels of spells (ArM5, page 95), but none may be higher than Steffan's Lab Total in any given combination; again using Perdo and Corpus, this would be 27. Swiftly Steffan learns Calm the Motion of the Heart (PeMe 15) and The Wound That Weeps (PeCo 15); for the final spell he learns Whispers Through the Black Gate (InCo (Me) 15). Ah! So this is magic! Steffan finds The Wound That Weeps particularly easy, and soon he refines his knowledge to allow him to cast it at multiple targets; we spend another five of his Mastery experience points for Mastery 1 (Multiple Casting).

Age 20, Summer: Steffan enters the lab with something of a spring in his step. Two more Exposure points grant him Magic Theory 4 (16).

Age 20, Autumn: Back to the lab, as Darius is determined to get his full worth out of the lad. And again two Exposure Points, so Steffan rises to Magic Theory 4 (18).

Age 20, Winter: What, the lab again? Darius is working on a serious project! So two more experience points raise Steffan's Magic Theory to 4 (20). In his spare time, the frustrated Steffan teaches himself to cast The Wound That Weeps faster. We spend another ten of his Mastery experience points for Mastery 2 (Fast Casting, Multiple Casting). Here ends Apprenticeship Year 13.

Age 21, Spring: And a full year in the lab! Steffan begins to wonder if Darius knows about his secret spell practice and is subtly punishing him. However, Darius seems happy with his project, at least. Two more Exposure points; Steffan now has Magic Theory 4 (22).

Age 21, Summer: Darius decides that Steffan must learn more of Vim! Once again the Source Quality is 8, which raises Steffan up to Vim 7 (1).

Age 21, Autumn: Steffan is once again sent to the library by Darius - learn something new! That is a rather wide directive, but Steffan is growing used to his master's singular ways. Well, he knows little of the Order of Hermes as an institution, and there is a fine tractatus on the topic. The tractatus grants a Source Quality of 11, so Steffan now knows Order of Hermes Lore 2 (1).

Age 21, Winter: Steffan sees that his time with Darius is winding down. Once again he heads to the library, this time to learn Grip of the Choking Hand (PeCo 25). With a bit of refinement, he finds that he can also cast it quickly, though it's a bit tricky; we spend his last five Mastery experience points for Mastery 1 (Fast Casting). This should be quite useful! Here ends Apprenticeship Year 14.

Age 22, Spring: Darius looks at Steffan very seriously - now is the time to learn the Parma Magica! With a Source Quality of 8, Steffan gains Parma Magica 1 (3). From here on in, Darius informs him, he must prepare for his Gauntlet, which will be held in the winter!

Age 22, Summer: Steffan is now quite nervous - what task will his master place before him? Will he be ready? He goes to the library again, this time learning Curse of the Leprous Flesh (PeCo 25). Will it be enough?

Age 22, Autumn: Again, Steffan heads to the library. Perhaps he should know more of the Code itself? He hauls down the summa on the Code of Hermes, Level 6, Quality 15. This raises him to Code of Hermes 2 (0).

Age 22, Winter: In his final season at Semita Errabunda, Steffan heads to the library again. He looks to the various books and spots a small tractatus on the subject of Penetration. Ah, this could help! Studying it intently, he gains 10 points from its Quality, granting him Penetration 1 (5). After this Darius calls him forth. His Gauntlet is prepared... and he passes! Darius raises his young charge up. "From this day hence, you are a magus of the Order of Hermes. Let none speak to you by your mundane name; henceforth you are named Koresh filius Darius. Welcome, brother mage!"

Notes and conclusion: The path of Steffan to Koresh is a very different one than would have been expected. Under normal circumstances a player creates a character and plays entirely to his strengths during character development, with a few exceptions. Steffan, however, is a classic Flambeau being trained in a covenant with a Perdo specialist and no strong books or scrolls related to Ignem. As such, he hit a wall quickly in his single best Art. Undoubtedly he will be looking for a covenant that has a few more works in his specialty. Equally, the spells he was able to learn were just within his grasp and are not fully within his specialty.

Overall, I envision Koresh as a rather frustrated magus, one with a very good general grounding in all sorts of magic, but not well taught in Ignem. He has great respect for his parens but also feels in some ways that the elder magus held him back. He is quite happy to move to a new location, to strike out on his own and truly to learn; he bears his master no serious grudge, but he wishes that Darius would have understood his needs better.

Text copyright © Angus Macdonald 2006.

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