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By Simon Foston

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Str +2, Sta +2, Pre +2, Com +1, Dex +2, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 32 (32)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Mercenary Captain; Famous, Improved Characteristics (x3), Inspirational, Tough, Warrior, Well-Travelled; Dependent, Enemies; Animal Companion, Higher Purpose, Temperate
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Honest +2, Humble +1
Reputations: English Earl 3, in Local Area

Weapon/Attack (Favoured Weapons) Init Atk Dfn Dam
Long Sword and Heater Shield (Mounted) +10 +16 +14 +8
Long Sword and Heater Shield (On Foot) +10 +13 +11 +8
Punch +1 +7 +5 +2

Soak: +7 (Stamina, Tough, Metal Reinforced Partial Leather Armour)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (Horses), Athletics 2 (Movement in Combat), Awareness 2 (Keeping Watch), Bargain 1 (Mercenary Services), Bows 3 (Short Bow), Brawl 4 (Punching), Carouse 1 (Staying Sober), Charm 1 (First Impressions), Chirurgy 2 (Dressing Wounds), England Lore 2 (Wars), English 5 (Yorkshire Dialect), Etiquette 1 (Martial), Folk Ken 2 (Soldiers), France Lore 2 (Angevin Fiefs), French 3 (Martial Terms), Great Weapon 3 (Long Spear), Hunt 2 (In Forests), Leadership 4 (Giving Orders), Ride 4 (In Battle), Single Weapon 6 (Longsword), Stealth 2 (Ambushes), Survival 3 (Foraging), Swim 2 (Rivers), Thrown Weapon 2 (Knife)
Equipment: Long Sword and Metal Reinforced Partial Leather Armour (Ring Mail)
Encumbrance: 0 (2)

Description and Background:

Hereward is from the village of Torford in Yorkshire, and like his father Hengist before him he is a mercenary captain. As a boy and then a young man he followed his father on many campaigns and saw action in the long and bitter struggles between King John and King Philip Augustus, and then between King John and his rebellious barons. From his experiences he learned to be an effective soldier and leader of men, and when Hengist died Hereward took command of the small company of men that he had led. He also got married and became a father, but his wife died in childbirth and Hereward decided that he could not bring up his son if he was constantly wandering across Christendom from campaign to campaign. He wanted a place where he could settle down and secure employment for himself and his men, and in truth the disputes of the nobility had left him feeling disillusioned with the whole business of bloodshed for the sake of money. Service at a covenant would suit him perfectly; while it is true that he has mixed feelings about magi, the thought of doing nothing more than defending people is very appealing. As Hereward now sees it, hearth, home and loved ones are the only things that anyone should ever want to fight for. He wants nothing more than a simple life, but such has never been his lot.

Hengist was enormously proud of the fact that his great-great grandfather was the English earl of Torrwode, and he was often given to boasting about his noble ancestry. Hereward wasn't much inclined to talk about it himself - it wasn't as if the King was going to give him his lands and title back - but it still drew attention that he did not want. Inevitably, an arrogant young knight called Sir Gilbert de Blundeville got word of who Hereward was while on campaign in France and decided to amuse himself by teaching the "upstart Saxon" who his masters were. He challenged Hereward to a fight and lost, and having been made to look a fool in front of his noble peers he has wanted revenge ever since. For his part, Hereward rarely spares the man a second thought but is wary lest Sir Gilbert try to cause trouble for him in the future. Since Hengist died Hereward has told no one that he is of noble blood and he does not intend to make an issue out it the way his father did.

Hereward believes first and foremost in taking care of those nearest and dearest to him. He is very protective of the men under his command and leads them by example: he shares their hardships and does not ask anyone to do anything that he would not do himself. He also honours his word, as no sensible employer will hire a mercenary who cannot or will not deliver on his promises, and a reputation for treachery is the very last thing he wants. Hereward might not have lands or a title, but he would not like his ancestors to look down from Heaven (for he is sure that they have gone there) and see that he does not have any nobility of spirit either.

Customization Notes: As written, Hereward breaks the limit on Story Flaws. Either the Dependent or Enemy Flaw could be taken away, in which case it would be most appropriate for him to lose the Famous, Inspirational and Tough Virtues (the latter two merely affect dice rolls and aren't integral to the character, and who cares all that much if he's a dispossessed Saxon nobleman anyway?). His background could also be changed, so that he either never had a son or never made an enemy of Sir Gilbert.

Text copyright © Simon Foston 2005.

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