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Deor, filius of Fenris, follower of Bjornaer

By Simon Foston and Pete Willmott

Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Str +2, Sta +1, Pre +1, Com -1, Dex +1, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 22 (22)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Magus; Mythic Blood (includes Minor Magical Focus (Deer) and Sheltered Upbringing); Animal Ken, Heartbeast, Improved Characteristics, Inoffensive to Animals, Intuition, Reserves of Strength, Tough, Wilderness Sense; Blatant Gift, Chaotic Magic; Deficient Form (Ignem), Deleterious Circumstances (in a town or city of more than 200 people), Hedge Wizard, Magical Animal Companion (White Hart)
Personality Traits: Reclusive +2, Uncompromising +2
Reputations: Ignorant Hedge Wizard 3 (Hermetic Magi)

Weapon/Attack Init Atk Dfn Dam
Fist +1 +4 +4 +2

Soak: +4 (Stamina, Tough Virtue)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (Deer), Animal Ken 1 (Deer), Athletics 1 (Jumping), Awareness 1 (In the Wilds), Brawl 2 (Punching), English 5 (Penines Dialects), Hunt 1 (Tracking), Latin 3 (Spell Incantations), Magic Lore 1 (Magical Beasts), Magic Theory 3 (Animal), Parma Magica 1 (Corpus), Stealth 1 (Woodland), Survival 2 (In Winter), Swim 1 Rivers), Wilderness Sense 2 (Hazards)
Arts: Cr 8, In 0, Mu 10, Pe 0, Re 1, An 9, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 7, He 2, Ig 0, Im 0, Me 0, Te 1, Vi 0
Twilight Scars: None
Equipment: Peasant's Clothes, Cloak and Furs
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells Known:

Description and Background:

Deor grew up in the foothills of the Penines in Northern England, the son of a poor shepherd. He spent most of his childhood wandering in the hills far away from other boys his own age, some of whom whispered that he had faerie blood in his veins. Others swore blind that one of his forefathers was surely a demon. He believed none of their wild nonsense but did not know what it was that made him different, what it was that gave him such kinship with the beasts of the hills, until the magus Fenris spirited him away to his remote lair and brought forth the Heart Beast within him - a mighty stag. Deor became Fenris' apprentice and learned much of the magical arts that governed transformation and the bodies of men and beasts. But Fenris was not a kind master and kept Deor far apart from other wizards and their apprentices, teaching him instead to be content with his own company. Deor is now glad to be free of him, for he is curious about the wide world and wants to put his powers to some good use. As Fenris was not a member of any covenant and tutored Deor in the hills, he is somewhat lacking in the social skills that he suspects others of having, but he does not think this is anything to be ashamed of. What is more, he often feels as if there are powerful forces watching over him; there have been many times when he has seen a white stag from afar, and he has an unshakeable certainty that it means him well.

Text copyright © Simon Foston and Pete Willmott 2005.

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