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Dog's Tale

By Rich Evans and Rob Angeloni

This is a murder mystery set in a winter covenant, high in the snow-covered mountains. The story itself has physical challenges as well as political intrigue. The original design was to use modularized pieces that could be placed together to create a story, or to be pulled apart and be used generically. Thus we heartily recommend that you feel free to use and abuse this thing in any way you wish. This adventure can be tuned in lots of ways to best suit your campaign. We had started this project inspired by the Alps Tribunal play tests, and if the latter ever does come out it may help to supplement this adventure.

The links below are to 8 pdf files. They are not laid out in any professional manner, or at all for that matter. We've worked on this collection of story hooks and threads for over a year now, and frankly, we're so sick of it we don't want to lay it out, and we don't feel right asking somebody else to do it for us.

Thanks to the nice folks at Sanctum Hermeticum Revisited for putting up with this and posting these files for your enjoyment.

Text copyright © Rich Evans and Rob Angeloni 2003.

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