SITE MAP: MAIN TOPICS OF THIS PAGE .....please click on headings below  to proceed
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS HERE! Email to: [email protected]
Submit your photos and experiences by clicking on this email link, OR the above pictures. These might be used on this page and the planned future book on the SOUTH-AFRICAN BUSH WAR. Help to tell the story of this very controversial and clandestine conflict!
Operation Savannah: 1975 - 1976
Sud Aviation SE-3160/B Allouette III helicopter (8)
Topics for Future Book: South African Bushwar 1966 - 1989.
6. History, Facts and Figures: South African Bushwar 1966 - 1989.
5. Army life and National Service, etc.
9. Plastic modelling: South African Bushwar 1966 - 1989.
Maps of the Operational area. (3)
Army expressions, sayings, language, etc. X-rated!.
Paratus SADF magazine.
Operation Protea: 1981.
Mirage III series fighter/bomber
Mirage F1 series fighter/bomber (8)
Watch this space! - more to follow soon!!!
Facts and Figures on the Bush war (3)
My National Service career
"Buffel"(Buffalo)mine resistant Infantry transport and combat vehicle (2)
"Ratel" (Badger) (ICV) Infantry Combat Vehicle (2)
"Eland" Armoured Car (Panhard AML 60/90) (2)
SA 330 Puma medium transport helicopter
Super Frelon heavy lift helicopter
Canberra bomber/reconnecance plane
Buccaneer bomber
Impala Mk II light attack plane
Bosbok forward observation/liaison plane
Kudu forward observation/liaison plane
Flossie C130 transport plane
Flossie C160 transport plane
Dakota C47 transport plane
Infantry weapons
Artillery weapons 1 (G1, G2, G3, G4) (4)
Olifant tank
SAMIL military trucks
NEW!!! Operations Modular, Hooper and Packer. The "Cuito Cuanavale" battles: 1987/88 (11) NEW!!!.
8. ANTISAN FORCES: South African Bushwar 1966 - 1989.
The SWAPO/PLAN soldier  (6)
SWAPO/PLAN weapons
The MPLA/FAPLA soldier
MPLA/FAPLA weapons
The CUBAN soldier
CUBAN weapons
The SADF soldier
A personal account of National Service in the SADF from 1977 - 1994.
Mine Resistant Vehicles (MRV's) developed during the Bushwar.
Support equipment and weapons
TIP!!! To easily copy your old photos, simply re-photograph them with a digital camera with the flash off. Good difused (indirect) light such as sunlight on a cloudy day is perfect. Results are often better than scanning them. Save them in jpeg format.
1. Prelude to War
2. The Bushwar Timeline
3. SADF Weapons of the Bushwar
4. Cross-Border Operations
Operation Safraan with 31Bn (Bushmen Batalion): 1979 (6)
Artillery weapons 2 (G5)  (4)
Operation Protea: 1981 - Page 2
WARNING! This page contain graphic material of the horrors of war - viewer discretion advised!
WARNING! This page contain graphic material of the horrors of war - viewer discretion advised!
WARNING! This page contain graphic material of the horrors of war - viewer discretion advised!
Artillery weapons 3 (G6), Valkiri MLRS, 120mm Mortar, Support Equipment  (9)
Did-you-know? Interesting aspects of the Bush war (3)
Craig Scott's photo-story of National Service in the former SADF.  (5)
Anti-SADF Weapons1; Anti aircraft.  (6)
The When?, Where?, Why?, What,? and How? of the Bushwar (3)
Anti-SADF Weapons2; Helicopters and aircraft. (6)
Anti-SADF Weapons3; Armoured Cars. (6)
7. Special Units of the SADF
Special Police Coin-ops unit- KOEVOET (Crowbar) (9)
Danie Reitmann's photostory: School of Artillery & Caprivi Strip 1978-79
PAGE 2: Danie Reitmann's photostory: School of Artillery & Caprivi Strip
NEW!!! Special Forces - Reconnaissance Commando (The Recces) (10) NEW!!!
32 Battalion (Buffalo Battalion) (10)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
NEW!!! SADF/UNITA involvement inOperations Modular, Hooper and Packer. The "Cuito Cuanavale" battles: 1987/88 (11) NEW!!!.
NEW!!! FAPLA/CUBAN/SOVIET involvement inOperations Modular, Hooper and Packer. The "Cuito Cuanavale" battles: 1987/88 (11) NEW!!!.
Part 4
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