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Smashfest 7/14/05
People there: Scott, Richard, Angelo, Adam, Skrizo

Yeah so normally when I make a crazy Smashfest page, it's a long time after the Smashfest has happened, like this page. So what I do is go look on my computer and there will be a notepad file with the Smashfest date and words in it of what happened. And there may be some videos with the dated Smashfest as well. But when I went and looked on my computer, there was no notepad file explaining this Smashfest, and there was only one video for it. That's kind of weird because this was a relatively important Smashfest, so I'm a little confused why I don't have any information for it or more videos.

But what I remember is that the purpose of this Smashfest was to practice for Connecticon, which was the next day. Angelo was going crazy for like a week demanding that this Smashfest happen the day before Connecticon so that he could practice like crazy and get better. So, yeah, what actually happened was Angelo stayed for about 2 hours and then left because he had to go places with his girlfriend. Good job acting like you were going to try to practice Ang. Everyone knows that once you have a girlfriend, you can no longer play Smash ever. Skrizo had injured his left thumb, so he couldn't play as effectively. And then the other part of the day was that I beat Adam like 4 times, with Jigglypuff and Dr. Mario I think. And that doesn't make sense because before this day I had only beaten Adam like 3 times ever. So way to decide to suck at the last minute Adam. Also, Richard was there being crazy and angry, and I don't know what else, ect. So this day was supposed to be uber practicing to own at Connecticon, but it was more like a foreshadowing of terribleness to come at Connecticon. Yeah, we're horrible.

And here's that one match that I have a video of:
Adam (Fox) vs Scott (Dr. Mario) - Scott wins

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