
Leads, feedback and comments from old guestbook and emails.

Real Life - 12/15/00         My URL:
Where the Sky is above you.: great southern land
Main Eco Concern: from top to bottom

Jim Norton - 12/24/99      My URL:
Great site, like your page on myth of sustaianable development. please visit my site on anti-environmental myths.

Luis - 10/30/99                  My URL:
Main Eco Concern: enviro/eco/animal/

Vivienne & Dyson - 11/09/98  My URL:
Where the Sky is above you.: Deep in the bush
Main Eco Concern: Pine Brush National Estate
Recommended URL:
Comments:         We discovered your website while exploring the links from the NSA Greens, and feel sure that the sad story of the ongoing illegal destruction of the last surviving remnant of Australia's once vast east coast Clarence Valley riparian rainforest - clearfelled earlier in the century - would be of enormous interest to you. As two private adjoining landowners who have an intimate knowledge of the issues, we are writing to you now to inform you about a piece of our global heritage which is diminished in area, but disproportionately huge in political importance. The mainstream media's inaction has lead to public ignorance and the private publication of hundreds of damning files (purchased under recent Freedom of Information legislation) on the WWW to expose to the grass roots this corruption internationally. Please visit our huge website at: It is painstakingly documented PROOF of a scandal which has now grown so extensively as to impede its own resolution. Rare Aboriginal sites, PRIME KOALA HABITAT, and other endangered mammals, some of the world's largest colonies of Earth's most threatened plants and the last vestiges of the once vast, clear-felled Lower Clarence riparian rainforest and ancient old-growth hardwood forest have been discovered on 492.5 ha (1217ac) of botanically critical National Estate 12 km seaward from the rural centre of Grafton. It was misrepresented publicly as "ordinary", and thrown away for a dollar an acre to be illegally damaged by cattle, logging and bushrock theft, which continues apace. The Sydney Morning Herald described this land as "untouched since white settlement". We have suffered arson attacks and a burglary of our files. The intimidation this has caused has made us unable to expose this locally. Because of this, the man behind this infamy was re-elected on October 3rd by an ignorant electorate who believe the barrage of public lies told about this formally proposed nature reserve. Our published documentation reveals the truth on the WWW, but the Internet is still in it's infancy here. This previous New South Wales government's crooked land deal corrupted the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service which then corrupted the current Labor government and their Environment Minister. Knuckling under to political interference, the Environmental Defender's Office, a team of volunteer conservationist lawyers, and the National Parks Association of NSW, one of Australia's most respected and conservative environmental organisations, have also not pursued their formal assertions that the significant conservation values of this National Estate live - without adequate protection - OUTSIDE a sham conservation agreement area. In 1996, in the Senate, Greens' Senator Bob Brown extracted, "We cannot intervene" from Federal Environment Minister Robert Hill, infamous for his insistence at the Kyoto summit that Australia be permitted to INCREASE greenhouse gas emissions On June 26th,1998, the embryonic NSW Greens boldly challenged the state Environment Minister's demonstrable lies to parliament, regarding the well documented nature of this place, but political pressure seems to have thwarted the following through of their assertions. Using the technology now available, WE BEG YOU to alert your friends to help Australia in the form of media coverage, letters, emails and telephone calls, so we can expose the corrupt individuals here, the likes of whom are responsible for our appalling record of illegal rainforest destruction and species extinction. That's sure to have vital ramifications for the little that is left in one of the most environmentally damaged places in the world. We needn't remind you that we all have only one Mother Earth, and if these ecologically critical islands of Her wilderness are to survive into the future through the firestorm of current development, it will only be with the help of our powerful friends. Yours in solidarity, Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine (the two gaiaguys)

Kara Townsend - 06/27/98    My URL:
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links


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Last update: May 2004 Southern Autumn
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