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Image editting

Image editting

Once your pictures are stored on the computer
you can start to play with them improving the
colours,cropping,combining,and to do this you need
image editting software. There are a wide range of
editing software
provided with some digital cameras to the most expensive
packages. They differ widely in the ease with which
they can be used and the complexity of the task that they
can be used for.
Which to choose?
Your main aim is using image editing software is to achive
good-looking results. Most of the available programs will
enable you to carry out basic tasks such as cropping the image size,
changing colours,and creating special effects.
If an image editting program was included with your camera
you should try it out to see whether it
can do all that you need are very difficult to use, it may well be
worth looking at
other programs in the market.

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