In the year 3000, high above the stations of the alliance, a phenomenal event occurred that forever made humanity consider the course of their history...


As Robotech 3000 is perhaps more so than any previous series based upon the interactions between man and machine, mecha becomes paramount to the understanding of the series. Based upon visual data gathered from materials directly related to Robotech 3000, only a few mecha are ever showcased, leaving us to wonder. However, a better understanding of the available mecha can lead us to develop our own hypotheses in regards to the use of mecha in the year 3000, and so, the research begins...

Have something to say? E-mail the webmaster at
[email protected].

Brent Hawkins' Miner-Mech
By Khyron_Prime
Veritech Excavator
By Khyron_Prime
Proteus Group Starship
By Khyron_Prime

If you have a potential Robotech 3000 mecha to contribute, feel free to e-mail every single piece of information that you deem necessary =) to the webmaster at [email protected].
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