In the year 3000, high above the stations of the alliance, a phenomenal event occurred that forever made humanity consider the course of their history...


Proteus Group Starship

Khyron_Prime...7 June 2004

Class: Assault-Transport Multi-Use Starship
Crew: Navigations crew of three; Weapons crew of ten; Maintanance crew of twenty.
Passengers/Others: Capable of a maximum of fifty other personnel, but twenty is the norm.
     Mecha hangars are capable of holding approximately twenty-five full-size battloids.

Length: 2000 feet.
Width: 950 feet.
Weight: 1100 tons (dry); 4500 tons (fully loaded).

Description: A standard for the Interplanetary Alliance's military fleet, the ships of the Proteus Group are fully-operatable and combat-ready starships, despite the extremely slim chance of actual fleet combat in the year 3000. As a result, Proteus Group ships maintain a status as dual-function machines, routinely used to transport mecha and personnel from large Alliance bases to remote outposts. In case of combat, a look at one of these ships immediately calls to mention its distinctive design--the dual-finned double-bowed ship is indeed a large cannon capable of immense destruction. The design of these ships is inspired by the idea that the original design for the Super Dimensional Fortresses was to fire an extremely powerful beam, and through developments of Robotechnology, that same destructive power has now been developed into these ships--flying cannons of death that can successfully maintain a medium-sized military crew in its confines. In addition to the main cannon, the ship is equipped with twenty laser-beam gunnery turrets for defense against minor attackers, each of which can either be controlled manually by individuals or by computer analysis during combat. Its  usefulness as a troop carrier can be seen through its space for twenty-five full-sized battloids, which in case of emergency, can be deployed through any one of four hatches located on opposite sides of the main body. Anti-gravity capabilities allow the Proteus Group ships to maintain altitude within atmospheric conditions, and its four large rear-located thrusters give the ship a speed capable of escaping most hostile fleets if absolutely necessary. However, be it for the scientist or the soldier, the Proteus Group starships maintain a level of strength that is respected throughout the Alliance, and certainly, it is well-deserved.
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