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The Scavvy Mutant with three arms.

The Scavvy Boss. Note the expanded shotgun magazine and enlarged pump.
If you want to know how I made all the mushrooms on the bases, I made them from little ball of milliput which I stuck a bit of wire. Once dry I drilled holes in the bases and stuck them in.

The Scavvy with autogun. The mini is from the old Necromunda pre-cursor Confrontation.

Big Blue here was originally a Warzone - Razid one of their big hulking types with a skull like face, I originally bought it because of the funky gun, so it sat in the bits box for ages until I got the scavvy set and after painting the Scally I remembered the Razid, sure enough they were almost the same size and build so I decided to do a big conversion job on him. That is I mad the face, bony skull dome, armoured spine, scales, and tail. All out of milliput over a wire armature. I used two hoops of wire in the face one making the chin the other the lip. After all that I added the detail of a milliput rope belt with an axe hanging off it and the mushrooms made from a ball of milliput stuck on a wire.

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